Vacancies arising in Council resulting from resignation, death, forfeiture or removal or for any reason, shall be filled by a majority vote of the remaining Council members within 30 days after the vacancy occurs. If Council fails to fill the vacancy within 30 days after the vacancy occurs, then the Mayor shall fill the vacancy within 30 days of the final day upon which Council failed to fill the vacancy. The person or persons selected by this section to fill a Council vacancy shall serve until the next general election. The council positions are to be filled by election with three (3) Council positions being elected per general election. If the filling of a Council vacancy as set forth herein results in four (4) or more Council positions being up for election at a given general election, then the position to be filled due to the vacancy shall be for a two (2) year term under this limited circumstance is to allow for a continuation of election cycles in which three (3) council members are elected at each general election. Other than the position of Mayor, Council shall fill all other vacancies occurring in elected or appointed positions in the same manner. (Amended 11-5-13)