Ord. No.    Date    Description
218    8-11-14    Accepts proposal of Electric Light Co. for street lighting in the Village for 5 years.
229    11-6-16    Regulates rates for electricity which may be charged by the North Western Ohio Light Co. for 10 years.
238    10-6-19    Repeals franchise of New York, Mahoning and Western Railroad Co. to operate a railroad on Fourth Street.
255    7-18-22    Accepts proposal of the North Western Ohio Light Co. for street lighting in the Village for 6 months.
261    1-8-23    Accepts proposal of the North Western Ohio Light Co. for street lighting in the Village for 6 months.
274    10-1-23    Regulates rates for electricity which may be charged by the North Western Ohio Light Co. for 10 years.
275    10-1-23    Regulates rates for electricity which may be charged by the North Western Ohio Light Co. for 10 years.
276    10-1-23    Grants North Western Ohio Light Co. the right to operate electricity lines in the Village for 50 years.
287    4-7-24    Repeals the right of the Electric Light Co. to maintain an electric light plant in the Village.
288    4-7-24    Repeals Ord. 276 which granted North Western Ohio Light Co. the right to operate electricity lines.
295    10-6-24    Grants franchise to J.W. Borgelt to maintain semiphores at intersections of West Main and Walnut streets and East Main and Hickory streets.
347    7-23-28    Grants Ottawa Mutual Telephone Co. the right to maintain lines in the Village for 50 years.
370    5-5-30    Grants West Ohio Gas Co. the right to maintain gas pipes in the Village for 25 years.
371    5-5-30    Regulates gas rates which may be charged by any company for 5 years.
406    8-2-36    Regulates gas rates which may be charged by any gas company for 3 years.
436    7-23-51    Accepts proposal of Ohio Power Co. for street lighting in the Village for 10 years.
524A    1-25-54    Regulates gas rate which may be charged by West Ohio Gas Co. for 3 years.
560    5-2-55    Grants West Ohio Gas Co. the right to operate gas pipes in the Village for 25 years.
618    7-7-58    Regulate gas rates which may be charged by the West Ohio Gas Co. for 3 years.
666    12-4-61    Accepts bid of Ohio Power Co. for street lighting for 10 years.
782    3-6-67    Authorizes Shardco Cablevision Inc. to operate a community antenna television system for 25 years.
815    9-16-68    Accepts bid of Donald Hohenbrink for the collection of garbage in the Village for 3 years.
838    12-22-69    Repeals Ord. 806, relieves United Transmission Inc. of its obligations concerning the operation of a community antenna television system.
702    10-21-63    Regulates gas rates which may be charged by West Ohio Gas Co. for 3 years.
792    6-19-67    Accepts proposal of Ohio Power Co. for street lighting in the Village.
813   9-3-68      Regulates gas rates which may be charged by West Ohio Gas Co. for five years.
845   6-1-70      Accepts proposal of Ohio Power Co. for street lighting in the Village.
886   4-23-73   Accepts bid of Donald Hohenbrink for the collection of garbage in the Village for three years.
924   1-27-75   Amends Ord. 886 to increase the garbage collection fee in the Village.
973   6-27-77   Accepts proposal of Ohio Power Co. for street lighting in the Village.
1001   8-14-78   Extends franchise of Donald Hohenbrink to collect garbage in the Village for sixty days.
Res.2340   5-1-85   Authorizes Putnam Cable Inc. to sell or transfer its cable television system to Centell Cable Television Co. of Ohio.
Res.2423   4-28-86   Authorizes Donald Hohenbrink to raise the rate for garbage and refuse collection.
1187   5-26-87   Accepts proposal of Ohio Power Co. to light Village streets.
Res.2586   2-8-88   Authorizes Donald Hohenbrink to raise the rate for garbage and refuse collection.
Res.2653   12-12-88   Authorizes contract with Ohio Power Co. at the sewage disposal plant.
Res.2662   12-19-88   Accepts bid of Putnam Refuse Service for the collection of garbage in the Village for three years.
Res.2688   4-24-89   Transferring a nonexclusive franchise previously granted to Centel Cable Co. to Warner Cable Communications, Inc.
Res.2691   5-8-89   Accepts bid of AEP Ohio Power for electric energy for the water works and sewage disposal system.
1247   12-11-89   Grants to Paulding-Putnam Electric Cooperative the right to operate and maintain lines for the distribution of electric energy.
Res.2970   12-9-91   Authorizes transfer of cable television franchise to TWE.
1303   2-10-92   Grants to Hancock-Wood Electric Cooperative, Inc. the right to operate and maintain lines for the distribution of electric energy.
95-27   9-25-95   Grants a cable television franchise to Warner Cable.
22-05   5-9-22   Grants a non-exclusive franchise to Ohio Power Company, its successors and assigns, the right to acquire, construct, maintain and operate in the streets, thoroughfares, alleys, bridges, and public places of the Village and its successors, lines for the transmission and distribution of electric energy to the Village and the inhabitants thereof for light, heat, power, and other purposes, and for the transmission and distribution of the same within, through or across said Village.