Provisions for such buffer areas and construction of required screens shall be the responsibility of the property owner or developer introducing the new use as defined by the requirements for screening and buffering within the individual zoning districts. All buffers and screens shall be maintained in a condition reasonably representing the original condition, recognizing growth of natural vegetation, and shall be replaced upon the recommendation of the Building Inspector for the Village as necessary. The property owner shall be responsible for such maintenance and/or replacement of buffer areas and acreens, including but not limited to, appropriate trimming of natural vegetation, painting and general repair. The Building Inspector shall provide a time limit as to when the work (repairs) shall be completed. The property owner may request an extension based upon weather, access to materials or for some other reasons beyond their control. However, if repairs are not completed, there shall be no other issuance of building permits or extended utilities until the end of the matter is resolved.
(Ord. 96-03. Passed 2-26-96.)