Screen(s) and buffer(s) shall be provided along the common property line separating all Agricultural and Residential districts from Institutional, Commercial and Industrial zoning districts as well as between residential zoning districts at the discretion of the Planning Commission’s or designee’s plan review. For purpose of definition, designees described in this chapter shall be a committee appointed by the Mayor, consisting of the Mayor, Municipal Director, Safety Service/Public Works Director, Deputy Clerk-Treasurer, Utilities Director, Environmental Compliance Director and Zoning Clerk. Final approval will be given by the Planning Commission. Visual screening and physical separations of zoning districts through open space, fencing and landscaping shall be required. The extent of the application of this effort shall be determined by the degree of compatibility between the uses and the need to promote land use stability based on pre-existing conditions.
(Ord. 96-03. Passed 2-26-96.)