Trailer parks shall be designed and maintained in accordance with the following requirements:
   (a)    Park Area. The minimum trailer park area shall be three acres.
   (b)    Lot Area. The minimum lot area per trailer unit site within the trailer park shall be 7,000 square feet.
   (c)    Lot Width. The minimum lot width per trailer unit within the trailer park shall be thirty feet. Each lot shall be clearly defined by a permanent marker in the ground.
   (d)    Access. Each trailer park shall abut upon a public street and each trailer lot shall have direct access to a private hard surface road.
   (e)    Distance Between Trailers. The minimum distance between neighboring trailers shall be not less than twenty feet.
   (f)    Concrete Slab. Each trailer unit lot shall be equipped with a concrete slab of a sufficient size to support the wheels and the front parking jack. Such slab shall have a minimum horizontal dimension of twelve by forty-five feet and a minimum thickness of four inches. (Ord. 1135. Passed 11-26-84.)