(a)   It is hereby determined and declared to be necessary for the protection of the public health, safety and welfare of the Village and the inhabitants thereof to establish and collect charges for the use of the Sanitary Sewage System upon all lots, lands and premises served by or having connection with the Sanitary Sewage System.
   (b)   The funds received from the collection of the rates and charges hereinafter provided shall be deposited as received with the Clerk-Treasurer, who shall keep the same in a separate fund designated "Sewer Fund". Subject to the provisions of any ordinance or indenture of mortgage authorizing the issuance of and securing mortgage revenue bonds for such System, monies in such Fund shall be used for operation, maintenance, repair and management of the System, fund for payment of debt charges on bonds issued for extensions and improvements of the System, and any surplus in said Fund over and above the requirements hereinbefore mentioned may be used for enlargements of and replacements to the System and parts thereof.
(Ord. 97-23. Passed 8-11-97.)
   (c)   For the purposes provided for in subsection (b) hereof, there is hereby levied and charged upon each lot, parcel of land or premises having a connection with the System or otherwise discharging sewage, industrial wastes, water or other liquids, either directly or indirectly into the System, sewer charges payable as hereinafter provided, and in amounts to be determined as follows:
Beginning January 1, 2022
Operations, Maintenance and Replacement   
$6.76 Per 100 Cubic Feet or Portion Thereof
Debt Service and Capital:
   Capital Fee
$3.50 Per Service Connection
Beginning January 1, 2023
Operations, Maintenance and Replacement   
$7.23 Per 100 Cubic Feet or Portion Thereof
Debt Service and Capital:
   Capital Fee   
$3.50 Per Service Connection
Beginning January 1, 2024
Operations, Maintenance and Replacement   
$7.59 Per 100 Cubic Feet or Portion Thereof
Debt Service and Capital:
   Capital Fee   
$3.50 Per Service Connection
Beginning January 1, 2025
Operations, Maintenance and Replacement   
$7.82 Per 100 Cubic Feet or Portion Thereof
Debt Service and Capital:
   Capital Fee   
$3.50 Per Service Connection   
Beginning January 1, 2026
Operations, Maintenance and Replacement
$8.05 Per 100 Cubic Feet or Portion Thereof
Debt Service and Capital:
   Capital Fee
$3.50 Per Service Connection
   Rates for industrial users located within the Village Corporation, with an average daily use of 25,000 cubic feet or more, may be negotiated.
(Ord. 21-27. Passed 10-13-21.)
   (d)   A surcharge, in addition to the charges established by subsection (c) hereof, when applicable will be charged pursuant to Ordinance 849 of the Village of Ottawa, Ohio.
   (e)   For any lot, parcel of land or premises having a connection with the Sanitary Sewage System, or otherwise discharging sewage, industrial wastes, waters or other liquids, either directly or indirectly into the System, the Utilities Board will determine the method of measuring the water used therein and for that purpose at owner's or other interested party's expense, may install and maintain a meter acceptable to the Utilities Board for the purpose of determining such sewer charge.
   (f)   The sewer charges levied, at the rate or rates established by subsection (c) hereof shall take effect January 1, 1996 and shall thereafter be billed for each month and be payable by the fifteenth of the month. Any premises making connection with the System after January shall be charged a per diem prorata amount based upon the month-annual charge, from the time such connection is made until the commencement of the next following billing period applicable to such premises. In case of failure to pay any bill for sewer charges by the fifteenth of the month a penalty of ten percent (10%) of such charge shall be added to such bill. The sewer charges herein established shall be payable at the Village Clerk's Office, and shall be payable at the same time as the water bill. Bills must be postmarked or received by the due date.
   (g)   Each sewer charge levied pursuant to this section is hereby made a lien upon the premises charged therewith, and if the same is not paid, it shall be certified to the Auditor of Putnam County, who shall place the same on the tax duplicate, with the interest and penalties allowed by law, and be collected as other Municipal taxes are collected.
(Ord. 01-15. Passed 7-23-01.)
   (h)   The Utilities Board shall make and enforce such rules and regulations as it may deem necessary for the enforcement of the provisions hereof, for the proper determination and collection of the rates and charges herein provided, and for the safe, efficient and economical management of the Sanitary Sewer System; and such rules and regulations, when not repugnant to existing ordinances of the Village or laws of the State shall have the same force and effect as ordinances of Council.
   (i)   No lot, parcel of land, building or premises now or hereafter used by the Village for municipal purposes shall be subject to sewer charges hereby established.
(Ord. 97-23. Passed 8-11-97.)
   (j)   Sewer rates outside of the Village shall be set in accordance with the rules and regulations set forth by the Environmental Protection Agency with respect to the Ohio Water Development Authority loan requirements and Village ordinances. Contract negotiations and oversight shall be administered by a committee comprised of the Mayor, Clerk-Treasurer, the President Pro-Tempore of Council, a representative of the Utilities Board, the Municipal Director, the Deputy Clerk-Treasurer, the Utilities Director, the Safety-Service Director and the Administrative Manager of the Village of Ottawa.
(Ord. 98-19A. Passed 8-24-98.)