(a) As used in this chapter shall mean:
      (1)   “Amalgam waste” means and includes non-contact amalgam (amalgam scrap that has not been in contact with the patient); contact amalgam (including, but not limited to, extracted teeth containing amalgam); amalgam sludge captured by chairside traps, vacuum pump filters, screens and other amalgam trapping devices; used amalgam capsules; and leaking or unusable amalgam capsules.
      (2)   “Authorized representative” means the Mayor, Director of Municipal Service or other designated person acting on behalf of the Village.
      (3)   “B.O.D.” (Biochemical Oxygen Demand) means the quantity of oxygen utilized in the biochemical oxidation of organic matter, under standard laboratory procedure in five days at twenty degrees Centigrade (sixty- eight degrees Fahrenheit) expressed in parts per million by weight.
      (4)   “Capital” means money set aside for replacing, expanding and improving facilities; it does not include operating expenses.
      (5)   “Combined sewer” means a sewer receiving both storm water and surface runoff and sewage.
      (6)   “Cooling water” means the water discharged from any system of condensation, air conditioning, cooling, refrigeration or other source which shall be free from odor, oil or other objectionable substances. It shall contain no polluting substances which would produce B.O.D. and suspended solids each in excess of ten parts per million by weight.
      (7)   “Clean waste waters” means those liquid wastes discharged from industrial plants and from commercial or public buildings, which upon analysis, are found to be of such character as to have no harmful polluting effects upon any stream or other body of water into which they may discharge either directly or indirectly.
      (8)   “Commercial user” means retail or wholesale business establishments that discharge primarily normal strength wastewater into the public wastewater treatment system, works and facility.
      (9)   “Debt service charge” means the charge for the retirement of, and interest on, bonds and/or notes authorized and issued by the Village of Ottawa to construct sewage system facilities.
      (10)   “Garbage” means solid wastes from the preparation, cooking and dispensing of food and from the handling, storage and sale of produce.
      (11)   “Industrial wastes” means the liquid waste resulting from any commercial, manufacturing or industrial operation or process.
      (12)   “Industrial user” means users discharging waste resulting from manufacturing activities involving the mechanical or chemical transformation of materials or substance into other products. These activities occur in establishments usually described as plants, factories or mills and characteristically use power-driven machines and materials handling equipment.
      (13)   “Institutional/governmental user” means hospitals, nursing homes, schools, city, county, state or federal buildings or facilities that discharge wastewater into the public wastewater treatment system, works and facility.
      (14)   “Natural outlet” means any point of discharge into a watercourse, pond, ditch, lake, stream or other body of surface or ground water to which the outlet is a tributary by natural topography.
      (15)   “Normal sewage” means and is regarded as “normal” for the Village if analysis shows by weight a daily average of not more than 2800 pounds (335 parts per million) of suspended solids; not more than 1700 pounds (200 parts per million) of B.O.D.; and not more than 417 pounds (50 parts per million) other soluble matter (grease and oil), each, per million gallons of daily flow subject to other requirements and standards set forth herein.
      (16)   “NPDES permit” (National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System) means the same as such is defined in the Code of Federal Regulations, 40 CFR Part 125, and in Public Law 92-500, Section 402.
      (17)   “Operation and Maintenance” means the costs incurred in the act of keeping all facilities for collection, pumping, treating and disposing of sewage in the good state of repair and functioning properly, including the replacement of said facilities when necessary.
      (18)   “Person”, “enterprise”, “establishment”, or “owner” means any individual, firm, company, association, society, corporation or group using the sewage works or sewerage system of the Village for the disposal of wastes.
      (19)   “pH” means the hydrogen ion concentration of a solution and equals the logarithm of the reciprocal of the weight of hydrogen ions, in grams per liter of solution. It is used to indicate the concentration of free acid and alkali with a “pH” of 7.0 representing a neutral solution.
      (20)   “Public sewer” means a sewer controlled by a public authority.
      (21)   “Replacement” means expenditures for obtaining and installing equipment, accessories and appurtenances which are necessary during the useful life of the treatment works to maintain the capacity and performancefor which such works were designed and constructed.
      (22)   “Residential user” means a principal family residence or habitation classified as single family, multifamily or apartment dwelling that discharges domestic sanitary wastewater having characteristics of 250 milligrams per liter biochemical oxygen demand and 200 milligrams per liter suspended solids into the public wastewater treatment system, works and facility.
      (23)   “Sanitary sewage” means the waste from water closets, urinals, lavatories, sinks, bath tubs, showers, laundries, floor drains, bars, soda fountains, cuspidors, refrigerator drips, drinking fountains and such other commercial and industrial wastes as are not “clean waste waters”.
      (24)   “Sanitary sewer” means a sewer which carries sanitary sewage and to which surface and ground waters are not intentionally admitted.
      (25)   “Sewage” means the water carried wastes from residences, business buildings, institutions and industrial establishments, singular or in any combination, together with such ground, surface and storm waters as may be present.
      (26)   “Sewage treatment plant” means any arrangement of devices and structures used for treating sewage.
      (27)   “Sewage works” or “sewerage system” means all facilities for collecting, pumping, treating and disposing of sewage.
      (28)   “Sewer” means a pipe or conduit for carrying sewage or other wastes.
      (29)   “Sewer service charges” means the total charge levied against users of the sewage system for sewer services. The charge shall include OM&R plus the cost of debt service.
      (30)   “Slug” means any water or wastes exceeding a concentration greater than five times that of “normal” sewage, and which is discharged continuously for a period longer than fifteen minutes or at a rate exceeding 1,000 gallons per minute.
      (31)   “Storm sewer” or “storm drain” means a pipe or conduit which carries storm and surface waters and drainage, but excludes sanitary sewage and industrial wastes; it may, however, carry cooling water, clean waste waters, and unpolluted waters.
      (32)   “Suspended solids” or “S.S.” means solids that either float, or other liquids, and which are removable by laboratory filtering.
      (33)   “Unpolluted water or waste” means any water or waste containing no free or emulsified grease or oil, acid or alkali, phenols or other substances imparting taste and odor in receiving waters, toxic and poisonous substance in suspension, colloidal state or solution, and noxious or odorous gases. It shall contain not more than 1,000 parts per million by weight of dissolved nonorganic solids with permissible volume subject to review by the Village authorized representative; and not more than ten parts per million each of suspended solids and B.O.D. The color shall not exceed fifty parts per million.
      (34)   “Tests” means all tests;measurements and analyses of the characteristics of water and wastes to which reference is made above shall be determined in accordance with the latest edition of “Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater”.
      (35)   “Village” means the Village of Ottawa, Ohio.
         (Ord. 04-27. Passed 12-13-04.)