The Street Commissioner of the Village is hereby charged with the duty of overseeing all sidewalks within the Village limits, which shall specifically include inspection of existing sidewalks and reporting any necessary repairs to Council, supervision of repairs or construction of new sidewalks and establishing detailed specifications for sidewalks and the location of new sidewalks. In establishing specifications for and location of specific sidewalks, for purposes of repair or new construction, the Commissioner shall attempt, insofar as possible, to establish uniformity throughout the Village, seeking maximum utility with a minimum of damage to the property and trees, shrubbery, fences, etc. already located thereon. Unless special circumstances justify different specifications in constructing new sidewalks, the specifications shall call for concrete sidewalks of a minimum width of four feet and a minimum depth of four inches, upon sound footing. In locating sidewalks, the Commissioner shall not be limited to Village property or street rights of way, but may specify locations upon private property.
(Ord. 1121. Passed 3-5-84.)