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For the purpose of this chapter, the following terms and words are defined.
1.   “Alley” means a permanent service way providing a secondary means of access to abutting properties.
2.   “Block” means a tract of land bounded by streets, railroad rights-of-way, shorelines of waterways, public parks, cemeteries, corporate boundaries, or the boundary of the subdivision.
3.   “Bond” means any form of security including a cash deposit, surety bond, collateral, property or instrument of credit in an amount and form satisfactory to the City Attorney and approved by the City Council.
4.   “Building” means any structure designed or built for the support, enclosure, shelter, or protection of persons, animals, chattels, or property of any kind.
5.   “Building line” means a line established on a plat as a restrictive covenant, beyond which no building may be placed. The building lines need not correspond to the front, side, or rear yard requirement established in the Zoning Regulations of this Code of Ordinances and where they do not, the most restrictive requirement will control.
6.   “City Engineer” means the professional engineer registered in the State of Iowa designated as City Engineer by the City Council.
7.   “Commission” means the Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Osceola, Iowa.
8.   “Cul-de-sac” means a short minor street having one end open to motor traffic, the other end being permanently terminated by a vehicular turnaround.
9.   “Developer” means the owner of land proposed to be subdivided or the owner’s agent.
10.   “Easement” means authorization by a property owner for the use by another, and for a specified purpose, of any designated part of said owner’s property.
11.   “Final plat” means the map or drawing, on which the subdivision plan is presented in the form which, if approved by the Council and Commission, will be filed and recorded with the County Recorder.
12.   “Frontage” means that side of a lot abutting on a street; the front lot line.
13.   “Improvements” means changes to land necessary to prepare it for building sites including but not limited to grading, filling, street paving, curb paving, sidewalks, walkways, water mains, sewers, drainage ways, and other public works and appurtenances.
14.   “Lot” means a tract of land represented and identified by a number or letter designation on an official plat.
15.   “Lot, corner” means a lot situated at the intersection of two streets.
16.   “Lot, double frontage” means any lot that is not a corner lot that abuts two streets.
17.   “Preliminary plat” means a study or drawings indicating the proposed manner or layout of the subdivision which is submitted to the Council and Commission for consideration.
18.   “Street” means a right-of-way dedicated to and accepted for the public use, which affords the principal means of access to abutting property.
   A.   “Collector street” or “secondary street” means a street intended to carry vehicular traffic from residential streets to thoroughfare streets.
   B.   “Residential street” means a street used primarily for access to abutting property.
   C.   “Thoroughfare street” or “major street” means a street intended for cross-town or through traffic.
19.   “Street pavement” or “roadway” means the wearing or exposed surface of the street right-of-way used by vehicular traffic. The pavement width is measured from the back of the curb on one side to the back of the curb on the other side.
20.   “Street right-of-way” means the area measured between property lines, dedicated to and accepted for public use and providing access to abutting properties.
21.   “Subdivider” means any person who shall lay out, for the purpose of sale or development, any subdivision or part thereof as defined herein, either individually or for others.
22.   “Subdivision” means the division of a tract of land into three (3) or more lots or parcels for the purpose of transfer of ownership or building development, or, if a new street is involved, any division of a parcel of land.
23.   “Surveyor” means a registered land surveyor who engages in the practice of land surveying pursuant to Chapter 542B of the Code of Iowa.