The owner or developer of any tract of land to be subdivided shall cause a preliminary plat to be prepared of the subdivision containing the information specified herein and shall file three (3) copies and a reproducible sepia or tracing of plat with the Clerk. The preliminary plat shall contain the following information:
1. A location map showing:
A. The subdivision name.
B. An outline of the area to be subdivided.
C. The existing streets and town utilities on adjoining property.
D. North point and scale.
2. A preliminary plat of the subdivision drawn to the scale of one hundred feet (100¢) to one inch (1²), said preliminary plat to show:
A. Legal description, acreage and name of proposed subdivision.
B. Name and address of the owner.
C. Name of person who prepared the plat, and date thereof.
D. North point and graphic scale.
E. Contours at two-foot intervals.
F. Location of existing lot lines, streets, public utilities, water mains, sewers, drain pipes, culverts, watercourses, bridges, railroad and buildings in the proposed subdivision.
G. Layout of proposed blocks, if used, and lots including the dimensions of each, and the lot and block number in numerical order.
H. Location and widths, other dimensions and names of the proposed streets, alleys, roads, utility and other easements, parks and other open spaces or reserved areas.
I. Names of adjacent property owners.
J. Grades of proposed streets and alleys.
K. A cross-section of the proposed streets showing the roadway location, the type of curb and gutter, the paving and sidewalks to be installed.
L. The layout of proposed water mains and sanitary sewers.
M. The drainage of the land including proposed storm sewers, ditches, culverts, bridges and other structures.
N. Proposed building lines.
O. Existing and proposed zoning of the proposed subdivision and adjoining property.
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