The Heavy Industrial District is established to provide areas in the City in which heavy industrial, manufacturing, and other firms can engage in processing, manufacturing, and related activities protected from the encroachment of commercial and residential uses. This district is intended to allow extensive obnoxious sounds, glare, dust, or odor. Certain extremely obnoxious or hazardous uses will require special permission to locate in this district.
1. Permitted Uses. The following uses and structures, and no others, are permitted in the I-2 District.
Animal hospitals or clinics
Automatic car wash
Auto repair and painting
Bottling works
Building materials and storage
Carpenter, cabinet, plumbing or sheet metal shops
Contractor office and equipment storage yards
Dog kennels
Dry cleaning and/or laundry plants
Express storage and delivery services
Feed mill
Feed and seed stores
Foundry and light casting
Frozen food lockers
Grain elevators
Greenhouses, wholesale
Jail and prison facilities
Light manufacturing
Lumber yards
Machine shops
Machinery sales or storage lots
Manufacturing or fabrication establishments, which are not noxious or offensive by reason of vibration, noise, dust, fumes, gas, odor, or smoke
Monument sales
Motor vehicle sales and storage
Public utility and public service uses as follows:
a) Substations
b) Railroads
c) Telephone exchanges
d) Public utility storage yards when the entire storage area is enclosed by at least a six-foot wall or fence
Printing shops
Radiator repair shops
Ready-mix concrete and asphalt mix plants
Storage rental units
Truck and rail terminals
Upholstery shops
Wholesale houses
All those uses listed as permitted or conditional uses in B-l General Business District, and B-2 Highway Commercial District, with the exception of residential uses.
2. Conditional Uses. The following uses and structures shall be permitted when authorized by the Board of Adjustment.
A. Auto wrecking yards, junk yards, and scrap processing yards subject to the following:
(1) Located on a tract of land at least 300 feet from a residential district zone.
(2) The operation shall be conducted wholly within a noncombustible building or within an area completely surrounded on all sides by a solid fence or wall. The fence or wall shall be of uniform height (at least six feet high), uniform texture and color and shall be so maintained, by the proprietor, as to insure maximum safety to the public and preserve the general welfare of the neighborhood. The fence or wall shall be installed in such a manner as to retain all scrap, junk, or other material within the yard.
(3) No junk shall be loaded, unloaded, or otherwise placed, either temporarily or permanently outside the enclosing building, hedge, fence, or wall, or within the public right-of-way.
(4) Burning of paper, trash, junk, or other waste materials shall be permitted only after approval of the Fire Department and City Council. Said burning, when permitted, shall be done during daylight hours only.
B. Manufacturing or storage of bulk oil, gas, and explosives.
(1) Petroleum refining.
C. Micro-wave towers, radio towers, television towers, electric power plants, telephone transmission buildings.
D. Stock yard and slaughter houses.
E. Poultry storage or slaughtering.
F. Other uses which may be noxious or offensive by reason of emission of odor, dust, smoke, gas, noise, or vibration and so determined by the Board of Adjustment.
3. Accessory Uses. Accessory uses incidental to and on the same zoning lot as the principal use. See Section 167.02.
4. Lot Size. There is no minimum lot size requirement.
5. Lot Coverage. A building structure or use, allowed in this District may occupy all that portion of a lot, except for the area required for off-street parking, off-street loading and unloading, and their access roads; unless otherwise required by this Zoning Regulation.
6. Yard Requirements.
A. Front Yard - Each lot in the I-2 district shall have a front yard of not less than 30 feet.
B. Side Yard - No side yard shall be required for uses permitted in this district except where such use abuts a residential district, in which case there shall be required 15 feet of side yard on the side of the lot which abuts the residential district.
C. Rear Yard - No rear yard shall be required for uses in this district except where the district abuts a residential district, in which case there shall be a 20-foot rear yard provided there is no alley. In those cases where an alley exists, the rear yard may be 10 feet.
7. Height Regulations.
A. Maximum height for structures shall be 75 feet.
B. When a building or structure is within 150 feet of a residential district zone, said building on structure shall not exceed 45 feet in height.
8. Area of District. There shall be no requirements except that an orderly development pattern be used.
9. Parking Requirements. See Section 167.04.
10. Sign Regulations. See Section 167.03.
11. Site Plan Requirements. See Section 167.01.
12. Supplemental Development Standards.
A. Buffer Strip. Whenever the I-2 District adjoins a Residential District, an additional side yard and rear yard shall be provided for a buffer strip. The buffer strip shall be at least five feet wide and shall contain a six-foot high fence to serve as a screen between the residentially zoned property.
13. Exceptions and Modifications. See Section 167.07.