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167.03   SIGNS.
This section shall be known and may be cited and referred to as the “Sign Ordinance” of the City of Osceola, Iowa, and shall apply to all properties within the City.
1.   Statement of Intent. In the interest of promoting the general welfare of the community and public safety, it is recognized that the community should be aesthetically attractive as well as financially prosperous. The purpose of this section is to regulate signs in such a way as to establish a compatibility of sign usage with the land use patterns and standards for the zoning district, and to permit such signs which will not, by reason of their size, location, construction or manner of display cause an annoyance or disturbance to citizens, detract from the community’s aesthetic attractiveness, create a hazard, confuse or mislead traffic, obstruct vision necessary for traffic safety, or otherwise endanger the public morals, health or safety.
2.   Definitions.
   A.   “Awning sign” means a sign painted on or incorporated into an awning. The area of an awning sign shall be the area of the inscription or message incorporated into the awning, provided the awning is not internally illuminated. For an awning sign incorporated on an awning internally illuminated, the area of the entire awning shall be considered the sign area.
   B.   “Banner” means any fabric, banner or bunting containing words, numbers, colors, patterns or symbols, either enclosed in a rigid frame, secured or mounted so as to allow movement of the sign caused by movement of the atmosphere. Banners do not include those signs which are defined as flags in this section.
   C.   “Billboard” means any structure, regardless of material used in the construction of the same, that is erected, maintained, or used for public display of poster, painted signs, wall signs, whether the structure is placed on the wall itself, pictures, or other pictorial reading matter which advertise a business, a commodity sold, service, or attraction which is not carried on or manufactured in or upon the premises upon which said signs or billboards are located.
   D.   “Building sign” means a sign which is wholly supported by the building wall, parallel to the plane thereof, and which does not extend beyond the surface of said building wall more than 12 inches. A building sign may be painted on, incorporated in, or affixed to the building wall, or any sign consisting of cut-out letters or devices affixed to the building wall with no background defined on the building wall.
   E.   “Changeable copy sign” (manual) means a sign on which copy is changed manually in the field, i.e., reader boards with changeable letters or changeable pictorial panels.
   F.   “Changeable copy sign” (automatic) - see “electronic message center.”
   G.   “Construction sign” means signs identifying the architects, engineers, contractors and other individuals involved in the construction of a building or subdivision and such signs announcing the character of the building enterprise or the purpose for the development is intended but not including product advertising.
   H.   “Directional sign” means any sign that does not advertise a product or place of business, but exists solely to direct vehicular or pedestrian traffic to a location of a business or part of a business. A directional sign shall not contain names or logos.
   I.   “Directory sign” means a permanent diagrammed representation located near the entrance of a complex which shows the location and address of the unit designations within a complex.
   J.   “Electronic message center” means a sign that is electronically or electrically controlled that displays a message center or reader board composed of a series of lights that may be changed through electronic means.
   K.   “Flag” means any fabric, banner or bunting containing words, numbers, colors, patterns or symbols, used as a symbol of a government or political subdivision, including flags of the United States, the State, the City, foreign nations having diplomatic relations with the United States, and other flags adopted or sanctioned by an elected legislative body of competent jurisdiction.
   L.   “Free standing signs,” including pole and ground signs, as regulated by this section, include any sign which is supported by one or more uprights or braces in or upon the ground and not attached to any building or wall.
   M.   “Identification sign” means an on-premises sign that displays no more than the name, address, crest or insignia, occupation or profession of an occupant of the premises, name of any building on the premises or the trademark of the occupant.
   N.   “Illuminated sign” means any sign which has characters, letters, figures, designs or outline illuminated by electric lights or luminous tubes as part of the sign proper.
   O.   “Interstate high rise sign” means an on-premises pole sign which is constructed to attract the attention of interstate travelers and is located within 3,500 feet (determined by GIS) of the centerline of Interstate 35 and identifies or advertises the use of the principal building(s).
   P.   “Memorial sign” means memorial signs or tablets, names of buildings and date of erection when engraved into any masonry surface or when constructed of bronze or other incombustible materials. Memorial signs shall not contrast in color from the material of which said sign is constructed.
   Q.   “Monument sign” means an on-premises sign, other than a pole sign, where the sign and its encasement and structural trim are fully supported at the sign’s base by its supporting column and where the width of the supporting column is no less than 80 percent of the average width of the sign it supports.
   R.   “Obsolete signs” means such signs that advertise an activity, business, product or service no longer conducted on the premises on which the sign is located.
   S.   “On-premises sign” means a sign the primary purpose of which is to advertise, identify, and/or direct attention to a profession, business, service, activity, product, campaign or attraction which is carried on, sold, offered or manufactured in or upon the premises.
   T.   “Panel sign” means a message, inscription or logo which is painted or affixed to a panel of wood, plastic, cloth, fiberglass, or other material which is not part of the building’s exterior materials, is of greater area than the message, inscription or logo, and provides a background for the message, inscription or logo.
   U.   “Pole sign” means an on-premises freestanding sign that is supported by one or more uprights not attached to, or braced by, any other structure. Pole signs shall have a clear open space of not less than 10 feet between the base line of said sign and the ground level.
   V.   “Political issue sign” means a sign announcing, promoting (for or against), or drawing attention to any personal or political issue or candidate(s) seeking public political office.
   W.   “Portable sign” means a freestanding sign not permanently anchored or secured to the ground or any building or wall.
   X.   “Project identification sign” means a sign identifying the name of a complex, development or subdivision, which is incorporated with a landscape feature such as planter beds, fountains, decorative walls, fences or other landscape features.
   Y.   “Projecting sign” means a sign, other than a wall sign, which projects from and is supported by a wall of a building or structure.
   Z.   “Public sign” means such a sign of a non-commercial nature and in the public interest, erected by or upon the order of a public officer in the performance of such officer’s public duty, such as safety signs, danger signs, trespassing signs, traffic signs, memorial plaques, signs of historical interest and all other similar signs, including signs designating hospitals, libraries, schools, airports and other institutions or places of public interest or concern.
   AA.   “Real estate signs” means such signs advertising the sale, rental or lease of the premises or part of the premises on which the signs are displayed.
   BB.   “Roof sign” means a sign erected upon or above a roof or parapet of a building.
   CC.   “Service sign” means a sign identifying rest rooms, public telephone facilities, first aid stations, emergency shelters and other similar public service facilities.
   DD.   “Sign” means any device fixed to, painted on, or incorporated into the building surface or displayed from or with a building or structure, or free standing upon the site and which is visible from the public right-of-way and designed to convey or direct a message to the public concerning the identification of the premises, to advertise or promote the interests of any private or public firm, person, organization, or other entity, or to draw attention to the use on the premises.
   EE.   “Sign area” means that area of a sign’s exposed facing, determined by the Zoning Administrator using actual dimensions where practical, or approximate dimensions when irregularity of a sign shape warrants. Such area shall be measured using one of the formulas in subsection 4 of this section.
   FF.   “Sign copy” means words, letters, logos figures, symbols, illustrations, or patterns that form a message or otherwise call attention to a business, product, service, or activity, or to the sign itself.
   GG.   “Sign perimeter” means the external boundary of a sign at its widest point per plan view.
   HH.   “Temporary sign” means any construction, real estate, political, portable or other sign, banner, pennant, streamer, inflatable signs, valance or advertising display constructed of cloth, canvas, light fabric, cardboard, wallboard or other materials, with or without frames, intended to be displayed for a short period of time only.
   II.   “Temporary window sign” means a sign, banner, pennant, streamer, or advertising display constructed of cloth, canvas, light fabric, cardboard, wall board or other materials which is displayed but not permanently installed or painted on or behind any window for the purposes of viewing from a public street. This term does not include merchandise located in a window.
   JJ.   “Vehicle sign” means a message, inscription or logo painted, attached, or incorporated on a motor vehicle which advertises or promotes the interest of any private or public firm, person, organization, or other entity, or to draw attention to the use on the premises.
   KK.   “Vision triangle” means that area bounded by the street right-of-way lines of a comer lot and a straight line joining points on said right-of-way lines 35 feet from the point of intersection of said right-of-way lines. Greater dimensions may be required on streets with higher traffic volumes, based upon the standards of the Institute of Transportation Engineers or the Association of American State Highway Officials.
   LL.   “Wall area” means that area of a building as calculated by multiplying the height of the building, as measured from the average ground level to the roof eave line times the width of the building, which is the width of the building facing the street as measured from an elevation view.
   MM.   “Window sign” means a sign installed inside or painted upon a building or window for purposes of viewing from a public street. This term does not include merchandise located in a window, holiday displays, open/closed signs or other signs, which are temporary in nature.
3.   General Prohibitions.
   A.   No sign shall be allowed except as permitted by this section.
   B.   No sign shall be located so that the safety of a moving vehicle or pedestrian will be impaired by obscuring a driver’s or pedestrian’s vision.
   C.   Signs shall be properly erected or attached to a structure and kept in good repair. Any lettering, logo, design, and other markings placed upon the sign shall be clear, distinct, and readable and maintained in that condition.
4.   Sign Area Formulas. The area of a sign is determined by the Zoning Administrator, using actual dimensions where practical or approximate dimensions when irregularity of a sign shape warrants. The area of each sign type is to be measured with either Formula A or Formula B as noted below.
Formula A: The sign area is the sum of the area of two contiguous rectangles, squares or circles that enclose the extreme points or edges of all copy, logos and symbols of said sign.
(A1 x A2) + (BI x B2) = Sign Area
Formula B: The sign area is the area of one rectangle, square or circle that encloses the extreme points or edges of all areas where copy may be placed on a sign. This area does not include structural or architectural features of the sign where copy will not be located.
(A x B) = Sign Area
5.   Prohibited Signs. The following signs shall not be permitted, erected or maintained on any property within the City, unless located within the confines of a building, or not visible from outside the premises of the lot in which the sign is located.
   A.   Banners. Banners, pennants, spinners, and streamers, except as specified in the temporary sign subsection 16 of this section.
   B.   String Lights. String lights used in connection with commercial premises for commercial purposes, other than decorations used for recognized holidays on a temporary 30-day basis.
   C.   Moving Parts. Any sign which has any visible moving part, visible revolving parts or visible mechanical movement of any description or other apparent visible movement achieved by electrical, or mechanical means, or by action of normal wind currents.
   D.   Hazardous Sign. Any sign or sign structure which:
      (1)   Is structurally unsafe, or
      (2)   Constitutes a hazard to safety or health by reason of inadequate maintenance, dilapidation or abandonment, or
      (3)   Is not kept in good repair, or
      (4)   Is capable of causing electrical shocks to persons likely to come in contact with it.
   E.   Traffic Hazard. Signs that constitute a traffic hazard, as noted in subsection 24.
   F.   Obstructions. Signs that constitute an obstruction so as to prevent free ingress or egress through any door, window or fire escape.
   G.   Prohibited Attachment. No sign or other advertising structure of any kind shall be attached to a standpipe or fire extinguisher.
   H.   Obscene Matter. Signs that display obscene, indecent or immoral matter that illustrates or states specified anatomical areas or specified sexual activities.
   I.   Portable Sign. Portable signs except as specified in the temporary sign subsection 16.
   J.   Roof Signs.
   K.   Billboards.
   L.   Signs Projecting over Public Right-of-Way. It is unlawful to erect or maintain any sign on, over, or above any land or right-of-way belonging to the City or other governmental entity unless specifically allowed by subsection 25.
   M.   Discontinued Use. On-premises signs that advertise an activity, business, product, or service no longer offered or conducted on the premises on which the sign is located for a period of more than six months after such activity, business, product, or service has ceased being offered or conducted.
   N.   High Intensity or Glaring Lights. High intensity lights, strobe lights, shall be prohibited outside of a building or visible from the outside of a building in all zoning districts except when otherwise legally displayed as emergency lights or warning lights. Illumination of signs shall be designed in such a way as to reflect light away from residential properties and motorists’ vision.
   O.   Conflicting Signs. Signs with a format which resembles or conflicts with traffic signs or signals.
   P.   Unlawful Signs. Any sign unlawfully installed, erected or maintained in violation of this section.
   Q.   Vehicle Signs.
   R.   Pole Signs. Except those that are specifically allowed by this section.
   S.   Temporary Signs. All temporary signs except those that are specifically allowed by this section.
6.   Exemptions. The following signs shall not require a sign permit.
   A.   Professional nameplates not exceeding one square foot in area.
   B.   Signs located within the confines of a building, except those that are defined as window signs.
   C.   Bulletin boards not over eight square feet in area for public, charitable or religious institutions when the same are located on the premises of said institution.
   D.   Memorial signs or plaques, names of buildings, and date of erection when cut into any masonry surface or when constructed of bronze or other noncombustible and maintenance free materials, and not exceeding 50 square feet in area.
   E.   Traffic or other municipal signs, legal notices, railroad crossing signs, danger, and such temporary emergency or non-advertising signs as may be installed or approved by the City.
   F.   Service signs identifying restrooms, public telephone facilities, first aid stations, emergency shelters and other similar public service facilities.
   G.   Building addresses on buildings and signs.
7.   On-Premises Sign Regulations. The standards and regulations set forth within subsections 7 through 14 apply to all on-premises signs, which advertise, identify, and/or direct attention to a profession, business, service, activity, product, campaign or attraction which carried on, sold, offered, or manufactured in or upon the premises.
8.   Freestanding Identification Signs. There shall be permitted one freestanding identification sign for each street frontage of a lot; for lots with street frontage exceeding 600 feet, one sign shall be allowed for each 300 feet of street frontage. No freestanding identification sign shall be located within the vision triangle. Freestanding identification signs shall include on-premises monument signs, and project identification signs as defined within this section. The following type, size, height, and setback for freestanding identification signs shall be permitted within the following zoning districts by use.
   A.   Monument Signs. Monument signs shall be allowed in the B-l, B-2, B-3, I-1, and I-2 Zoning Districts. The following standards and regulations shall be applied:
      (1)   Monument signs shall not exceed 15 feet in height.
      (2)   The sign area of monument signs shall not exceed 200 square feet as calculated using Formula B as defined in subsection 4.
      (3)   Monument signs shall have a minimum front yard setback of 15 feet from the right- of-way line, and a side yard setback of 15 feet from the property line.
      (4)   On lots where more than one monument sign is allowed, such signs shall be separated by a minimum of 150 feet.
      (5)   Monument signs may contain areas for manual changeable copy or electronic message centers, provided such sign area does not exceed 50 percent of the sign area of the sign. Electronic message centers are further regulated as follows:
      (1)   Electric message centers are allowed to be installed at intersections controlled by a traffic signal device, and for those businesses located within 3,500 feet of Interstate 35.
      (2)   Electric message centers shall be integral to and a part of an approved monument sign.
      (3)   Electric message centers shall dim to 50 percent lumens during nighttime hours.
   B.   Project Identification Signs. Project identification signs shall be allowed in all Zoning Districts. The following standards and regulations shall be applied:
      (1)   Project identification signs shall not exceed 10 feet in height.
      (2)   The sign area of project identification signs shall not exceed 40 square feet as calculated using Formula A as defined in Subsection 4.
      (3)   Project identification signs shall have a minimum front yard setback of 10 feet from the right-of-way line, and a side yard setback of 10 feet from the property line.
      (4)   Project identification signs shall be separated from any other freestanding sign by a minimum of 50 feet.
   C.   Pole Signs. A pole sign may be placed in the B-2 Highway, I-1, and I-2 district, if otherwise not permitted as an Interstate Oriented Sign, subject to the review and approval by the Board of Adjustment. In their review, the BOA shall determine whether the size, location, and design of the sign is appropriate may accept, propose alterations, or reject pole sign applications. Pole signs shall be not located in the vision triangle, nor shall any portion of the sign protrude over the public right-of-way. Existing pole signs in the B-1 district shall not be permitted for major alterations or replacement; but this ordinance shall not limit current pole signs in the B-1 district from routine maintenance or updates that are part of general day-to-day business. Signage incorporated into the canopy of a service station shall not be considered a pole sign and may be permitted without BOA approval.
(Ord. 633 – Feb. 22 Supp.)
9.   Interstate Oriented Signs. There shall be permitted one additional on-premises sign for all lots within 3,500 feet of the Interstate 1-35 right-of-way centerline. The following standards and regulations shall be applied:
   A.   Interstate oriented signs shall be permitted for lots within the B-2, B-3 District only.
   B.   Interstate oriented signs shall not exceed 100 feet in height.
   C.   The sign area of an Interstate oriented sign shall not exceed 2,500 square feet as calculated using Formula B as defined in subsection 4.
   D.   Interstate oriented signs shall have a minimum setback from any public right-of-way of 50 feet, and shall meet the other setbacks required in the B-2 or B-3 District for a primary structure.
   E.   The faces of interstate oriented signs shall be oriented perpendicular (facing north/south) to the right-of-way of the nearest section of Interstate 35.
   F.   Interstate oriented signs shall be constructed as monument signs and supported at the sign’s base by a supporting column where the width of the supporting column is no less than 40 percent of the average width of the sign it supports, with the minimum base width of three feet. Such supporting columns shall be constructed with colors and materials that are compatible with the building materials of the principal buildings.
10.   Directory Signs. One freestanding directory sign shall be permitted within the lot of any permitted use in any zoning district, except within the lots of one- and two-family dwellings. Directory signs shall not be greater than 10 feet in height and shall not contain more than 32 square feet of sign area as calculated using Formula B as defined in subsection 4. Directory signs must be at least 25 feet from a public street right-of-way and be oriented towards vehicular and pedestrian traffic within a complex or development.
11.   Building Signs. The following standards and regulations shall be applied to building signs as permitted by use and zoning district:
   A.   Residential Zoning Districts. Building signs shall be allowed in residential zoning districts as follows:
      (1)   For apartment complexes, provided the total building sign area does not exceed 30 square feet per complex as calculated using Formula A as defined in subsection 4.
      (2)   For other permitted nonresidential uses, provided the total building sign area does not exceed five percent of the total square footage of any wall area of the principal building facing street frontage, provided the total building sign area does not exceed 30 square feet per complex. The sign area shall be calculated using Formula A as defined in subsection 4.
      (3)   No backlit signs shall be allowed in residential districts.
   B.   B-l, B-2, B-3, I-1, and I-2 Zoning Districts. The following maximum building sign area requirements shall apply to the B-l, B-2, B-3, I-1, and I-2 zoning districts.
      (1)   The sign area of building signs shall not exceed 15 percent of the total square footage of any wall area of the principal building facing street frontage. The sign area shall be calculated using Formula A as defined in subsection 4.
      (2)   No more than two sides of the principal building facing street frontage shall be used to calculate the total building sign area allowed for a building.
      (3)   Building signs may be located on any side of a building so long as the total sign area square footage of all signs does not exceed the total building sign area allowed for a building.
      (4)   Building signs shall incorporate aesthetic features compatible with the overall character of the zoning district and neighborhoods.
      (5)   The sign area of window signs shall be included in the total building sign area allowed for a building. The sign area shall be calculated using Formula A as defined in subsection 4.
   C.   R-B, B-l, B-2, B-3, I-1, and I-2 Zoning Districts. Building signs in the B-l, B-2, B-3, I-1, and I-2 zoning districts are further restricted as follows.
      (1)   All building signs shall be composed of solid individual letters and logos or individual illuminated self-contained letters and logos attached to the building’s exterior wall fascia.
      (2)   Panel signs with letters incorporated or painted upon a panel or wall area shall be prohibited.
      (3)   The use of a uniform panel sign system to identify occupants of a multi-tenant retail shopping center may be approved by the City Council, after receiving a recommendation by the Planning and Zoning Commission, that the use of a uniform panel sign system maintains the aesthetic quality and character of the development, zoning district and neighborhood.
12.   Projecting Signs.
   A.   Application. Projecting signs as regulated by this section shall include any sign, other than a building sign, which projects from, and is supported by a wall of a building or structure.
   B.   Construction. Every projecting sign, including the frame, braces and supports thereof, shall meet the compliance of the Building Code of the City.
   C.   Thickness Limitation. The thickness measured between the principal faces of any projecting sign shall not exceed 12 inches.
   D.   Height of Projecting Signs. No part of any projecting sign shall be less than 10 feet above ground level, except as provided in subsection 5 of this section.
   E.   Location. Every projecting sign shall be at least 10 feet above any sidewalk area over which it is erected, and a distance not greater than two feet from the wall to which it is attached, measuring from the point of the sign nearest thereto. Every projecting sign to be erected over public or private driveways or thoroughfares shall be placed not less than 15 feet above the level of same.
   F.   Obstructions and Traffic Hazards. Every projecting sign shall be erected in a manner which does not constitute an obstruction or traffic hazard regulated by this section.
   G.   Projection over Public Property. It is unlawful for any projecting sign to be located over public property or a public easement unless approval is granted by the City Council.
13.   Marquees, Awnings and Canopy Signs. The term “sign” in this section applies to a marquee, awning and canopy accompanied by lettering or a logo, when projecting from a wall of a building. The area of the letters or logo encompassing the sign message incorporated upon the marquee, awning or canopy shall be applied toward the maximum building sign area permitted for the use in that zoning district.
14.   Directional Signs. Directional signs shall be allowed in all Zoning Districts. The following standards and regulations shall be applied:
   A.   Directional signs shall not exceed three feet in height.
   B.   The sign area of directional signs shall not exceed eight square feet as calculated using Formula B as defined in subsection 4.
   C.   Directional signs shall have a minimum front yard setback of five feet from the right-of- way line.
   D.   Two freestanding directional signs intended to identify an access into or out of a lot shall be permitted per access.
   E.   No more than five directional signs shall be allowed per property.
15.   Flags and Banners. The following flags are permitted: flags of the United States, the State, the City, foreign nations having diplomatic relations with the United States, and other flags adopted or sanctioned by an elected legislative body of competent jurisdiction, provided that such flags are flown in accordance with protocol established by the Congress of the United States for the Stars and Stripes. All other banners are regulated as follows:
   A.   A banner identifying a corporate, business, commercial enterprise, educational institution, or any other entity or organization is allowed provided it satisfies the following requirements:
      (1)   Size shall not be greater than three feet by five feet.
      (2)   Banner shall be flown horizontally.
      (3)   Banner shall be flown in conjunction with and at the same time as a flag of the United States and the State of Iowa flown on the premises.
      (4)   Banner shall be displayed on a separate flagpole located in close proximity to and no higher than the flagpoles of the United States and the State of Iowa and in no event higher than 30 feet. One commercial banner shall be allowed in connection with any nonresidential lot of record.
   B.   No banner of a commercial nature or purpose may be flown in a residential zone.
   C.   Flags and banners flown in a residential zone for non-commercial purposes shall not be regulated by this section.
   D.   All flags and banners shall be kept in good repair at all times.
16.   Temporary Signs.
   A.   Application. Temporary signs shall include any construction, real estate, political, portable or other sign, banner, pennant, streamer, inflatable signs, valance or advertising display constructed of cloth, canvas, light fabric, cardboard, wallboard or other materials, with or without frames, intended to be displayed for a short period of time only.
   B.   Temporary Signs Requiring a Permit. All temporary signs, except for construction, real estate, or political issue signs, may be used for special occasions upon the issuance of a sign permit and shall meet the following regulations:
      (1)   There shall be no more than two such occasions per year; such occasions shall not exceed 10 days. In the discretion of the Zoning Administrator, one extension per year, of no more than 20 days, may be granted for extenuating circumstances provided good cause can be shown; an example of such an event would be the grand opening for a new business.
      (2)   There shall be no more than one temporary sign per lot; such sign shall not exceed 100 square feet and shall not be mounted above the roof parapet.
   C.   Temporary Signs Not Requiring a Permit:
      (1)   Temporary construction signs not exceeding 10 feet in height and 32 square feet in sign area as calculated using Formula B as defined in subsection 4 do not require a sign permit provided such signs meet the following regulations:
         a.   Temporary construction signs shall be located on the lot under construction. In residential zoning districts temporary construction signs shall be located within the subdivision under construction.
         b.   Temporary construction signs in residential districts shall be removed within seven days after the issuance of the last certificate of occupancy in the subdivision. Temporary construction signs in all other districts shall be removed within seven days after the issuance of a certificate of occupancy.
         c.   Temporary construction signs may not be illuminated.
      (2)   Real estate signs not exceeding 12 square feet in sign area in any R-l, R-2, R-3 and PUD zoning district and not exceeding 32 square feet in sign area and 10 feet in height in all other zones, which advertise the sale, rental, or lease of the premises upon which said sign is located only. Such real estate signs shall not be located on public right-of way and shall be limited to one sign for each street frontage. The sign area shall be calculated using Formula B as defined in subsection 4.
      (3)   Political issue signs shall not be located on public right-of-way and shall not be within the vision triangle.
      (4)   Temporary window signs, provided that such signs do not cover more than 25 percent of the window area. The display of temporary window signs shall not exceed 30 total (but not necessarily consecutive) days per calendar year.
   D.   Temporary signs and banners affixed to City light and utility poles by the City shall not be regulated by this section. Temporary signs for community festivals or other similar events may be exempted from the provisions of this section at the discretion of the Zoning Administrator.
17.   Permits and Fees. It is unlawful for any person to erect, alter, or relocate within the City any sign except as otherwise specified in this section without first obtaining a permit from the Community Development Department and paying the fee required herein.
   A.   Application for Permit. Application for permits shall be made in such form as required by the Community Development Department, and shall contain or have attached thereto the following information unless such information shall be deemed unnecessary by the Zoning Administrator.
      (1)   Name, address, and telephone number of the applicant.
      (2)   Location of building, structure or lot to which or upon which the sign is to be attached or erected.
      (3)   Position of sign in relation to nearby buildings, structures or streets.
      (4)   One blueprint or drawing of the plans, specifications, and method of construction and attachment to the building or ground.
      (5)   Copy of stress sheets and calculations showing the sign is designed for live and dead loads and wind pressure loads in any direction in the amount required by this and all other applicable laws and ordinances.
      (6)   Name of person, firm, corporation, or association erecting structure.
      (7)   Such other information as the Zoning Administrator shall require to show full compliance with this and all other laws and ordinances of the City.
   B.   Permit Fees. Sign permit fees shall be paid to the City Clerk in an amount as established by resolution of the City Council.
18.   Inspection. The Zoning Administrator may inspect, from time to time as deemed necessary, each sign or other advertising structure regulated by this section for the purpose of ascertaining whether the same is secure or insecure, and whether it is in need of removal or repair.
19.   Unsafe and Unlawful Signs. If the Zoning Administrator finds that any sign or other advertising structure regulated herein is unsafe, insecure, a menace to the public, prohibited, or is in violation of the provisions of this section; such official shall promptly give written notice to the permittee thereof or to the owner of premises on which the sign is located. If the permittee or owner fails to remove or alter the sign structure so as to comply with the standards herein set forth within three working days after such notice, such sign or other advertising structure may be removed or altered to comply by the Zoning Administrator at the expense of the permittee or owner of the property upon which it located. However, if the owner of the sign has promptly ordered the necessary parts to repair the sign and has not received them or has promptly ordered the repair work done by an authorized erector and the erector has failed to respond within the three-day period, then a further extension of time may be granted upon a verified statement that such delay is not the result of any act of the permittee or owner of the premises. If the Zoning Administrator finds that any sign or other advertising structure regulated herein has been constructed or erected in violation of the provisions of this section, such official shall promptly give written notice to the owner of the premises on which the sign is located. If the owner fails to remove or alter the structure so as to comply with the standards herein set forth within three working days after such notice, such sign or billboard may be removed or altered to comply by the Zoning Administrator at the expense of the owner of the property upon which it is located. The Zoning Administrator may refuse to issue a permit to any permittee or owner who refuses to pay costs so assessed provided such authority is confined to the premises where the violation occurred.
20.   Painting Required. The owner of any sign as defined and regulated by this section shall be required to have properly painted all parts and supports of said sign, unless the same are otherwise treated to prevent rust or decay.
21.   Wind Pressure and Dead Load Requirements. All signs and other advertising structures shall be designed and constructed to withstand a wind pressure of not less than 30 pounds per square foot of area, or as further regulated by the Building Code of the City, and shall be constructed to receive dead loads as required in the Building Code or other ordinances of the City.
22.   Removal of Obsolete Signs. Any obsolete sign now or hereafter existing shall be taken down and removed by the owner, agent or person having the beneficial use of the building or land upon which such sign may be found within 30 days after written notification from the Zoning Administrator, and upon failure to comply with such notice within the time specified in such order, the building inspector is hereby authorized to cause removal of such sign, and any expense thereto shall be paid by the owner of the building or structure to which such sign is attached.
23.   Maintenance. All signs and other advertising structures, together with all of their supports, braces, guys and anchors, shall be kept in good repair and in proper state of preservation and working order. The display surfaces of all signs shall be kept neatly painted or posted at all times. The Zoning Administrator, after 10 days’ notice to the sign or billboard owner, may order the removal of any signs or billboards that are not maintained in accordance with the provisions of this section and the cost assessed against the property where said sign or billboard is located. However, if the owner of the sign or billboard has promptly ordered the necessary parts to repair the sign or other advertising structure and has not received them, or has promptly ordered the repair work done by an authorized erector and the erector has failed to respond within the 10-day period, then a further extension of time may be granted, upon filing a verified statement that such delay is not a result of any act of the sign or billboard owner.
24.   Signs Not to Constitute Traffic Hazard. No sign or other advertising structure on private property as regulated by this section shall be erected: (i) at or near the intersection of any streets or near a private access to a public street in such a manner as to obstruct free and clear vision; or (ii) at any location where, by reason of the position, shape or color, it may interfere with, obstruct the view of, or be confused with any authorized traffic sign, signal or device; or (iii) which makes use of the words “STOP,” “LOOK,” “DRIVE-IN,” “DANGER,” or any other word, phrase, symbol or character in such manner as to interfere with, mislead or confuse the motoring public. Notwithstanding the general requirements set forth in this section, no sign or other advertising structure shall be located on a corner lot in all districts, in such a manner as to impede vision between a height of two and one-half feet and 10 feet above the centerline elevations of the affected street and within an area bounded by the street right-of-way lines of a corner lot and a straight line joining points on said right-of-way lines 35 feet from the point of intersection of said right-of-way lines; or in all districts and one- and two-family residential lots, if erected within five feet of a public right-of-way and within 25 feet of a private access drive or adjoining building site boundary.
25.   Signs on City Property and Right-of-Way. It is unlawful for any person to paint, print or in any way affix any picture, bill, sign, signboard, poster or advertising material on any post, utility pole, fire escape, hydrant, curb, sidewalk, tree, lamppost or other structure of any kind on, or so as to overhang or protrude over, any property owned by the City or any easement of the City unless otherwise authorized by this section. Any sign on, or located so as to overhang or protrude over, any property owned by the City or any right-of-way easement of the City without City approval shall be forfeited to the public and subject to confiscation. In addition to other remedies hereunder, the City shall have the right to recover from the sign owner or person placing such a sign the full costs of removal and disposal of such sign.
26.   Nonconforming Signs. Any sign or billboard in existence at the time of the adoption of this ordinance which does not conform with the provisions of this section shall be considered nonconforming. Any structural modifications or replacement of a nonconforming sign, not including the replacement of sign copy, shall conform to the requirements and standards of this section.
27.   Revocation of Permits. The Zoning Administrator is hereby authorized and empowered to revoke any permits issued by said official upon failure of the holder thereof to comply with any provisions of this section.
28.   Jurisdiction of Board of Adjustment. The Board of Adjustment shall have jurisdiction for any requests for variances involving sign location, sign height, or sign size not consistent with this section. The Board shall rule on any request in accordance with Chapter 28 of this Code of Ordinances.