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It is the intent and purpose of this section to establish a procedure which will enable the City to review certain improvements to property within specified zoning districts of the City to insure compliance with all applicable zoning, subdivision and building regulations. A site plan shall be submitted as outlined in this section (except for single-family detached and two-family dwelling units) for all improved installations, including new building construction, parking facilities construction for proposed or existing structures, and site grading.
1.   Design Standards. The design standards outlined within this section are necessary to insure an orderly development of property in such a manner as will safeguard the public’s health, safety and general welfare.
   A.   The design of the proposed improvements shall make adequate provisions for surface and subsurface drainage, for connections to water and sanitary sewer lines, each so designed as to neither overload existing public utility lines nor increase the danger of erosion, flooding, landslide or other endangerment of adjoining or surrounding property.
   B.   The proposed improvements shall be designed and located within the property in such a manner as not to unduly diminish or impair the use and enjoyment of adjoining property, and to this end shall minimize the adverse effects on such adjoining property from automobile headlights, illumination of required perimeter yards, refuse containers and impairments of light and air. For the purpose of this section, the term “use and enjoyment of adjoining property” means the use and enjoyment presently being made of such adjoining property, unless such property is vacant. If vacant, the term “use and enjoyment of adjoining property” means those uses permitted under the zoning districts in which such adjoining property is located.
   C.   The proposed development shall have entrances and exits upon adjacent streets and an internal traffic circulation pattern that will not unduly increase congestion on adjacent surrounding public streets.
   D.   The proposed development shall include fences, walls, screening (landscaping), erosion control, traffic control and other improvements as are required in the Zoning and Subdivision Regulations.
   E.   All electrical, telephone and other public utilities shall be placed underground, where required, or wherever installation is reasonably practicable.
   F.   The proposed development shall conform to all applicable provisions of the Code of Iowa, as amended, and all applicable provisions of regulations adopted by the City of Osceola.
   G.   All new commercial structures, and substantial improvements to such existing structure, which are in districts zoned B-1, General Business District, and B-2, Highway Commercial District, shall comply with the following architectural design standards:
      (1)   A minimum of 30 percent of the building wall surface that faces any street shall consist of stucco, natural wood siding, brick or other materials with similar texture and appearance. Areas for glazing or overhead doors (or similar doors for vehicle entrances only) shall be excluded from the total wall area in making this determination.
      (2)   Unpainted metal siding is prohibited.
      (3)   Loading areas and waste container areas shall be screened from public view or shall be located on the side or rear yard.
      (4)   The architectural design standard requirements found in this section apply to additions to existing buildings except additions to existing buildings in the amount of 50 percent or less of its existing ground cover and / or total first floor area, all in an amount of less than 1,000 square feet, whichever is less. Whenever additions to existing buildings are subject to requirements of this section, then the existing building which received the addition shall also be subject to the same requirements.
      (5)   In B-1 Districts only, buildings are required to have square roof lines on all sides facing any street.
2.   Site Plan Approval Required. No building permit shall be issued for the construction of any structure that is subject to the provisions of this Ordinance until a site plan has been submitted covering the land upon which said structure is to be erected and, further, approved for such development in accordance with this Ordinance and no certification of occupancy shall be issued for such structure until all terms and conditions of the approved site plan have been satisfactorily completed and provided for.
3.   Site Plan Requirements. All site plans required under this section shall include the following information:
   A.   Date of preparation, north arrow and scale.
   B.   Legal description and address of the property.
   C.   Name and address of the record property owner, the developer or builder, and preparer of the site plan.
   D.   Existing and proposed zoning.
   E.   Total area of proposed site.
   F.   Total number and type of all buildings to include floor area and number of stories.
   G.   Total number of parking spaces to include location and dimensions of all existing and proposed parking stalls, loading areas, entrance and exit drives, sidewalks, dividers, planters and other similar permanent improvements.
   H.   Building setback lines as required by zoning districts.
   I.   Location and size of all solid waste containers.
   J.   Location of trees six inches or larger in diameter.
   K.   Location of any area subject to flooding by a 100-year storm.
   L.   Location, amount and type of any proposed landscaping, planting, fences, walls or other screenings as required.
   M.   Location and type of any existing and proposed signs.
   N.   The existing and proposed topography showing areas of grading/earthwork and soil erosion control practices. Topography shall be at a minimum of two-foot contour intervals. Spot elevations shall be shown where required but not more than 50 feet in both directions.
   O.   If a platted lot is to be subdivided, or if a structure is to be constructed on a tract of ground which need not be subdivided, certification by a licensed land surveyor that the dimensions and bearings of the property lines are accurately delineated will be required.
   P.   Existing and proposed utility lines and easements to include location, size and capacity of existing public utilities.
   Q.   Location grade and dimensions of all existing and proposed paved surfaces and all abutting streets to include vehicle circulation pattern.
   R.   The site plan shall include a drainage plan to show area, slopes and runoff calculations of the site. This plan shall also indicate the connections to existing storm sewers or drainage ditches and the courses surface water shall take for exit from the property.
   S.   The site plan shall include the location and description of all exterior lighting.
(Ord. 607 – Jul. 19 Supp.)
4.   Zoning Administrator Action. Any person proposing to develop, improve or alter any tract or parcel of land for any use other than a single-family residence or two-family residence shall prepare and submit to the Osceola Zoning Administrator a site plan depicting the requirements contained herein.
   A.   The site plan shall be accompanied by the proper filing fee as established by the City Council.
   B.   The applicant shall submit one copy of the site plan to the Zoning Administrator who shall review such plan for conformance with the site plan requirements presented in subsection 3 and the Zoning Administrator shall within seven days approve the site plan as submitted if the same conforms to all State and local regulations and ordinances. If the site plan fails to conform to all State and local regulations and applicable ordinances, the Administrator shall return a copy to the applicant for revision. The applicant shall then submit a revised copy to the Zoning Administrator for reconsideration.
5.   Appeals to the Planning and Zoning Commission. If the site plan is disapproved by the Zoning Administrator, the applicant may, upon written application to the Planning and Zoning Commission, appeal in whole or in part any condition or requirement the Administrator would require for his approval. The application for appeal and site plan as submitted shall be presented to the Planning and Zoning Commission at its next regular meeting for their action. The application for appeal must include specific reasons and conditions that exist for variance from the applicable codes or ordinances and variations from the Zoning Administrator including the Administrator’s recommendations.