The General Business Commercial Historic District is established to provide a district of concentrated retail commercial and service located in the City of Osceola’s commercial historic district as listed on the National Registry of Historic Places. The B-1H District is intended to be more restrictive in use than the B-1 General Commercial District in order to maintain the historic character of the district. The boundaries of the B-1H District may be altered as contributing properties to the district are either added or removed.
1. Permitted Uses. The following uses and structures, and no others, are permitted in the B-1H District.
Antique shops and stores, providing all merchandise is enclosed in a building
Apparel and accessory stores
Artist studios and art shops
Apartments above ground floor level
Automobile supply accessory stores
Bakery and pastry shops (retail only)
Banks and other savings and lending institutions
Barber and beauty shops, chiropody, or similar personal service shops
Bicycle shops (sales and repair)
Vacation rentals including VRBO, Air BNB (no ground floor units)
Books and stationary stores or shops
Business or commercial schools, including dancing and music academies
Business machine repair, sales, and services
Candy and ice-cream stores
Clothing and costume rental shops
Commercial recreation uses
Custom dressmaking, millinery, tailoring, and similar trades
Delicatessens and catering establishments
Department stores
Drug stores
Dry goods and notion shops
Dry cleaning and laundry establishments (no operation between 2 am – 5 am)
Electric repair shops
Fire stations, police stations, and other public buildings
Fix-it or television repair shops
Florist and gift shops
Furniture and home furnishing shops and stores
Garages for storage and motor vehicles (accessory use only)
Government administration buildings
Grocery, fruit, and vegetable stores
Hardware stores and shops
Hobby and toy shops
Hotels and motels (ground floor sleeping units by conditional use only)
Household appliance stores
Interior decorator’s shops
Internet cafes
Jewelry and metal craft stores and shops
Leather goods and luggage stores
Libraries and museums
Lock and key shops
Mail order catalogue stores
Medical and dental clinics
Medical and orthopedic equipment stores
Meeting halls and auditoriums
Music and musical instrument stores and studios
Multiple family residential (no ground floor residential dwellings)
Newspaper offices
Newsprint, job printing, and printing supplies stores
Offices and office buildings
Office supply and equipment stores
Pet shops
Photographic equipment and supply stores
Photographic studios
Picture frame shops
Post offices and court buildings
Package liquor stores
Paint stores
Plumbing, heating and air conditioning shops, when the entire operation is conducted entirely within the building
Prescription shops
Private clubs, fraternities, sororities and lodges
Private parking lots behind primary structures (for accessory use)
Public parking lots
Radio and TV stores
Restaurants, tea room, pub/brewery (including those that serve food)
Shoe stores and repair shops
Sporting goods
Tailor shops
Taverns established before 2022
Travel bureaus
Utility company offices
Stores and shops, for the conduct of retail business, similar to the uses enumerated herein
2. Conditional Uses.
A. Hotels and motels with ground floor sleeping units.
3. Accessory Uses. Accessory uses incidental to and on the same zoning lot as the principle use.
4. Lot Size. There is no minimum lot size requirement.
5. Lot Coverage. There is no minimum lot coverage requirement.
6. Yard Requirements. There is no minimum front, side and rear yard requirement.
7. Height Regulations. All new construction, modifications, or additions shall comply with the International Building Code and Fire Code as adopted by the City Council of the City of Osceola.
8. Parking Requirements. There is no minimum required number of off-street parking stalls. Off-street parking provided shall conform to provisions of Section 167.04.
9. Sign Regulations. See Section 167.03.
10. Site Plan Requirements. See Section 167.01.
11. Supplemental Development Standards. In addition to those requirements found in Section 167.05, all building modifications, signage, paint, window replacement, awnings, and any other façade alteration shall be conducted in a manner consistent with the Downtown Historic District Guidelines and shall be subject to review and approval by the Historic Preservation Commission. Any improvement that is part of a publicly funded project or part of an Osceola Chamber Main Street program is exempt from review.
12. Exceptions and Modifications. See Section 167.07.
(Section 166.15 - Ord. 656 - Jan. 24 Supp.)