A.   Purpose: The intent of this section is to establish regulations for activities or uses which, because of their adult orientation, are recognized as having objectionable characteristics and need to be distanced from other uses such as residential, schools, parks and community centers. Special regulations for these uses are necessary to:
      1.   Prevent inappropriate exposure of such businesses to the public;
      2.   Ensure that adverse effects of these uses will not contribute to the blighting or downgrading of surrounding neighborhoods; and
      3.   Protect property values and quality of life from potential adverse impacts.
   B.   Location Standards: Adult businesses shall be subject to the provisions of this section.
      1.   Separation Requirements I: Adult businesses are prohibited from locating within six hundred feet (600') of any other adult business or any of the following: (Ord. 792, 7-29-2004)
         a.   Areas zoned RC, RS, and RU; (Ord. 792, 7-29-2004; amd. Ord. 830, 6-28-2006)
         b.   Community and cultural facilities, including, but not limited to, post offices, government offices and courthouses;
         c.   Residential day treatment or workshop facilities primarily oriented to the physically or mentally disabled; or
         d.   Senior citizens' service centers or residential facilities with the primary emphasis oriented to senior citizens.
      2.   Separation Requirements II: Adult businesses are prohibited from locating within two thousand feet (2,000') of the following uses:
         a.   Public or private schools from kindergarten to twelfth grade and their grounds;
         b.   Daycare centers, preschools, nurseries or other childcare facilities;
         c.   Youth cabarets, public parks, playgrounds, libraries or any other area where large numbers of minors regularly travel or congregate; or
         d.   Churches, convents, monasteries, synagogues, temples, chapels or other places of religious worship.
      3.   Legal Use Status: Adult businesses shall not become nonconforming if a new use as listed under subsection B1 of this section is located closer than six hundred feet (600') from the adult business or if a new use as listed under subsection B2 of this section is located closer than two thousand feet (2,000') of the adult business.
      4.   Distance Measurement: The distance requirements for this section shall be measured in a straight line from the nearest point of the lot upon which the proposed adult business use is to be located to the nearest point of any lot owned or leased for any of the uses listed in this subsection B.
   C.   Signage For Adult Businesses: No descriptive art or displays depicting, describing or relating to any "specified sexual activities" or "specified anatomical areas" shall be allowed on any exterior portion of the building or as window displays visible to the public; otherwise, signage for adult businesses shall comply with the provisions of applicable city ordinances. (Ord. 792, 7-29-2004)