Zone classifications are grouped into residential classifications; mixed use classifications; industrial classification; and public classifications as follows:
   A.   RC Residential-Conservation Zone:
      1.   Purpose And Intent: The Residential-Conservation Zone is intended to provide for low density single-family residential and duplex uses along the Puyallup and Carbon Rivers where there are critical areas such as frequently flooded areas, wetlands, and fish and wildlife habitat.
   B.   RU Residential-Urban Zone:
      1.   Purpose And Intent: The Residential-Urban Zone is intended to provide for high density urban single-family, townhouse, cottage, and duplex residential uses which benefit from the full array of services and amenities available in the Town core.
   C.   RMF Residential-Multi-Family Zone:
      1.   Purpose And Intent: The intent of the Multi-Family Residential Zone is to provide for the highest residential density, including cottage housing, professional office uses and government service uses in the Town core.
   D.   MUTC Mixed Use-Town Center Zone:
      1.   Purpose And Intent: The intent of the MUTC Zone is to provide an attractive mix of commercial retail, office, residential and service development in the Town core. Pedestrian amenities, public transportation, and architectural design review will be considerations in development approvals for projects in this zone.
   E.   MUTCN Mixed Use-Town Center North Zone:
      1.   Purpose And Intent: The intent of the MUTCN Zone is to benefit the citizens of Orting with the desirable opportunities presented to the City of the large lots and land area between Orting High School and Rocky Road for the development of new economic opportunities including a mix of residential, non-residential, open space and recreational uses that support a sustainable community by providing jobs and increasing the tax base. Pedestrian amenities, public transportation, and architectural design review will be considerations throughout master planning and development approvals for projects in this zone.
      2.   Master Development Plan Required: Development in the MUTCN (Mixed Use Town Center North) requires approval of a master development plan that shall include a planned unit development and an approved development agreement with site specific design guidelines, and a parcel map if future phases are anticipated. The development agreement shall set forth the conditions for development, public improvements, and phasing, if applicable. The master development plan approval process is a Type 4 permit per section 15-4-1 of this Code. All development and uses shall be in accordance with the adopted master development plan. Provisions for allowed and conditional uses, site specific locations of public streets, parks and open spaces, and design standards described in this section shall be interpreted and modified as appropriate during the master plan review and planned unit development approval process based on evidence provided by the applicant.
      3.   Master Plan Elements: The master development plan shall contain, at a minimum, the following:
         a.   A master site plan showing the location of:
            (1)   Buildings;
            (2)   Streets, alleys, and major driveways;
            (3)   Off street parking areas;
            (4)   Open spaces (plazas, squares, courtyards, permanent BMPs, and other spaces intended for public enjoyment) based on the proposed uses and whether they are intended to serve the public;
            (5)   Critical areas and buffers;
            (6)   Shorelines;
            (7)   Floodplains;
            (8)   Pedestrian walks and paths;
            (9)   Landscaping to reflect landscaping requirements related to site plans and landscaping associated with permanent BMPs;
            (10)   Proposed Phases; and
            (11)   Other site features;
         b.   A unified parking management plan showing potential shared parking areas;
         c.   Subdivision or Binding Site Plan proposals per title 12 of this Code, if applicable; and
         d.   Other materials as required for planned development or binding site plan approval and architectural design review per this title.
      4.   Principal Uses: Section 13-3-3, Table 1, of this chapter, shows the allowed principal and conditional uses in the MUTCN Zone. Uses not listed are prohibited. All development within the MUTCN is subject to Architectural Design Review.
      5.   Bulk And Dimensional Requirements: The following bulk and dimensional requirements apply to the MUTCN district:
         a.   Non-Residential Space: A minimum of fifteen (15) acres of non-residential uses (Commercial, Light Industrial and Light Manufacturing, with associated streets, sidewalks, parking, and Cultural and/or Public Uses per OMC 13-3-3, Table 1) shall be located primarily along Washington Avenue N/SR 162, and/or adjacent to Rocky Road, the Orting Wastewater Treatment Plant and/or the Orting School District property per the adopted site master plan. Prior to certificates of occupancy for up to every one hundred (100) residential dwellings, a minimum of three thousand five hundred (3,500) square feet of retail and/or office space along SR162 and a minimum of one thousand five hundred (1,500) square feet of Light Industrial or Light Manufacturing commercial uses shall be developed for commercial uses ready for tenant improvement and occupancy. Retail development fronting on SR162 may be phased. Initial commercial development shall start at the White Hawk Blvd/SR162 intersection and then move north and south.
         b.   Public Open Space: In addition to the required commercial plazas and courtyards and the community open space required in this title, the district shall contain a minimum of five (5) acres of useable open community park space that is not part of a critical areas buffer or shoreline buffer, required landscaping or perimeter buffering, part of a required easement, or part of a stormwater facility. These five (5) acres of open community park space may not be subdivided into more than two smaller tracts and subject to the proportional size of the tax parcels. Public access to park space shall be compliant with the American Disabilities Act (ADA), 42 U.S.C. 12101, et seq., including wheel chair accessibility. Park equipment shall have ADA accessible features including wheel chair accessibility. An ADA accessible pathway shall be provided for access to the Carbon River levy. Development of this park space with improvements shall be dedicated to the City for public access and use and may be provided by the applicant, or may be financed by park impact fees paid by the applicant. Exceptions to this provision may be granted when circumstances make compliance infeasible or when a park impact fee is proposed, pursuant to section 15-6-7(B) of this code.
         c.   Residential Density: There shall be a maximum of twenty (20) buildable acres allowed for residential construction including streets, sidewalks and neighborhood parks and open space. The minimum residential density is six (6) dwelling units per gross buildable acre. The maximum residential density for any non-senior residential development parcel is twelve (12) dwelling units per buildable acre. Buildable acreage does not include critical areas or flood plain acreage. There shall be a mix of housing including detached, attached, and multi-family units within the residential acreage and avoidance of a segregation of housing types into specific areas. Detached single family residences in the non-senior housing can only be Cottage Housing per sections 13-2-4, 13-3-3, 13-5-1g of this code. Attached housing in non-senior housing must be three (3) or more units.
      Senior housing minimum density is six (6) dwelling units per gross buildable acre and a maximum of twenty (20) units per gross buildable acre. Senior housing shall include a mix of housing including detached single family residences, attached housing, and multifamily units. Residential uses over retail uses in the same structure have no maximum density restrictions and do not count toward the density total.
         d.   Each of the above totals shall be proportionate in acreage to the parcel size for each lot of record existing as of the date of adoption of this code. This provision shall run with the land and be in effect whether the parcels remain in their existing configuration or are subsequently divided.
         e.   Height is restricted to a maximum of thirty five feet (35') for commercial and residential construction fronting SR162 and Rocky Road. Height is restricted to a maximum of forty five feet (45') east of commercial construction fronting SR 162 and south of construction fronting on Rocky Rd. No commercial or residential building may be more than three (3) stories (3 occupied floors). Development shall not be permitted that raises the height of the ground above the site plan elevations as approved by the City.
      6.   Project Design: The design, layout and distribution of uses such as buildings, landscaping, parking areas, signs, open spaces, public areas, and streetscapes shall comply with the approved master development and guidelines. Proposed design features shall be reviewed by the Planning Commission in accordance with section 13-6-7 of this title and the MUTCN design guidelines. The following design features shall be addressed during the review of all project proposals:
         a.   Architectural character illustrated by building elevations and renderings showing design features, building orientations, and relationships to parking, pedestrian areas, and open spaces;
         b.   Public plazas and open spaces;
         c.   Relationships to adjacent properties, uses, and buildings;
         d.   Pedestrian walkways and paths;
         e.   Construction materials and colors;
         f.   Coordinated signage and lighting;
         g.   Streetscape design for improvements in public rights-of-way including sidewalk finishes, street trees, lighting, and street furniture;
         h.   Landscaping of parking areas, open spaces, and project perimeters; and
         i.   Use of low impact design techniques for stormwater management.
      7.   MUTCN Design Guidelines : The following guidelines are supplementary to other adopted design standards and guidelines:
         a.   Pedestrian Oriented Street Frontage: Buildings shall provide pedestrian entries along streets. Sidewalks along SR 162/Washington Avenue North, one side of Daffodil Avenue NE, and one side of Rocky Road and in the non-residential shall be a minimum of eight feet (8') in width with greater widths at entries. Sidewalks along all other roadways must be a minimum of five feet (5') in width. All streets shall have street trees spaced no more than thirty feet (30') apart. All streets shall be public streets built to the City of Orting Public Works standards. Buildings on public street frontages shall provide at least two (2) of the following pedestrian amenities:
         (1)   Window displays along at least seventy five percent (75%) of the frontage;
         (2)   Pedestrian weather protection;
         (3)   Street furniture such as benches, drinking fountains, trash receptacles, public art, or site maps;
         (4)   Open spaces including cafe seating, plazas, play structures, fountains, or gardens;
         (5)   Perimeter landscaping; and/or
         (6)   Sidewalk "bulb-outs" at street intersections may be allowed depending upon traffic study findings.
         b.   Off Street Parking Access: Off street parking between streets and buildings shall be minimized. Curb cuts providing driveways to off street parking lots shall be minimized. The building street frontage facade shall not be broken by parking lots for more than sixty-five feet (65') at any location. No more than fifty percent (50%) of the total frontage along SR162 may be occupied by parking areas. Those parking lots may not be deeper than seventy five feet (75') including planter strips and must be screened with landscaping.
         c.   Off Street Parking Management: Absolute compliance with parking requirements may be waived if a parking demand analysis demonstrates that shared parking can be accomplished through the following:
            (1)   Parking lots/areas are connected by driveways and pedestrian walkways.
            (2)   Multiple projects are treated collectively in the master development plan.
            (3)   Daytime and nighttime parking demand can be balanced.
            (4)   Parking areas in adjacent or nearby projects (within five hundred feet (500')) are dedicated to serving demand.
            (5)   Employee parking demand is addressed through carpooling and/or remote parking areas.
         d.   Service Areas: Loading areas, outdoor storage, waste facilities, and other services shall be located and screened from public views and adjacent properties with a combination of location, landscaping and solid fencing.
         e.   Building Design: All buildings shall be designed in compliance with the architectural design review (ADR) standards set forth in section 13-6-7 of this title.
         f.   Signage: The master development plan shall include a signage plan including a unifying theme, and details for all typical signs such as monument signs, major building signs, projecting signs, storefront signs, lighting, and directional signs.
         g.   Plazas And Courtyards: Plazas and courtyards are required in all non-residential areas, except for light industrial use areas. Plazas are major open space features intended to provide significant opportunities for public use and enjoyment including special events. Courtyards are smaller open space features intended to provide quiet spaces for resting and relaxing. For each ten thousand (10,000) square feet of building area, a combination of plazas and/or courtyards totaling one thousand (1,000) square feet is required. The minimum area of a courtyard is two hundred fifty (250) square feet. The minimum area of plaza is one thousand (1,000) square feet. At least twenty five percent (25%) of all plazas and courtyards shall be landscaped with trees, shrubs, and ground cover at grade or in planters. At least twenty five percent (25%) shall be paved with decorative materials. Seating (1 linear foot of seating area for each sixty (60) square feet of plaza or courtyard area), trash receptacles, public art, water features, and other furnishings shall be provided.
         h.   Residential Open Space: Small scale, usable open space is required in all residential areas. All residential open space areas must be relatively level; located on useable space that is not part of a critical areas or shoreline buffer and    must provide access and inclusive uses for all persons, including those with mobility issues and other disabilities. Areas required for perimeter buffering, landscaping, screening, utilities or storm water facilities may not be counted as residential open space. For every fifty (50) dwelling units, a combination of open space areas including tot lots, pedestrian amenities, picnic areas, etc. totaling two thousand (2,000) square feet is required. The minimum area of an individual open space is one thousand (1,000) square feet. No side dimension of the open space may be less than thirty feet (30'). At least fifty percent (50%) of all residential open space shall be landscaped with trees, shrubs, and ground cover at grade or in planters. At least twenty five percent (25%) shall be improved with play structures, unless the development is predominantly senior housing. Seating (one (1) linear foot of seating area for each sixty (60) square feet of residential open space), trash receptacles, public art, water features, and other furnishings shall be provided.
         i.   Low Impact Design: In conjunction with standard stormwater management practices, site design for stormwater conveyance, detention, and treatment shall include measures such as biofiltration, irrigation reuse, and other techniques integrated with the overall landscape design to minimize high volumes of discharge and pollution, where reasonably practicable.
         j.   Mt. Rainier Site lines: It is preferable that the Master Development Plan proposal protect views of Mt. Rainier along the SR162 corridor and from the internal community parks.
         k.   Commercial setbacks fronting SR162: A minimum of fifty percent (50%) of retail development along SR162 shall have a minimum setback of twenty five feet (25') from the street curb with pedestrian entry in the front. See Sections 5 and 7 of this chapter.
   F.   LM Light Manufacturing Zone:
      1.   Purpose And Intent: The intent of the Light Manufacturing Zone is to provide for development of low impact manufacturing and warehousing employment centers that can be concentrated where traffic congestion, visual and other impacts on the surrounding areas can be minimized. Light manufacturing includes, but is not limited to: canning or bottling of food or beverages using an assembly line; production, assembly, finishing, or packaging of articles from parts made at another location; and production of finished household and office goods from materials that are already refined or from raw materials that do not need refining.
   G.   OS Open Space And Recreation Zone:
      1.   Purpose And Intent: The intent of the Open Space and Recreation Zone is to provide for parks, trails, open spaces, and recreational areas for the use of the public.
   H.   PF Public Facilities Zone:
         1.   Purpose And Intent: The intent of the Public Facilities Zone is to be applied to major parcels of land serving the cultural, educational, recreational and public service needs of the community, such as, but not limited to schools, water and wastewater facilities, City buildings, City parking lots, and other City owned uses. This zone shall only apply to lands owned by governmental agencies.
(Ord. 2018-1026, 4-25-2018; amd. Ord. 2018-1033, 7-25-2018; Ord. 2019-1051, 10-30-2019; Ord. 2019-1057, 1-8-2020; Ord. 2021-1073, 3-10-2021)