13-2-17: P:
PARAPET: A false front or wall extension projecting above a roof.
PARKING FACILITIES: A land area or building used for the storage of four (4) or more vehicles excluding parking areas for single-family residences.
PARKING SPACE: An area accessible to vehicles and used exclusively or principally for vehicle storage.
PARTY OF RECORD: Any person who has testified at a hearing or has submitted a written statement related to a development action and who provides the city with a complete address.
PERMANENT SUPPORTIVE HOUSING: One or more subsidized, leased dwelling units with no limit on length of stay that prioritizes people who need comprehensive support services to
retain tenancy and utilizes admissions practices designed to use lower barriers to entry than would be typical for other subsidized or unsubsidized rental housing, especially related to rental history, criminal history, and personal behaviors. Permanent supportive housing is paired with on-site or off-site voluntary services designed to support a person living with a complex and disabling behavioral health or physical health condition who was experiencing homelessness or was at imminent risk of homelessness prior to moving into housing to retain their housing and be a successful tenant in a housing arrangement, improve the resident’s health status, and connect the resident of the housing with community-based health care, treatment, or employment services. Permanent supportive housing is subject to all of the rights and responsibilities defined in the Residential Landlord Tenant Act, chapter 59.18 RCW.
PERSON: Any person, firm, business, corporation, partnership or other association or organization, marital community, municipal corporation, or governmental agency.
PERSONAL SERVICE: Businesses engaged in providing care of the corporeal person or his apparel, not including healthcare.
PERVIOUS SURFACE: Any surface that enables full or partial absorption of stormwater into the ground and that is not considered impervious surface as that term is defined in title 9, chapter 5, article A of this code.
PLANNED ACTION: A significant development proposal as defined in Revised Code Of Washington 43.21C.031, as amended.
PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT: A flexible method of land development which accomplishes the purposes of chapter 6 of this title.
PRIMARY OR PRINCIPAL USE: The predominant use of the land or building to which all other uses are secondary.
PRIVATE PARKING: Parking facilities for the noncommercial use of the occupant and guests of the occupant.
PROJECT: A proposal for development.
PROPERTY BUFFER: A greenbelt of varying width located on private property intended to serve as a tree preservation area and/or to separate contiguous developments. The property buffer may be a separate tract or an easement across property and shall be clearly depicted on the face of a plat or binding site plan.
PROPERTY LINE: A portion of the boundary of a parcel of land dividing it from other abutting parcels.
PUBLIC FACILITIES AND UTILITIES: Land or structures owned by or operated for the benefit of the public use and necessity, including, but not limited to, public facilities defined in Revised Code Of Washington 36.70A.030, as amended, and private utilities serving the public.
PUBLIC HEARING: An open record hearing at which evidence is presented and testimony is taken.
PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT: Any structure, utility, roadway or sidewalk for use by the public, required as a condition of development approval.
PUBLIC OPEN SPACE: Any publicly owned land, including, but not limited to, parks, playgrounds, waterways, and trails.
PUBLIC WORKS STANDARDS: Shall mean and refer to those specifications and standard design details, as adopted and amended from time to time by the City Department of Public Works, that are intended to regulate the construction of public works, or improvements that will be dedicated to the public, that are associated with public and private development within the City. (Ord. 792, 7-29-2004; amd. Ord. 889, 9-8-2010; Ord. 2021-1083, 9-29-2021; Ord. 2022-1093, 3-30-2022; Ord. 2022-1095, 8-10-2022)