13-2-7: F:
FACADE: The entire building front or street wall face of a building.
FAMILY: An individual or two (2) or more persons related by genetics, adoption or marriage, or a group of five (5) or fewer persons who are not related by genetics, adoption or marriage and none of whom are wards of the court.
FAMILY DAYCARE: A facility licensed by the state of Washington located in a dwelling and operated by the owner of the residence for regularly scheduled care of twelve (12) or fewer adults or children, for periods less than twenty four (24) hours.
FESTOON (GARLAND): A string of lights or other decorations.
FINAL DECISION: The final action by the administrator, planning commission, hearing examiner or city council.
FLOOR AREA: The sum of the gross horizontal area of the floor or floors of all the buildings on a building site, measured from the exterior faces of the exterior walls, including elevator shafts and stairwells on each floor and all areas having a ceiling height of seven feet (7') or more; but excluding all parking and loading spaces inside the building, unroofed areas, roofed areas open on two (2) or more sides, areas having a ceiling height of less than seven feet (7'), and basements used exclusively for storage or housing of fixed mechanical equipment or central heating or cooling equipment.
FLOOR AREA RATIO: The ratio of building floor area to the area of the lot upon which the building is located.
FOOD: Has its usual and ordinary meaning and includes all items designed for human consumption, including, but not limited to, candy, coffee, gum, popcorn, hot dogs, sandwiches, peanuts, soft drinks and dairy products.
FOOD VENDING OR FOOD VENDING SERVICES: Engaging in the business of selling food of any kind or description.
FOSTER HOME: A home licensed and regulated by the state and classified by the state as a foster home, providing care and guidance for not more than three (3) unrelated juveniles.
FRONTAGE: The side of a lot or parcel along a street. (Ord. 943, 5-14-2014; Ord. 2021-1086, 10-27-2021)