A. Prior to fulfilling the requirements of this title, Orting shall not grant any approval or permission to alter the condition of any land, water or vegetation, or to construct or alter any structure or improvement including, but not limited to, the following:
1. Building permit.
2. Conditional use permit.
3. Shoreline conditional use permit.
4. Shoreline substantial development permit.
5. Shoreline variance.
6. Short subdivision.
7. Subdivision.
8. Variance.
9. Zone reclassification.
10. Any other adopted permit or required approval not expressly exempted by this title.
B. Orting shall perform a critical area review for any Orting permit approval requested for a proposal on a site which includes or is adjacent to one or more critical areas unless otherwise provided in this title. As part of all applications, Orting shall verify the information submitted by the applicant to:
1. Confirm the nature and type of the critical areas and evaluate any required critical areas study.
2. Determine whether the development proposal is consistent with this title.
3. Determine whether any proposed alterations to critical areas are necessary.
4. Determine if the mitigation plans proposed by the applicant are sufficient to protect the public health, safety and welfare consistent with the goals, purposes, objectives and requirements of this chapter. (1973 Code § 15.12.010)