A.   Violation; Civil Violation; Civil Infraction: Any act or omission by a person responsible for compliance with any of the provisions of this chapter, any provision of a rule or regulation adopted pursuant thereto, a civil regulatory order issued pursuant to this chapter, or any provision or condition of a project permit or approval issued or granted pursuant to this chapter, shall constitute a violation and shall be subject to enforcement as a civil infraction or civil violation pursuant to title 1, chapters 13, "Code Enforcement", and 4, "Penalties", of this code. Any act or omission by a person responsible for compliance that constitutes a failure to obtain a project permit or approval required pursuant to this chapter shall constitute a violation and shall be subject to enforcement as a civil infraction or civil violation pursuant to title 1, chapters 13, "Code Enforcement", and 4, "Penalties", of this code.
   B.   Violation; Misdemeanor: It shall be unlawful to wilfully fail to comply with any provision of this chapter, wilfully fail to comply with any provision of a rule or regulation adopted pursuant thereto, wilfully fail to comply with a civil regulatory order issued pursuant to this chapter, wilfully fail to obtain a project permit or approval required by this chapter, or wilfully fail to comply with a provision of a project permit or approval issued under authority of this chapter. Such wilful failure shall constitute a misdemeanor. (Ord. 912, 9-14-2011)