A.   Sidewalks.
      1.   General. Sidewalks shall be constructed by developers/ property owners along all roads, except as otherwise provided in section 6-406. If a road is planned for widening within five (5) years of the date of final development approval, the developer/property owner shall provide security for sidewalk construction with the Village. All developments shall provide a sidewalk to connect buildings with public sidewalks, and must feature landscaping, benches and other such materials/facilities for no less than 50 percent of its length. (Ord.2959 11/18/96)
      2.   Public Roads.
         a.   Sidewalks on both sides of a roadway shall be required for all arterial, collector and local streets in the Village of Orland Park. Sidewalks shall delineate the parkway of a right-of-way and shall be at a minimum five (5) feet in width with eight (8) feet of planting strip between the sidewalk and the roadway's back of curb. In the VC Village Center District and OOH Old Orland Historic District and those areas comprising the Downtown Planning District of the Comprehensive Plan (except for residential single family homes attached and detached), sidewalks may extend from building frontage to back of curb, respecting building setback requirements and may replace bufferyard requirements with appropriate applications of street trees (spaced according to parkway standards) and planter beds, as determined via an approved landscape plan, without variance to Section 6-305 Landscape and Tree Preservation. (Amd. Ord. 5061 1/18/16)
         b.   Multi-use paths, such as bicycle paths, shall replace sidewalks in those areas of the Village indicated by the Comprehensive Plan's Recommended Bikeway System subject to review by the Engineering Department. Multi-use paths shall use IDOT standards in IDOT or County rights-of-way or be a minimum of eight (8) feet wide with a maximum of four (4) feet of planting strip between the path and the roadway's back of curb. In cases where paths terminate, provisions shall be made to loop the sidewalk and multi-use path network. In cases where the network is divided between off-street paths and on-street routes, provisions shall be made to safely transition from either medium and ensure continuity of travel. (Amd. Ord. 5653 - 11/1/21)
         c.   Sidewalks or multi-use paths as identified by the Comprehensive Plan's Recommended Bikeway System, as reviewed by the Engineering Department, shall be required for arterial and collector rights-of-way on the perimeter of subdivisions or developments (e.g. sidewalks on roadways where the backs of properties front the right-of-way). (Amd. Ord. 5653 - 11/1/21)
         d.   Either sidewalks or multi-use paths per the Comprehensive Plan's Recommended Bikeway System are required on both sides of any roadway within a 1/4 mile radius of a school, park or public building, subject to review by the Engineering Department. (Amd. Ord. 5653 - 11/1/21)
         e.   New streets shall have sidewalks or multi-use paths per the Comprehensive Plan's Recommended Bikeway System on both sides of the right-of-way. When one side presents grade challenges or other development challenges that inhibit sidewalks or paths, such as the requirement for retaining walls, provisions shall be made to loop the sidewalk or path that would dead-end to the existing network (e.g. cross the street via signed and marked crosswalks and connect). For new streets that connect to existing streets with sidewalks or paths on one side of the right-of-way, provisions shall be made to loop the sidewalk that would dead-end on the new street to the network (e.g. cross the street via signed and marked crosswalks and connect).
         f.   Sidewalks and multi-use paths per the Comprehensive Plan's Recommended Bikeway System, as reviewed by the Engineering Department, are required for streets and rights-of-way that are below standard widths. Such streets and rights-of-way shall be subject to review by the Development Services Department and shall consider such options as carriage walks, reduced parkways, bike lanes, woonerfs etc. to accommodate pedestrian and cyclist mobility. (Ord. 4880 - 2/3/14; Amd. Ord. 5653 - 11/1/21)
      3.   Private Roads. The same sidewalk standards are required for private roads as for public roads, unless other design guidelines are applied for planned developments.
      4.   Location. The location of sidewalks shall generally be one (1) foot inside of the right-of-way. The location may be modified, depending on factors that include but are not limited to: relationship to drainage ditches, easements, Commonwealth Edison right-of-ways and towers, handicapped ramps, existing trees and landscaping, and topography.
      5.   Construction. Sidewalk width shall be a minimum of five (5) feet in width, subject to Director of Engineering approval. Thickness shall be a minimum of five (5) inches reinforced with 6" x 6" wire mesh, or other reinforcement methods subject to approval of the Director of Engineering. All sidewalks at curb depressions shall include a detectable warning for the vision impaired consisting of truncated domes. The warning area shall begin six (6) inches from the back of the curb and continue two (2) feet in the direction of pedestrian travel for the entire width of the waking surface. The detectable warning shall also present a contrast in color from the adjacent sidewalk with integrally colored concrete or other means subject to Director of Engineering approval. (Ord. 3130 5/18/98; Amd. Ord. 4125 4/17/06; Amd. Ord. 5653 - 11/1/21)
   B.   Driveways and Driveway Aprons.
      1.   Driveways Across Sidewalks and Parkways. No person, firm or corporation shall construct or alter any driveway over, across or upon any public sidewalk or parkway without first obtaining a permit from the Development Services Department. Where ingress and egress is to be made from adjoining real estate to a public street and where Section 6-306 requires off-street parking, such off-street parking shall be made accessible to the public street and the ingress and egress shall be made across the parkway and sidewalks by means of a driveway constructed in accordance with this Section. (Amd. Ord. 5653 - 11/1/21)
      2.   Permit Application. Application for a permit to construct a driveway shall be in writing, signed by the applicant, and filed with the Development Services Department. The application shall designate the location of the proposed driveway, the name and address of the applicant, the name and address of the owner of the property to be served by the proposed driveway, and the address of the applicant, if other than the owner, and a plat of survey indicating the driveway location and sizes proposed. In those instances where a driveway is required to comply with the requirements of Section 6-306, the permit application shall accompany the application for the issuance of a building permit authorizing the new building construction. (Amd. Ord. 5653 - 11/1/21)
      3.   Permit Issuance and Fees. The Development Services Department shall issue a permit to construct a driveway provided that the permit application is complete and is in accordance with these regulations and that the permit fee has been paid. (Amd. Ord. 5653 - 11/1/21)
      4.   Permit Revocation. All permits for driveways issued pursuant to this Section may be revoked at any time without the consent of the permittee by order of the Board of Trustees and the Director of the Development Services Department. Upon such revocation, all rights granted under the permit shall be revoked, and the sidewalk, space, parkways and curbs shall be restored to their former condition, at the expense of the permittee or of the owner of the property served by the driveway at the time of such revocation. (Amd. Ord. 5653 - 11/1/21)
      5.   Maximum Number. Single family residences shall be permitted to have only one (1) driveway per lot except if the lot has a minimum lot frontage of ninety (90) feet, then a circular driveway consisting of two (2) drives may be allowed. All other uses shall be allowed the number of driveways as approved by the Board of Trustees upon recommendation of the Building Department. Any single family lot which has a driveway exiting on to an arterial or major collector street shall have a turn-around driveway. (Ord. 3130 - 5/18/98)
      6.   Widths and Lengths. The maximum width for driveways for single-family residences including circle drives shall be ten (10) feet at the sidewalk line and sixteen (16) feet at the curb; provided, that where a two (2) car or three (3) car garage is located within thirty (30) feet of the property line, the driveway shall not exceed twenty (20) feet at the sidewalk line or twenty-six (26) feet at the curb, or thirty (30) feet at the sidewalk line and thirty-six (36) feet at the curb, respectively. No driveway shall encroach upon any portion of the parkway in front of the adjoining property. The maximum width of a driveway is applicable to the entire driveway length between the building line and sidewalk. Single-family residential driveway aprons shall have a maximum width of ten (10) feet for one (1) car driveways, a maximum width of twenty (20) feet for two (2) car driveways, and a maximum width of thirty (30) feet for three (3) car driveways, measured at the sidewalk and shall flare to a maximum width of three (3) feet to either side at the curb line. The maximum width of a driveway apron is applicable to the entire driveway length between the sidewalk and the street. The minimum driveway length shall be 18 feet, excluding right-of-way and sidewalks. No driveway shall encroach upon any portion of the parkway in front of the adjoining parkway. Driveways and driveway aprons also must adhere to construction specifications and requirements in Section 3-4-2-6 of the Village Code. The maximum width for driveways and driveway aprons for all other uses shall be as approved by the Board of Trustees upon recommendation of the Engineering Department. (Ord. 2959 – 11/18/96; Amd. Ord. 3281 – 8/16/99; Amd. Ord. 5061 1/26/16; Amd. Ord. 5126 9/19/16; Amd. Ord. 5653 – 11/1/21; Amd. Ord. 5856 – 12/18/23)
      7.   Grades and Curbs. Driveways shall conform to the existing sidewalk grade. Where it is necessary to break the existing curb for the driveway opening, the curb and gutter shall be completely removed and a new section constructed or as approved by the Director of Engineering. Each such driveway shall be constructed and maintained so as to permit free and unobstructed passage on, over or across the sidewalk and in such a manner as not to interfere with the proper drainage and safe grading of the streets. Each such driveway shall be so constructed and maintained that its surface at the point of crossing any sidewalk pavement shall be flush with the adjoining sections of such sidewalk. (Ord. 2570 – 5/2/94; Amd. Ord. 5653 - 11/1/21)
      8.   Driveways Connecting to Arterial Streets. Driveways connecting to arterial streets must provide on site turn around. (Ord. 2570 – 5/2/94)
      9.   Residential Shared Driveways Connecting to Streets. Up to three (3) residential lots may share a single private driveway connecting to any street. (Ord. 4880 – 2/3/14)
      10.   Lots Fronting a Local Street and an Arterial. In subdivisions where lots front both a local street and an arterial street, no driveways shall be installed along the property line of the lot which fronts the arterial street. (Ord. 2570–- 5/2/94)
      11.   Portland Cement Concrete Driveway Aprons. Portland Cement concrete driveway aprons shall be constructed according to the standards described in this Section.
      12.   All Other Driveway Aprons. Multi-family developments, business, office research, and industrial district driveway aprons shall be constructed with a ten (10) foot radius return unless otherwise required by the Engineering Department. Driveways shall not be closer than five (5) feet to adjacent driveways at the curb line. (Ord. 2570 – 5/2/94; Amd. Ord. 3672 – 8/5/02; Amd. Ord. 5126 9/19/16; Amd. Ord. 5653 - 11/1/21)
      13.   Driveway Thickness. All residential driveways and driveway aprons shall have a minimum concrete thickness of five (5) inches with (6) inch by (6) inch welded wired mesh or fiber mesh concrete additive and a granular bedding base of two inches. (Ord. 2570 – 5/2/94; Amd. Ord. 3837 – 12/1/03; Amd. Ord. 5126 9/19/16)
      14.   New Driveway Aprons Abutting Existing Bike Trails, Sidewalks or Curbs. New driveway aprons abutting existing bike trails, sidewalks or curbs shall be constructed to meet the grade of such sidewalks or curbs. If necessary, the sidewalk shall be relocated to accommodate the maximum driveway apron slope. The location and grade for driveway aprons, when no adjacent sidewalks or curb and gutter exists, shall match the adjacent parkway. The minimum slope shall be two (2) percent. (Ord. 2570 – 5/2/94; Amd. Ord. 5126 9/19/16)
      15.   Driveway Side Setback Requirements for All Properties. Driveways shall be located at least one (1) foot from the nearest side property line and shall not obstruct storm water flow. Shared driveways or driveways providing vehicular cross-access between adjacent parcels that are approved by the Village and/or established by agreement between the subject property owners shall be exempt from this one (1) foot side setbacks requirement. Driveways in a side yards associated with side loading garages shall comply with setback requirements of the applicable zoning district. (Ord. 5167 – 2/20/17)
      16.   Driveways and Apron Slope. The maximum grade for a driveway and driveway apron shall be eight (8) percent, unless otherwise approved by the Director of Engineering. An existing driveway having a slope greater than eight (8) percent may maintain the existing slope. (Ord. 5653 - 11/1/21)
   C.   Driveway, Driveway Apron, and Parking Construction.
      1.   Concrete. Concrete driveways shall be constructed in compliance with the provisions of this Section, so far as they are applicable and shall not be less than five (5) inches thick, plus a two (2) inch bedding for residential use and eight (8) inches thick, plus a three (3) inch bedding for multi-family, commercial and industrial property use. Expansion joints shall be used between the back of the curb and the driveway and between the sidewalk and the driveway. (Ord. 2570 – 5/2/94)
      2.   Asphalt.
         a.   Residential driveways shall be constructed in two (2) courses and shall not be less than eight (8) inches in thickness after compaction. The crushed stone base course shall be six (6) inches in thickness and compacted until all voids are filled with finely crushed stone or sand. The asphalt surfaced course shall be one and one-half (1.50) inches in thickness after compaction and shall be constructed of bituminous plant-mix Type B-4 or B-5 conforming to the Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction as prepared by the Illinois Department of Transportation, most recent edition. (Ord. 2570 – 5/2/94; Amd. Ord. 5653 - 11/1/21)
         b.   All other driveways, aprons and parking lots shall be constructed in two (2) courses and shall not be less than eleven (11) inches in thickness after compaction. All concrete driveways must be reinforced with a six (6) inch by six (6) inch welded wired mesh or fiber mesh concrete additive. (Ord. 2570 – 5/2/94)
      3.   Paver Bricks. Paver bricks must be set on a minimum of one (1) inch of sand over a minimum of four (4) inches of gravel, with a rigid edge restraint, and a minimum slope of 1/4 inch per foot, subject to approval by the Engineering Department. (Ord. 3130 - 5/18/98)
   D.   Sidewalk, Driveway, and Parking Lot Materials. (Ord. 2570 - 5/2/94)
   All materials shall comply with the following standards of quality:
1.   Portland Cement:
ASTM C150 Type I, Normal
ASTM C150 Type II, High-Early-Strength
2.   Fine Aggregate:
ASTM C33, clean sand graded between #100 and #4 sieve limits.
3.   Coarse Aggregate:
ASTM C33, uncoated crushed stone or washed gravel.
Slag shall not be permitted.
4.   Water:
Potable and fit to drink
5.   Water-Reducing Admixture:
ASTM C494 Type A (normal) or Type D (retarder).
6.   Air Entraining Agent:
7.   Premolded Filler Strips:
8.   Curing Compound:
ASTM C309, Type 2 (white, pigmented)
9.   Reinforcement:
ASTM A615, Grade 40.
   E.   Concrete Quality.
      1.   Ready-mixed concrete that complies with ASTM C94 shall be used for sidewalks, driveways, and driveway aprons. The concrete shall be supplied by a ready-mixed source which is inspected yearly by the Illinois Department of Transportation.
      2.   Concrete mix shall be designed using the following data:
         a.   Minimum compressive strength of four thousand (4000) psi at twenty-eight (28) days.
         b.   Minimum of six (6) sacks of cement per cubic yard.
         c.   Maximum size aggregate of one (1) inch.
          d.   Air entrainment of six (6) percent +1%.
         e.   Maximum slump of four (4) inches.
         f.   Maximum water content including moisture in the aggregate of six (6) gallons per sack of cement.
         g.   All concrete shall contain a water-reducing admixture with no reduction in cement content permitted.
   F.   Subgrade Preparation. Where a fill condition exists, all topsoil and unsuitable material shall be removed. Subgrade shall be rolled or tamped before granular fill is placed. Fill shall be placed in six (6) inch layers to the proper subgrade elevation. Side slopes of fill material shall not exceed one (1) foot vertical to three (3) feet horizontal. Where a cut condition exists, all top soil and unsuitable material shall be removed. Subgrade shall be removed to the proper elevation to allow sufficient width to accommodate the forms.
   G.   Granular Base. A granular base of two (2) inch minimum thickness on the prepared subgrade. The base shall extend the full width of the sidewalk or driveway apron. The granular base shall consist of CA6 aggregate conforming to the Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction as prepared by the Illinois Department of Transportation, latest edition. (Ord. 2570 - 5/2/94; Amd. Ord. 5653 - 11/1/21)
   H.   Forms. Side forms shall be of lumber of not less than two (2) inches nominal thickness or steel of equal rigidity. The minimum depth of the side forms shall be equal to the sidewalk thickness. No two (2) inch by four (4) inch lumber forms shall be permitted. Forms shall be held securely in place by stakes or braces with the top edge true to line and grade. The forms for the sidewalk shall be set so that the slab will have a fall of one (1) inch vertical to four (4) feet horizontal from the edge nearest the property line toward the edge farthest from the property line, except as may be otherwise directed by the Department of Code Enforcement.
   I.   Expansion Joints. Expansion joints of the thickness specified below shall consist of a premolded filler strip with the top strip placed one-fourth (1/4) inch below the surface of the sidewalk or driveway apron.
      1.   One-Half Inch Thick Expansion Joints. Expansion joints one-half (1/2) inches thick shall be placed between sidewalks and all structures which extend through sidewalks, such as light standards, traffic light standards, and traffic poles. One-half (1/2) inch thick expansion joints shall also be provided at the junction of the driveway apron and the sidewalk and at the junction of the driveway apron and the curb.
      2.   Three-Fourth Inch Thick Expansion Joints. Expansion joints three-fourth (3/4) inches thick shall be placed at maximum intervals of fifty (50) feet in sidewalks and where specified by the Department of Engineering. Where sidewalks are constructed adjacent to pavement or curbs that have expansion joints, the expansion joints in the sidewalk shall be placed opposite the existing expansion joints as nearly as practicable. Expansion joints shall also be placed where the sidewalk abuts existing sidewalks, between driveway pavement and sidewalk, and between sidewalk and curbs where the sidewalk abuts a curb.
   J.   Placing and Finishing Concrete.
      1.   The Department of Code Enforcement shall be notified when the subgrade has been finished. A minimum of three (3) hours notice shall be given prior to placing concrete. No concrete shall be placed until the subgrade has been inspected and approved by the Building Department.
      2.   Materials should not be placed on ice or frozen subgrade.
      3.   The subgrade shall be moistened just before the concrete is placed. The concrete shall be placed in successive batches for the entire width of the slab, struck off from one-half (1/2) to three-fourth (3/4) inch higher than the finished slab, tamped until all voids are removed and free mortar appears on the surface, thoroughly spaded along the edges, struck off to the true grade, and finished to a true and even surface with floats and trowels. The final troweling shall be done with a steel trowel, leaving a smooth, even surface. After the water sheen has disappeared, the surface shall be given final finish by brushing with a fine-hair broom. The broom shall be drawn across the sidewalk or driveway apron at right-angles to the edges of the slab, with adjacent strokes slightly overlapping, producing a uniform, slightly roughened surface with parallel marks.
      4.   Control Joints.
         a.   Sidewalks. Control joints shall be constructed at right angles to the center line of the sidewalk and shall extend one-fourth (1/4) the depth of the sidewalk. They shall not be less than one-eighth (1/8) inch nor more than one-fourth (1/4) inch in width, and shall be edged with an edging tool having a one-fourth (1/4) inch radius. All slabs shall be five (5) feet long on any one side, unless otherwise ordered by the Director of Engineering. (Amd. Ord. 5653 - 11/1/21)
         b.   Driveway Aprons. Control joints shall be constructed so as to divide the driveway apron into sections which are approximately square, with no side longer than fifteen (15) feet. The control joints shall be not less than one-eight (1/8) inch nor more than one-fourth (1/4) inch in width, and shall be edged with an edging tool having a one-fourth (1/4) inch radius. The minimum depth shall be one and one-fourth (1 1/4) inch.
   K.   Protection from Low Temperatures. After the first seasonal frost, concrete shall be protected from freezing in accordance with the Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction as prepared by the Illinois Department of Transportation, latest edition. The developer shall be responsible for all concrete damaged by low temperatures, and any damaged concrete shall be removed and replaced by the developer at the developer's expense. (Amd. Ord. 5653 - 11/1/21)
   L.   Curing.
Sidewalks and driveway aprons shall be cured by one of the following methods:
      1.   Burlap shall be placed on the finished surface, saturated with water and covered with an impermeable covering.
      2.   Polyethylene sheeting shall be placed as soon as the concrete has sufficiently hardened to prevent marring of the surface. The surface of the concrete shall be wet immediately before the sheeting is placed. The edges of the sheeting shall be weighted securely with a continuous windrow of earth or any other means satis-factory to the Building Department to provide an air tight cover.
      3.   Specified curing compound shall be applied with brush, roller, or spray at the rate of one (1) gallon for every two hundred fifty (250) square feet of surface. Any of the above curing methods must remain in place for not less than six (6) days.
   M.   Backfill. After the concrete has been cured, forms shall be removed and the space near the edges of the sidewalk or driveway apron shall be backfilled to the required elevation with material approved by the Building Department. The material shall then be compacted until firm and the surface evenly graded.
   N.   Disposal of Surplus Material. Surplus or waste material resulting from the sidewalk or driveway apron construction shall be disposed of by the developer.
   O.   Control of Materials. The developer shall, when requested by the Village and at his expense, have a commercial testing laboratory prepare and test samples of delivered concrete. One (1) set of tests shall be taken for the first twenty-five (25) cubic yards, or fraction thereof, and one (1) set of tests shall be taken for each additional fifty (50) cubic yards. A set of tests shall consist of four (4) standard cylinders (two (2) shall be broken at seven (7) days and two (2) shall be broken at twenty-eight (28) days), one (1) slump test and one (1) air content test. The laboratory shall perform tests in accordance with recognized ASTM standards and shall submit written reports of such tests to the Director of Engineering for review. (Amd. Ord. 5653 - 11/1/21)