A.   Purpose.
      1.   In order to reduce the visual impact of large residential and nonresidential parking areas, to minimize the adverse effects of off-street parking on adjacent properties, and to ensure the proper development of parking areas throughout the Village, off-street parking and loading spaces for every use shall be provided in accordance with the standards established in this Section.
      2.   For any off-street parking area required under this Section, and for any public parking lot, garage, and storage area operated on a commercial basis, an off-street parking management plan shall be submitted as part of site plan review.
   B.   Required Number of Off-Street Parking Spaces.
      1.   Except as otherwise provided in Subsection (2) below, each principal use on a parcel shall be provided with the number of off-street parking spaces indicated for that use in Table 6-306(B).
      2.   In the event that the number of parking spaces listed on Table 6-306(B) cannot be placed on the parcel in accordance with these regulations to accommodate a parking area, the Development Services Department may authorize up to a twenty percent (20%) reduction in the total number of parking spaces required on the lot. The Development Services Department may issue such an authorization only upon the request of the applicant and only upon determining that the reduction in the number of required parking spaces will not unreasonably increase parking congestion along public streets or in parking areas located on nearby lots. (Ord. 4373 – 6/2/08; Amd. Ord. 5389 – 3/4/19)
      3.   In the event that an applicant demonstrates that a new use, whether in an existing building or new construction, will require more parking spaces than the number allocated under Table 6-306(B), the Development Services Department may authorize up to a twenty percent (20%) increase in the total number of parking spaces permitted on the lot. Any request exceeding a twenty percent (20%) increase in the total number of parking spaces permitted on the lot shall be a variance or modification pursuant to a special use. The Development Services Department may issue such authorization only upon the request of the applicant and only upon determining that the new use will attract more vehicles than the parking lot could otherwise accommodate. (Ord. 2860 – 3/18/96; Amd. Ord. 4373 – 6/2/08; Amd. Ord. 4839 – 9/16/13; Amd. Ord. 5389 – 3/4/19)
      4.   In the event that an applicant demonstrates that fewer parking spaces are needed to serve the use at the time of permit application, the Development Services Department may authorize a reduction in the amount of parking spaces and reserve additional land for potential use as parking spaces at a future time. (Ord. 4373 – 6/2/08)
      5.   When the required number of off-street parking spaces computed according to Table 6-306(B) results in a fractional number, the number of required parking spaces shall be determined as follows: any fraction up to and including one-half (1/2) shall be disregarded and fractions over one-half (1/2) shall require one (1) parking space.
      6.   If a use is not listed in Table 6-306(B), The Development Services Department shall determine the number of off-street parking spaces that shall be required.
TABLE 6-306(B)
TABLE 6-306(B)
Congregate Elderly Housing
0.5 per resident + 1 per staff person
Dwellings - detached, including Fee Simple Lot and Common Ownership
2 per dwelling unit
Dwellings - multifamily, including condominiums and apartments
2 per dwelling unit
Dwellings - townhouses and rowhouses
2 per dwelling unit + 0.5 per bedroom over 2 bedrooms
Residential units above retail or commercial establishments
2 per dwelling unit + retail spaces as required by ordinance
Animal hospitals, pounds, and boarding
1 per 300 square feet
Automobile / Car washes
3 stacking spaces per stall + 1 per employee
Automobile repair with outside storage (maximum of 10 vehicles)
1 per 300 square feet
Automobile sales and rentals
1 per 300 square feet
Automobile service stations
1 per pump + 1 stacking space per pump + 1 per 500 square feet of commercial space
1 per each full time employee + required spaces for offices
Conference Centers
1 per 4 seats
Commercial retail building footprint up to 5,000 sq. ft. in floor area
1 per 250 square feet + 4 stacking spaces per drive through lane
(Ord. 4738 - 6/18/12)
1 per 250 square feet + 4 stacking spaces per drive through lane
(Ord. 4738 - 6/18/12)
1 per 250 square feet + 4 stacking spaces per drive through lane
Commercial retail building footprint 5,001 to 50,000 sq. ft. in floor area
Commercial retail building footprint exceeding 50,000 sq. ft. in floor area
Composting facilities
1 per 300 square feet
Day care centers and day care homes
1 per 300 square feet
Dry-cleaning and laundry processing stations
1 per 500 square feet
Excavating and recycling services
1 per employee
Facilities handling hazardous materials
1 per employee
Financial Institutions
1 per 300 square feet + 3 stacking spaces per drive through lane
Food Processing Plant
1 per employee
Funeral parlors
1 per 200 square feet
Golf Courses
6 per green + 1 per employee on the peak shift
Health clubs and fitness centers
1 per employee + 1 per 200 square feet
Hotels, Motels and Extended Stay
1 per sleeping room
Indoor Recreational Facilities
1 per 200 square feet
Nurseries and greenhouses
1 per 400 square feet
Nursing homes
0.25 per resident + 1 per staff person
Offices (general)
1 per 300 square feet
Offices (medical or dental clinics with no overnight stay)
1 per 200 square feet (Ord. 4880 - 2/3/14; Amd. Ord. 5822 - 7/17/23)
Personal service establishment
1 per 200 square feet
Restaurants and banquet halls
1 per 100 square feet
1 per 200 square feet for carry-out
(Ord. 4610 - 12/20/10)
Restaurants, Fast Food
(Drive In) 1 per 100 square feet + 7 stacking spaces per drive through lane
(Ord. 4610 - 12/20/10)
Stadium or arena
Parking spaces equal in number to 33% of the capacity in persons
Swimming Pools
1 per 75 square feet of water area
Tennis or Racquet Court
3 per court
1 per 3 seats
Wholesale Establishments
1 per 1,000 square feet
Boarding Schools, Seminaries and Convents
1 per 1000 square feet
Community Centers, Clubs and Lodges
1 per 300 square feet
Colleges and Universities
1 per classroom + 1 per 3 students
Government Uses, including offices, and incubator and research facilities
Fire/Police: 1 per 500 square feet
Libraries: 1 per 400 square feet
Post Offices: 2 per station + 4 per service bay
Offices: 1 per 300 square feet
1 per 2 hospital beds + 1 per each full-time employee
Medical / Institutional uses including surgery centers, out patient centers, testing facilities and research laboratories
1 per 200 square feet (Ord. 4880 - 2/3/14; Amd. Ord. 5822 - 7/17/23)
Museums, Civic and Cultural Centers
1 per 1000 square feet
Parks (public)
Ballfields/Picnic Areas: 10 per acre
Swimming: 1 per 75 square feet of water area
Tennis/Racquet Court: 3 per court
Places of worship within 300 feet of a residential use
1 per 4 sanctuary seats or one space per each 12 feet of bench length (if no seating, one space per 60 sq. ft. of sanctuary space) + spaces required for other uses
Private Schools and Instructional Facilities for arts, athletics and vocational training
2 per classroom + 1 per 2 students
Schools - Elementary, Middle, Junior High
1.5 per classroom
Schools - High
1 per classroom + 1 per 5 students
Light Industry and Assembly
2 per 1000 square feet -OR- 1 per each employee on the largest shift (whichever is greatest)
Office Warehouse and Flex Space
1 per 300 square feet office space + 1 per 1000 square feet of warehouse space.
1.25 per 1000 square feet -OR- 1 per each 0.75 employees on the largest shift (whichever is greatest)
Petroleum Storage Facilities
1 per employee
Warehouses or Distribution Establishments
1 per 1000 square feet
Public Utility Structures
1 per 2 employees
Utility Substations
1 per employee
Wireless Communication Facilities
1 service space
(Ord. 3949 – 11/1/04; Amd. Ord. 4210 – 12/18/06; Amd. Ord. 4535 – 1/18/10; Amd. Ord. 4610 – 12/20/10; Amd. Ord. 5389 – 3/4/19)
*-Requirements based on square feet mean square feet of gross building floor area, except as otherwise indicated. (Amd. Ord. 5312 – 7/16/18)
-Requirements based on the number of seats or students mean the number that is the design capacity of the building.
-Requirements based on the number of staff or employees mean the maximum number of staff or employees on one shift, as certified by the applicant.
**-If no on-street parking is allowed, every dwelling unit must provide 2.5 spaces, or a parking agreement must be provided with a parking lot within 500 feet of the dwelling units. (Ord. 2586 - 6/6/94)
*** For any restaurants, banquet halls and fast food restaurants that have a special use as of the date of passage of Ordinance No. _______, the special use must meet either the required number of parking spaces set forth in the special use permit or the parking requirements passed in Ordinance No. _____,whichever is least restrictive. (Ord. 4610 - 12/20/10)
   C.   Size of Required Parking Spaces and Aisles
      1.   Each required parking space shall cover a rectangle at least nine (9) feet wide and eighteen (18) feet long as measured from the back of curb, as illustrated in Figure 6-306(C). The minimum required eighteen (18) foot length shall be greater where there is a wall or fence at the end of the parking space. The minimum required length may be up to two (2) feet less if a strip of ground at least two (2) feet wide exists of the space and a curb prevents a vehicle from driving onto the strip or hitting any fence or wall the edge of the parking area.
         a.   Parking spaces for train stations shall cover a rectangle at least eight and one-half (8 ½) feet wide and eighteen (18) feet long.
      (Ord. 4647 - 5/16/11; Amd. Ord. 5221 – 9/18/17)
      2.   Each required parking space shall have direct and unrestricted access to an aisle. The minimum width of said aisle is set out in Figure 6-306(C).
      3.   The vertical clearance of each enclosed off-street parking space shall be a minimum of seven (7) feet.
Figure 6-306.C(A) Required Parking Stall and Aisle Dimensions
(Amd. Ord. 5126 – 9/19/16; Amd. Ord. 5312 – 7/16/18; Am. Ord. 5895 – 5/20/24)
   D.   Spaces for the Handicapped.
      1.   Except for single family dwellings, the number of spaces required under the provisions of Subsection (B) above shall include the following requirements for parking spaces for handicapped persons:
Figure 6-306.D(A) Required Parking Spaces
Total Number of Provided Off-Street Parking Spaces
Total Number of Accessible Spaces Required
Total Number of Provided Off-Street Parking Spaces
Total Number of Accessible Spaces Required
2% of total number
20 + 1 for each 100 over 1,000
(Amd. Ord. 5126 - 9/19/16)
      2.   Off-street parking spaces for the handicapped shall be designed as follows:
         a.   All spaces for the handicapped shall have access to a curb-ramp or curb-cut when necessary to allow access to the building served, shall be located so that users will not be compelled to wheel behind parked vehicles, and shall be located the shortest possible distance between the parking area and the entrance to the principal building it serves.
         b.   The total number of accessible parking spaces may be distributed among parking lots, if greater accessibility is achieved in consideration of such factors as anticipated usage, number and location of entrances and level of parking areas.
         c.   Each parking space for the handicapped shall be at least sixteen (16) feet wide including an eight (8) foot wide access aisle. Adjacent accessible parking spaces shall be permitted to share an eight (8) foot wide common access aisle. However diagonal accessible parking spaces (e.g. 45°, 60°) shall not share an access aisle. Access aisles serving diagonal accessible parking spaces shall be located on the passenger side of each vehicle space. All access aisles shall blend to a common level with an accessible route and shall be diagonally striped. All parking shall comply with current Illinois ADA Accessibility regulations. (Amd. Ord. 5389 – 3/4/19)
   Figure 6-306.D(B) Shared Access Aisle
(Ord. 5389 – 3/4/19)
         d.   Parallel parking spaces for the handicapped shall be located either at the beginning or end of a block, or adjacent to alley entrances. Curbs adjacent to such spaces shall be of a height which will not interfere with the opening and closing of motor vehicle doors.
         e.   No accessible parking spaces shall be required if only attendant or valet parking is provided and is available at all times that the facility is open for public use. If accessible at-grade parking is available, at least one (1) space for self parking of a vehicle with sensitive specialized control devices shall be provided.
         f.   Each parking space for the handicapped shall be equipped with a sign which complies with 625 ILCS 5/11-301, as amended, and shall meet the requirements of Sign R7-8, U.S. Department of Transportation Standard and the Illinois Department of Transportation. Signs shall bear the internationally accepted wheelchair symbol and shall be vertically mounted on a post or a wall at the front center of the parking space, no more than five (5) feet horizontally from the front of the parking space, and set a minimum of four (4) feet from finished grade to the bottom of the sign.
   E.   Location of Required Parking.
      1.   Required off-street parking spaces accessory to residential dwellings shall be located on the same lot as the use served.
      2.   Required off-street parking spaces accessory to nonresidential districts shall be located within one thousand (1,000) feet of the use served, except for spaces accessory to overnight accommodations, which shall be within three hundred (300) feet of the use served.
      3.   No parking spaces accessory to a use in a nonresidential district may be located in a residential district, unless a special use permit is obtained in accordance with Section 5-105. Off-street private parking and municipal parking lots may be permitted with a special use permit provided they are completely within five hundred (500) feet of the boundary of a BIZ, OOH, MFG, COR, VCD or ORI district. (Ord. 4647, 5-16-11)
      4.   Where these regulations allow shared parking between uses on different lots, all such off-street parking areas shall be located no more than five hundred (500) feet from the use they are intended to serve.
      5.   One (1) recreational vehicle or utility or haul trailer may be parked in a driveway, provided it is located at least five (5) feet from a side, rear, or front lot line, and not less than ten (10) feet from an adjoining residential building. (Ord. 2570 5/2/94 & Ord. 3672 - 8/5/02; Amd. Ord. 4373 - 6/2/08; Amd. Ord. 4574; 7/6/10)
      6.   Except as otherwise provided herein, no commercial vehicle (e.g. truck) which either has a weight in excess of 8,000 pounds, including vehicle or maximum load, or which exceeds twenty-one (21) feet in length, eight (8) feet in width or nine (9) feet in height may be parked on either streets or alleys. However, commercial vehicles may be parked for a reasonable period of time necessary to pick up or deliver property, or necessary to install or assemble such delivered property or to prepare such property for loading and removal. The overnight parking of such vehicles shall not be permitted in any setback.
      7.   Front setbacks:
         a.   Passenger automobile parking is permitted in a front setback on a private driveway serving detached and attached dwellings, but shall not be considered as satisfying the off-street parking requirements for such uses as required by these regulations, unless there are a minimum of two (2) off-street parking spaces located elsewhere on the lot.
         b.   Off-street parking spaces for nonresidential uses may not be located in the front and corner-side building setbacks between the building and the right-of-way. However, parking spaces may locate no closer than ten (10) feet from the right-of-way provided that they are to the side of the building. (Ord. 4273 - 6/2/08)
         c.   No parking shall be permitted in the front setback for any use located in the Old Orland Historic (OOH) District.
      8.   Side setbacks:
         a.   Passenger Automobile parking is not permitted in any required side setback in a residential district. Passenger automobile parking is permitted in the driveway of the required corner side yard setback with a 20-foot minimum driveway length, excluding right-of-way and sidewalks. No open off-street parking serving a residential use in a non-required side setback shall be located nearer than 5 feet to a principal residential building. (Ord. 2959-11/18/96)
         b.   Parking may be permitted in the side setback of a nonresidential district. However, where the nonresidential district abuts a residential district, parking shall not be permitted in the side setback.
         c.   Parking may be permitted in the side setback of a lot that abuts a railroad right-of-way. (Amd. Ord. 5856 - 12/18/23)
      9.   Rear setbacks:
         a.   Passenger Automobile parking is permitted in any rear setback of a lot with a detached garage on the driveway, but not in the rear if the house has an attached garage, subject to the exceptions and requirements of Subsection (b).
         b.   In a nonresidential district, when a rear setback is adjacent to a residential district, no parking shall be permitted within twenty (20) feet of a residential district.
   F.   Shared Parking.
      1.   In order to reduce the total number of parking spaces which would otherwise be required according to Subsection (B) above, joint use of up to fifty percent (50%) of required parking spaces may be permitted for two (2) or more uses located on the same or adjacent parcels. In order to qualify for a joint use reduction, the owner of the parking lot and the owner(s) of adjacent uses must demonstrate that the shared parking will not create a parking shortage during peak hours.
      2.   Any sharing of required parking spaces by uses located on different parcels shall be guaranteed by a legally binding written agreement between the owner of the parking area and the owner of any use located on a different parcel and served by the parking area that is approved by the Village Attorney.
      3.   In the event that joint use of parking spaces becomes inappropriate, in the opinion of the Development Services Department, after a shared parking program has been implemented, the agreement in Subsection (2) above shall be set aside. The required number of off-street parking spaces shall be computed and provided according to the provisions of Subsection (B), above.
   G.   Parking Lot Barriers. Peripheral barriers, such as curbs, walls, or fences, shall be located along the perimeter of parking lots, garages and vehicle storage areas, except at entrances and exits. These parking barriers shall be designed and located to prevent parked vehicles from extending beyond property lines and from hanging over any sidewalk or other pedestrian path. All barriers shall be designed and located in accordance with the standards set out in Section 6-305. (Ord. 4373 - 6/2/08)
   H.   Bicycle Parking.
      1.   Bicycle parking shall be required at the following rates:
         a.   The following uses shall provide bicycle parking at the rates of ten percent (10%) of the motor vehicle parking spaces provided or as approved by Development Services: Mixed use developments, multifamily dwellings, civic and cultural centers, community centers, clubs and lodges, government uses, including government offices, business incubator facilities, instructional facilities for arts, athletics and vocational training, indoor and outdoor recreational facilities, libraries, museums, parks and recreation, public and private schools.
         b.   No more than thirty (30) bicycle parking spaces shall be required for any use.
      2.   Motor vehicle storage spaces shall not be counted as parking spaces in this section.
      3.   Bicycle racks shall be securely anchored to the ground and allow the bicycle to be secured in at least two places, preventing it from tipping over, and shall provide multiple points of locking to secure both the frame and one or both wheels. Spaces will not be counted toward the requirement if a bicycle cannot be secured in two places. Bicycle racks shall accommodate a variety of bicycle types and sizes. The inverted-U or similar style is required.
      4.   A minimum of 25% of required bicycle parking spaces shall be provided no more than 50' from the entrance to the user it is serving, and clearly visible.
      5.   Bicycle racks shall be installed in conformance with the minimum spacing requirements shown in Figure 6-306.H.1.
Figure 6-306.H.1.
   a. 7' 0" minimum from interior edge of sidewalk
   b. 3' 0" minimum from rack to back of curb
   c . 4' 0" minimum between centerline of racks
   d. 5' 0" minimum from centerline of rack to other site elements
   e. 5' 0" minimum from interior edge of sidewalk
   f. 3' 0" minimum from rack to back of curb
   g. 7' 0" minimum between centerline of racks
   h. 5' 0" minimum from rack to other site elements
(Amd. Ord. 5653 - 11/1/21; Amd. Ord. 5822 - 7/17/23)
   I.   Maintenance. All parking areas shall be kept in a dust-free condition at all times.
   J.   Number, Size and Location of Loading Spaces.
      1.   Any loading space and any area required for maneuvering a vehicle into and out of the loading space shall be located entirely on the same lot as the use it serves. The unenclosed loading space shall not be located on any public right-of-way or other lot, and shall be oriented away from the street fronting the lot.
      2.   No loading space for vehicles over two (2) tons capacity shall be closer than fifty (50) feet to any residential district, unless it is completely enclosed by either building walls or a uniformly painted solid fence or wall which is not less than six (6) feet in height.
      3.   No loading space or dock may be located within the required front setback. Completely enclosed loading spaces may face a public street, provided the garage door is kept closed at all times and during loading and unloading operations. Vehicles waiting for loading or unloading shall not park or be stored within the required front setback.
      4.   Off-street loading spaces may be permitted obstructions in rear setbacks, so long as they are not closer than fifty (50) feet from the nearest building or structure.
      5.   Unless otherwise provided by these regulations, a required loading space shall be at least 12 feet in width by at least 25 feet in length, exclusive of aisles and maneuvering space, and shall have a vertical clearance dependent on the floor area of the establishment, as displayed in Table 6-306(J)a. (Amd. Ord. 5858 - 12/18/23)
      6.   Loading spaces shall be provided on the basis of the floor area of the establishments they serve, as indicated in Table 6-306(J).
Table 6-306(J)a
Table 6-306(J)a
Floor Area of Establishment (sq. ft.)
Required Number
Minimum Size (ft.)
Minimum Vertical Clearance (ft.)
12 x 25
12 x 25
12 x 25
12 x 25
over 100,000
12 x 25
* plus one additional space for every 50,000 sq. ft. of floor area over 150,000.
(Amd. Ord. 5858 - 12/18/23)
   K.   Restriction on Use of Off-Street Parking and Loading Spaces.
   The storage of merchandise, materials, or motor vehicles, and/or the repair of motor vehicles or any other kind of equipment, is prohibited in all off-street parking and loading areas, including required and not required spaces. Temporary storage units as regulated by Section 6-304.C.12 shall be permitted. (Ord. 4574 - 7/6/10)
   L.   Configuration of Off-Street Parking and Loading Ingress and Egress.
      1.   Ingress and egress to and from off-street parking and loading spaces shall be provided by means of clearly limited and defined entrance and exit drives which lead from public rights-of-way to clearly limited and defined maneuvering lanes which in turn provide access to in-dividual off-street parking or loading spaces.
      2.   Layout configurations which require backing directly onto an arterial street are prohibited.
(Ord. 4647 – 5/16/11)
      3.   On arterial roadways, the number of access points shall be limited to one (1), unless a competent traffic engineering study determines that site access would be improved by additional access points. The minimum space between access drives shall be based on roadway speed and not on speed type and shall be determined by the Department of Development Services. (Amd. Ord. 5167 – 2/20/17)
      4.   Wherever practicable, access drives shall be shared by several uses. Such uses shall be jointly responsible for the maintenance and landscaping of the drive.
   M.   Truck Trailer Parking. One truck trailer shall be allowed for every 20,000 square feet of building, excluding those parked in a loading dock, limited to side and rear setbacks and no closer than 30 feet to the property line. These trailers shall be screened year-round from adjacent public right-of-way and residences with adequate landscaping/berming. (Ord. 3354 – 4/17/00)
   N.   Vehicle to Grid (V2G) Parking Standards.
      (Ord. 4574 – 7/6/10)
      1.   Vehicle to Grid (V2G) Parking Standards. V2G refers to the system of communication between electric or plug-in hybrid vehicles and the power grid to sell demand response services by either delivering electricity into the grid or by throttling their charging rate. Such vehicles are often either battery electric vehicles (BEV) or plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs). BEVs and PHEVs displace the use of petroleum fossil fuels, improve transportation fuel efficiency and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Since most vehicles are parked the majority of the time, BEV or PHEV batteries could be used to let electricity flow from the vehicle to the power lines and back, registering potential energy savings to utilities per vehicle. As BEVs and PHEVs become more main-stream, the purpose of this subsection is to regulate vehicle to grid (V2G) land uses and associated technologies.
         a.   Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE). EVSE are the plug-in or power control stations (e.g. electric vehicle battery chargers) that allow BEVs and PHEVs to re-charge batteries. EVSE technologies must meet and comply with the most up to date provisions of the National Electrical Code for Level 2 conductive power stations and be approved by Underwriters Laboratories. One EVSE power station will be permitted per parking space.
         b.   Electric Utility Interface and Screening. ComEd shall be contacted to determine appropriate grid interconnection and interfacing, including metering policies. All associated and ancillary equipment, batteries, devices, structures or support(s) for EVSE shall be screened from the public right-of-way with low native landscaping. Cables, wires and other transmission conduits or lines, with the exception of the actual EVSE to vehicle plug/ adapter cable, providing connections from the EVSE to the electrical distribution point or to buildings or non-vehicle batteries must be installed underground.
         c.   EVSE Ports. EVSE ports are two (2) or more EVSE power control stations/ parking spaces aligned adjacent to each other. These typically are associated with specific parking spaces in a parking lot or structure. In parking lots EVSE ports can have canopies to protect the EVSE power stations from weather, provide adequate lighting for safety and convenience, and provide a platform for co-located renewable energy conversion systems to produce onsite energy. Two types of EVSE ports are permitted through an administrative review. EVSE ports may not locate between the building and street. (Ord. 4738 – 6/18/12)
      1.   Utility Public Charging Port (UPCP). A UPCP is an EVSE port established in a publically owned and maintained parking lot by either the electrical utility that services the area (ComEd) or the local government. UPCPs shall be permitted in all zoning districts.
            2.   Private Charging Port (PCP). A PCP is an EVSE port established in a privately owned and maintained parking lot by the private property owner or property management company. A PCP is permitted in R-4, VC, BIZ, COR, MFG, ORI and OS district parking lots. Commercial and multi-family PCPs do not typically require canopies for Underwriters Laboratories approved charging equipment. However, providing shelter over charging equipment to protect from rain or snow fall is permitted. (Amd. Ord. 5822 - 7/17/23)
         d.   Location of EVSE and EVSE Ports. EVSEs must be located in accessible locations in parking lots near electrical distribution points/ transformer boxes (typically within 40 feet) and/ or on light poles in parking lots for commercial properties or, for multi-residential properties, near a PHEV/BEV tenant’s electrical meter for appropriate grid connectivity and metering.
         e.   V2G Parking Only Spaces. V2G parking spaces shall meet the requirements for standard parking spaces as outlined in this section. In addition to these requirements, the EVSE shall be centered at the top of the parking space and protected by either stopping blocks, in the absence of curbs, or curbs. V2G parking only spaces may be used by regular automobiles if no other parking spaces are available.
         f.   V2G Parking Requirements. V2G parking requirements are voluntary. If V2G parking is proposed, there shall be one (1) V2G parking space per the first 30 required parking spaces and one (1) V2G space for every 10 required parking spaces thereafter.
         g.   Overnight V2G Parking in Parking Lots. Overnight parking in V2G parking spaces and lots is not permitted for recreation vehicles (10 p.m. to 10 a.m.). Overnight V2G parking is permitted for non-recreation PHEVs/ BEVs in publicly accessible parking lots via permit parking.