   The Village Administrator, except as otherwise required or prohibited by law, shall serve as the chief administrative officer of the village and shall be the direct representative of the Village President and Village Board of Trustees in the transaction of the official business of the village and in all matters concerning the citizens of the village and, to the extent not prohibited by law, shall perform the duties assigned to him by the Village President and Village Board, including, but not limited to, those duties and authorities specifically provided for herein as follows:
   (A)   To observe, review, evaluate, and coordinate the work of department heads and the employees for whom they are responsible and assist or advise them in resolving unusual or difficult problems as may be necessary.
   (B)   When and as directed by the Village President and the Village Board, to coordinate Village Board functions with those of other village boards and commissions, such as the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners, the Planning, Zoning and Development Commission, and with other governmental agencies, such as fire protection and sanitary districts, park districts, the public schools, other municipalities, county governments, and the State of Illinois and its agencies, and to keep the Village President and Village Board fully advised of major activities, problems, and issues of which they should be informed.
   (C)   To serve as the Personnel Officer of the village and to make recommendations to the Village President and Village Board concerning the hiring, appointment, suspension, promotion, demotion, discipline, removal, or termination of village employees except those over whom such matters are specifically prohibited by law or ordinance (i.e., police officers); to devise and recommend to the Village President and Village Board policies and procedures relating to employment standards and practices, personnel compensation, job classification, performance evaluation, merit pay, training, professional development, employee relations, labor relations, personnel actions, and other related matters.
   (D)   To be responsible for preparation of the annual village budget or appropriation ordinance, in accordance with such guidelines as may be provided by the Village President and Village Board.
   (E)   To report regularly to the Village President and Village Board on the current and projected fiscal condition of the village and the current status of expenditures relative to the village budget or appropriation ordinance, and to assure that proper accounting procedures are followed with regard to the finances, income, and expenditures of the village.
   (F)   To be fully informed concerning current and pending state and federal legislation affecting the village and to keep village officials fully informed of such matters.
   (G)   To be fully informed and, under the direction of the Village President and the Village Board, to take appropriate action on matters regarding the availability of state and federal grants in aid for local programs,and to assist department heads or village staff in procuring such funds.
   (H)   To coordinate, as directed by the Village President and the Village Board, matters relating to economic and community development, land use, long- range planning, and other matters relating to the continued improvement and economic well-being of the village.
   (I)   Except as otherwise provided by law or directed by the Village President and Village Board, to be responsible for receiving and handling complaints, suggestions, applications for permits and licenses, and other such matters and to take appropriate action thereon, or to refer such matters to the appropriate village office or official.
   (J)   To be responsible for the proper maintenance and upkeep of the Village Hall and all village-owned real estate and personal property.
   (K)   To authorize all purchase orders and contracts for services, supplies, materials, and equipment, or for contractual services, involving the expenditure of not more than $3,000, provided, however, no such purchase order or contract shall be authorized without a prior unexpended and unencumbered appropriation in sufficient amount for such purpose.
   (L)   To prepare or direct the preparation of the preliminary agenda for the Village Board meetings, and to keep the Village President and Village Board informed concerning the background and issues relating to items scheduled for action or discussion by the Village Board; and where appropriate, to take necessary action to implement Village Board policies, ordinances, resolutions, and instructions.
   (M)   On his own initiative, or as directed by the Village President and Village Board, to conduct research and prepare reports concerning matters for which the Village President and Village Board are responsible.
   (N)   As may be required or directed by the Village President and Village Board, to review, monitor, and oversee village operations and make recommendations to the Village President and Village Board as to how such operations may be conducted in a more efficient and economical manner.
   (O)   To coordinate and supervise the administrative, clerical, and staff functions of the village central office, to include the development and implementation of procedural manuals, operating policies, administrative systems, and other matters necessary for the efficient administrative operation of the village.
   (P)   To attend all regular and special meetings of the Village Board, and all committee meetings as directed by the Village Board, and to provide the Village President and Village Board with information and assistance necessary for the proper and efficient conduct of such meetings.
   (Q)   To act, when directed, as the representative of the Village President and Village Board at meetings with village residents, representatives of other governmental agencies or other organizations and to fully and properly represent the interests of the village at such meetings.
   (R)   To meet with citizens of the village when necessary to hear and investigate complaints or suggestions regarding village business or services, to initiate corrective action when necessary, and to take any other such action which may be necessary to ensure the efficient delivery of municipal services, provided that such actions are within the guidelines and policies established by the Village President and Village Board, and provided further that the Village President and Village Board are kept fully informed of all such matters requiring their attention.
   (S)   To take any other such action as may be directed by the Village President and the Village Board not otherwise prohibited by law or ordinance.
(Ord. 87-17, passed 12-9-87; Am. Ord. 95-02, passed 3-28-95; Am. Ord. 95-06, passed 4-10-95; Am. Ord. 95-15, passed 8-16-95)
   The Village Administrator shall receive such compensation as shall be fixed from time to time by the Village President and Village Board of Trustees in accordance with law.
(Ord. 87-17, passed 12-9-87)
   The Village Administrator shall comply fully with the "conflict of interest" provisions set forth from time to time in the Illinois Municipal Code (Chapter 65) and the Illinois Corrupt Practices Act, ILCS Ch. 50, Act 105 § 1 et seq. regardless of whether such statutory provisions are made expressly to the position of Village Administrator. The Village Administrator shall also not be interested directly or indirectly in any matters requiring decisions or recommendations to be made to the village or any of its commissions, boards, or committees, and specifically including zoning and other legislative decisions, unless expressly exempted by law or by resolution of the Village Board of Trustees.
(Ord. 87-17, passed 12-9-87; Am. Ord. 93-01, passed 1-12-93)
   The Village Administrator shall be expected and encouraged to maintain membership in and attend conferences and meetings of organizations and associations for the purpose of enhancing and maintaining professional expertise in municipal administration, providing that expenses relating to membership in such organizations and attendance at such meetings shall have been previously approved by the Village President and Village Board of Trustees.
(Ord. 87-17, passed 12-9-87)
§ 31.065 BOND.
   The Village Clerk shall before entering upon the duties of his office, extend to the Village a bond in the penal sum of $3,000, with sureties to be approved by the Board of Trustees, conditioned as provided by law.
(Ord. 75-15, passed 7-30-75)