The Treasurer shall prepare an investment report at least monthly. The report should be provided to the Board of Trustees and available on request. The report should be in a format suitable for review by the general public. An annual report should also be provided to the Board.
(Res. 99-29, passed 11-17-99; Am. Res. 2009-1010, passed 3-4-09)
All checks or drafts from village accounts in excess of $5,000 (Board approved limit) shall require two signatures, of those persons so authorized to sign on behalf of the village. Interfund and intrafund transfers shall continue the practice of utilization of security codes and confirmations, as has been customary for written and/or on-line transactions.
(Res. 2009-1010, passed 3-4-09)
For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning:
BUILDING INSPECTOR. Any municipal employee whose duties include the inspection or examination of structures or property in the village to determine if zoning or other code violation exist.
CODE. Any municipal ordinance, law, housing, building code or zoning ordinance that establishes construction, plumbing, heating, electrical, fire prevention, sanitation or other health and safety standards that are applicable to structures in a municipality.
HEARING OFFICER. A municipal employee or an officer or agent of the village, other than a property inspector or law enforcement officer, whose duty it is to:
(1) Preside at an administrative hearing called to determine whether or not a code violation exists;
(2) Hear testimony and accept evidence from all interested parties relevant to the existence of a code violation;
(3) Preserve and authenticate the record of the hearing and all exhibits and evidence introduced at the hearing; and
(4) Issue and sign a written finding, decision, and order stating whether a code violation exists.
PROPERTY OWNER. The legal or beneficial owner of a structure.
(Ord. 2006-029, passed 11-15-06)
(A) There is hereby established a Code Hearing Department. The function is to expedite the presentation and correction of code violations in the manner set forth in ILCS Ch. 65, Act 5, §§ 11-31.1-1 et seq., and this subchapter.
(B) The adoption of this subchapter does not preclude the village from using other lawful methods to enforce the provisions of its code.
(Ord. 2006-029, passed 11-15-06)
Code Hearing Department, see also §§ 32.120 et seq.
(A) When a Building Inspector finds a code violation while inspecting a property, he or she shall note the violation on a "violation notice and report" form, indicating the name and address of the property owner, the type and nature of the violation, the date and time the violation was observed, the names of witnesses to the violation, and the address of the property where the violation is observed.
(B) The violation notice and report form shall be forwarded by the Building Inspector to the Code Hearing Department where a docket number shall be stamped on all copies of the report, and a hearing date noted in the blank spaces provided for that purpose on the form. The hearing date shall not be less than 30 days nor more than 63 days after the violation is reported by the Building Inspector.
(C) One copy of the violation notice and report form shall be maintained in the files of the Code Hearing Department and shall be part of the record of hearing, one copy of the report form shall be returned to the Building Inspector so that he or she may prepare evidence of the code violation for presentation at the hearing on the date indicated, and one copy of the violation notice and report form shall be served by first class mail on the property owner along with a summons commanding the property owner to appear at the hearing. If the village has an ordinance requiring property owners to register with the village, service may be made on the property owner by mailing the report and summons to the property owner's address registered with the village. If the name of the property owner of the structure cannot be ascertained or if service on the property owner cannot be made by mail, service may be made on the property owner by posting or affixing a copy of the violation notice and report form on the front door (main entrance) of the structure where the violation is found, however, not less than 15 days before the hearing is scheduled.
(D) This subchapter does not preclude the village from using other methods to enforce the provisions of its code.
(Ord. 2006-029, passed 11-15-06)