(a)    Water rates beginning April 1, 2018 - three percent (3%) Increase January 1st every year thereafter.
Inside City Limits Residential - Public Schools - Churches - rate .0032
Industrial - Commercial -
rate .0042
Meter Size
Minimums by meter size 762 gallons
Minimums by meter size
1,496 gallons
Outside City Limits Residential - Public Schools - Churches - rate .00381
Meter Size
Minimums by meter size 1,496 gallons
Flat Rate Water - Unmetered Water - $2.66
   (b)    All unpaid water rents become due and payable during the month of issue, after which a ten percent (10%) penalty with a minimum penalty of five dollars ($5.00) shall be added to the original charge. Whenever water service is terminated in accordance with the rules adopted by the City, a fifty dollar ($50.00) fee shall be required for turning water off and an additional charge of fifty dollars ($50.00) shall be charged for turning water on. It is the responsibility of the customer to pay water rents whether or not a bill is actually received. Any individual, corporation or other legal entity having a delinquent water account with this City shall not be permitted to establish water service at any other location until the delinquent account is paid.
   (c)    The charge for the taps three-fourths inch (3/4") and one inch (1") in size will be based upon the cost of labor and materials used for making such taps at current market value. The charge for the taps larger than one inch (1") will be based upon the cost of labor and materials used at the current market value for making such taps plus fifteen percent (15%), but in no case less than the cost of one inch (1") tap. The cost of furnishing a water meter shall be included in calculating the charges for taps. Taps up to one and one-half inch (1 ½") are brought to the curb line and shutoff valve place there. Taps larger than one and one-half inches (1 ½") - the shutoff is made at the main in the street. The service line from the main into the property shall be the responsibility of the customer. If a two inch (2") or larger tap is to be made with corporation and curb stop, the line tapped must be at least an eight inch (8") line. The hold to be drilled for such a tap cannot be drilled in a smaller size line. All taps over two inches (2") in size are made with sleeve and valve and shutoff in the street at the main.
   (d)    All commercial buildings construction water cost will be metered. A twenty-five dollar ($25.00) fee will be charged for residential construction water for each two-month period. When a final inspection of plumbing is made by the Health Department at a house or building, the Health Department will notify the city that house or building is ready for meter to be installed.
   (e)    All residential construction water must be taken from the service line and the use of hydrants for construction water is prohibited. A fee of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) will be charged for this unmetered water for a period not to exceed two months. Commercial construction water must be taken from the service line and the use of hydrants for construction water is prohibited. A fee of one hundred dollars ($100.00) will be charged for this service.
   (f)    The user's fee will be required when a residential developer makes the water tap instead of the City in a new subdivision. All other residential taps must be made by City personnel or their designee.
All Others
To help offset the cost of inspections of 4", 6", 8", 10" and 12" water taps, as well as waterline
installations, chlorination of lines, a bacteria test fee will be based on twenty-five percent (25%) of total cost of tap. This does not include the cost of the meter. The meter will be a separate cost.
Example: 4-in. Tap Fee
4 in. Tap
4 in. Tapping Valve
Tapping Sleeve
Valve Box
Misc. (testing, inspection, gravel, asphalt, etc.)
15% Availability Charge (Ord. 921.01)
25% Users fee (private lines)
(25%) of total cost of tap
   (g)    All current customers located outside the City of Ontario shall pay a twenty-five percent (25%) additional charge to the regular water rates listed in this chapter and to the minimum metered usage tap fees and service charges.
   (h)    Any account that is still delinquent after final shut-off notice date will be placed on the shut-off list and will be charged fifty dollars ($50.00) administrative fee even if the water is not physically shut-off. If the water is shut off an additional fee of fifty dollars ($50.00) will be charged to have the water turned on.
(Ord. 22-36. Passed 7-13-22.)