474.01 Code application to bicycles.
474.02 Responsibility of parents.
474.03 Bicycle registration; fee
474.04 Minimum age of bicycle operator.
474.05 Lights, signal devices, brakes on bicycles.
474.06 Safe riding regulations.
474.065 Riding on right side of roadway; riding abreast.
474.066 Riding bicycles upon sidewalk.
474.07 Parking bicycles.
474.08 Riding upon seats; carrying packages; motorcycle handle bars; helmets and glasses.
474.09 Attaching bicycles, motorcycles to other vehicles.
474.10 Impoundment.
474.11 Public safety campaign.
474.12 Motorcycle compliance.
474.13 Operation of motorized bicycles.
474.14 Electric bicycles.
474.99 Penalty.
See section histories for similar State law
Bicycle defined - see TRAF. 402.04
Motorcycle defined - see TRAF. 402.19
Bicycles prohibited on freeways - see TRAF. 404.05
Operation of vehicles on bicycle paths - see TRAF. 432.38
Motorcycle operator’s license required - see TRAF. 436.01
Motorcycle headlight - see TRAF. 438.03
Motorcycle brakes - see TRAF. 438.18
Off-highway motorcycles - see TRAF. Ch. 476
(a) The provisions of this Traffic Code that are applicable to bicycles and electric bicycles apply whenever a bicycle or electric bicycle is operated upon any street or upon any path set aside for the exclusive use of bicycles.
(b) Except as provided in subsection (d) of this section, a bicycle operator or electric bicycle operator who violates any section of this Traffic Code described in subsection (a) of this section that is applicable to bicycles or electric bicycles may be issued a ticket, citation or summons by a law enforcement officer for the violation in the same manner as the operator of a motor vehicle would be cited for the same violation. A person who commits any such violation while operating a bicycle or electric bicycle shall not have any points assessed against the person’s driver’s license, commercial driver’s license, temporary instruction permit, or probationary license under Ohio R.C. 4510.036.
(c) Except as provided in subsection (d) of this section, in the case of a violation of any section of this Traffic Code described in subsection (a) of this section by a bicycle operator, electric bicycle operator, or motor vehicle operator when the trier of fact finds that the violation by the motor vehicle operator endangered the lives of bicycle riders or electric bicycle riders at the time of the violation, the court, notwithstanding any provision of this Traffic Code to the contrary, may require the bicycle operator, electric bicycle operator, or motor vehicle operator to take and successfully complete a bicycling skills course approved by the court in addition to or in lieu of any penalty otherwise prescribed by the Traffic Code for that violation.
(d) Subsections (b) and (c) of this section do not apply to violations of Section 434.01 of this Traffic Code. (ORC 4511.52)
(e) The provisions of this Traffic Code shall apply to bicycles except those which by their nature are not applicable.
(f) Every person operating a bicycle shall obey the instructions of official traffic control devices and signals applicable to vehicles, unless otherwise directed by a police officer.
(a) If the owner of any bicycle is a resident of the City he or she may register his or her bicycle with the City.
(b) Application for registration shall be made to the Police Department upon forms provided by the Department, which application shall state the make, color, serial number and other identifying characteristics of the bicycle; the name, address and telephone number of the applicant; and any other information the Department deems pertinent. In addition to the original application there shall be two carbon copies. The original and one of the carbon copies shall be retained by the Department to be arranged by numerical order of registrations and by alphabetical order of applicants, respectively; and one of the copies shall be returned to the applicant.
(c) Each application shall be accompanied by a fee of fifty cents (50¢).
(d) Upon receipt of the application and required fee, the Department shall furnish the applicant a numbered decal, of a form and design approved by the Safety Committee of Council, which shall be permanently attached to the bicycle in a conspicuous place. Each registrant shall also be issued a copy of or an abstract of the appropriate regulations set forth in this chapter.
(e) No decal, once issued, shall be transferable to or used on any other bicycle.
(f) No person shall purposely or knowingly remove, destroy, mutilate, alter or deface the serial number of any bicycle or such decal issued by the City for use on any bicycle.
(g) Any person who sells or transfers the ownership of a bicycle registered with the City is requested to report such sale or transfer at the earliest possible time.
(h) The Department shall act upon all applications and may require documents of ownership and compliance with all safety equipment provisions of this chapter.
(i) The Department shall maintain files of all registrations, as provided for in this section, in as diligent and efficient a manner as is possible, to expedite the recovery of stolen bicycles, and may remove from such files any registration more than ten years old.
(Ord. 87-84. Passed 9-10-84.)
No person who has not yet attained the age of eleven years shall operate a bicycle upon the roadway portion of any street of the Municipality if a sidewalk is available parallel thereto except as otherwise provided or required in Section 474.06. A police officer having reason to believe that the operator of a bicycle is under the age of eleven years, whether because of the appearance of the operator or other information known to the officer, shall have the authority to stop such operator and request proper identification and proof of age. In the event that the operator is unable to provide such proof to the reasonable satisfaction of the police officer, the officer shall treat the case by applying one or more of the following alternatives:
(a) The officer may transport such operator and his or her bicycle to his or her place of residence if it is within the Municipality, or such other place within the Municipality as the operator may request for the purpose of establishing such identification, provided that if the child is proven to be eleven years of age or older the police officer shall return the operator and bicycle to the original location or to such other reasonable convenient location as the operator may request;
(b) The officer may release the operator forthwith;
(c) The officer mav require the operator to comply with the terms of this section unless and until the Police Department is furnished with proof of such identification and age, to its reasonable satisfaction. Upon the furnishing of such proof, the Police Department shall provide to the individual, without charge, a convenient certification form which may thereafter be carried by the person and which shall thereafter be deemed to be conclusive;
(d) The officer may contact the parent or parents, guardian or other person in charge of such person for the purpose of establishing identification or age; or
(e) The officer may issue a citation if, after confronting the operator, from all the circumstances known to him or her, he or she has reasonable cause to believe that the person has violated this section.
(Ord. 65-73. Passed 12-11-73.)