When a police officer has reasonable cause to believe that the operator of a bicycle is physically unable to continue to operate such bicycle in a safe manner, or when the police officer finds it necessary to legally take the operator of a bicycle into custody, or when the physical condition of the bicycle either renders continued operation unsafe or would automatically result in a violation of any of the provisions of this chapter due to improper or inadequate equipment. The police officer or other member of the Police Department may seize or impound such bicycle. The bicycle shall be transported to and kept in a safe place designated by the Safety Director. The Safety Director shall make and publish regulations governing the impounding, safekeeping and release of such bicycles. Such regulations shall provide, at a minimum, for the release of the impounded bicycle upon application by any responsible person who offers evidence that the conditions which necessitated the impoundment have ceased to exist. In no event shall an impounded bicycle be released to any person who is not at least eighteen years of age. If the bicycle operator is not at least eighteen years old the bicycle shall be released only to the parent or guardian of such individual.
(Ord. 65-73. Passed 12-11-73.)