All generators shall place only solid waste in storage containers in a manner which prevents loose waste from becoming litter. Curbside carts shall contain only tightly closed trash bags. Solid waste containers shall be stored in a manner that will inhibit animal or human scavenging, illegal dumping, and will not create a public nuisance as defined in the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance.
(Ord. KOC 24-830-409, passed 5-21-2024)
The coordinator shall establish the procedures for disposing of bulky waste from residential generators within the county. Bulky waste collection shall be available at least once weekly. Bulky waste collection shall be available and specified through collection contracts between the governing body and a solid waste collector.
(Ord. KOC 24-830-409, passed 5-21-2024)
Projects such as construction, demolition, renovation, remodeling, home vacation, or decluttering, shall be contained within a temporary dumpster until project completion, or removed from the property within 48 hours of exterior placement.
(Ord. KOC 24-830-409, passed 5-21-2024)
The following wastes may not be deposited in residential and commercial solid waste containers for collection:
(A) Loose, unbagged waste;
(B) Bulky waste, large appliances, and furniture;
(C) Construction and demolition debris or Cⅅ
(D) Rocks, sand, dirt, and trees;
(E) Hazardous waste;
(F) Liquids of any kind;
(G) Tires;
(H) Dead animals in excess of one pound;
(I) Any burning or smoldering materials or any other materials that would create a fire hazard; and
(J) Batteries of any kind.
(Ord. KOC 24-830-409, passed 5-21-2024)
All solid waste placed in authorized storage containers and placed at the point of collection defined in § 50.019 shall become the property of the governing body or its duly authorized agent and no person shall be allowed to add to, separate, carry off or dispose of the same.
(Ord. KOC 24-830-409, passed 5-21-2024)
Loose grass clippings, weeds, plants, leaves, and twigs shall be tightly bagged. Tree limbs less than four inches in diameter, branches, and brush shall be securely and safely bundled in a manner that allows for ease of curbside collection. Bundles shall not be larger than 48 inches long and 18 inches in diameter and shall not exceed 50 pounds when placed at the collection point. Tree stumps, logs, and large limbs shall be contained in dumpsters, chipped, or taken directly to a disposal facility.
(Ord. KOC 24-830-409, passed 5-21-2024)
Residential and agricultural containment of green waste, vegetative food scraps, and other fibrous wastes, excluding all animal waste, on one's own property within a controlled and acceptable method of decomposition for the purpose of enriching the soil is encouraged by the governing body.
(Ord. KOC 24-830-409, passed 5-21-2024)
(A) Safety standards. All vehicles must meet all aspects of vehicle safety as established by the Department of Kentucky State Police, including, and not limited to, requirements for lighting, reflectors, emergency stop systems, and backup alarms.
(B) Weight and load limits. Collection vehicles must comply with weight limits and distribution of weight on axles, per KRS Chapter 189, to prevent overloading and protect road surfaces.
(C) Vehicle dimensions. To ensure that collection vehicles can safely navigate streets and roads, KRS 189.221 regulates maximum vehicle dimensions, including height, width, and length.
(D) Road traffic laws. Trash collection trucks must adhere to general road traffic laws, including rules related to speed limits, signaling, and right-of-way.
(E) Waste handling and transportation regulations. All waste shall be secured and transported in a manner which minimizes the release of litter and odors. Open-top trailers must be securely covered with all sides of the cover fastened to the trailer while transporting solid waste. Vehicles with enclosed compaction systems shall be constructed, maintained, and operated as to minimize spillage of waste therefrom.
(F) Nuisance regulations. Collection vehicles shall adhere to nuisance regulations per KRS 189.020 and local nuisance ordinances to minimize disturbances to the public during their operation. This can include, and is not limited to, restrictions on collection times, maximum noise levels, and prevention of leakage and odors.
(G) Occupational safety and health regulations. Commercial waste hauling vehicles shall be operated by duly licensed drivers meeting all requirements noted in 601 KAR 1.005 Safety administrative regulation. All permitted waste haulers shall provide the minimum safety standards as required under federal OSHA regulations.
(Ord. KOC 24-830-409, passed 5-21-2024)