(A)   CDDLs may operate during daylight hours Monday through Saturday. The Solid Waste Coordinator has the authority to restrict hours of operation when warranted for public safety reasons. Restrictions on the hours of operation may be warranted when the CDDL is in close proximity to residential areas or when CDDL heavy truck traffic must travel through a residential area.
   (B)   The operation shall be conducted so as not to create a nuisance or cause undue noise, vibration, dust or odor to adjacent properties. The premises shall be kept in a neat and clean condition at all times. Loose paper or debris shall be controlled on the site. Dusty conditions shall be corrected by sprinkling with water or other methods meeting current state standards.
   (C)   Debris is to be spread and compacted over the site by the end of the working day following disposal.
   (D)   No burning of any material is to occur at the CDDL. Any smoldering flame or spontaneous combustion shall be immediately extinguished. Any fires at the CDDL must be reported in the status report.
   (E)   Only construction/demolition debris allowed by the Cabinet shall be disposed in the CDDL. Substances deemed hazardous by state and/or federal law, or any other non-construction/demolition debris material shall not be disposed in the CDDL.
   (F)   (1)   All CDD loads shall first be sent to a permitted transfer facility before they are diverted to a less than one acre CDDL. All loads for a less than one acre CDDL shall be inspected at the transfer facility. All loads for a greater than one acre CDDL shall be inspected at the facility gate. All non-CDD is to be extracted from the load. Extracted waste shall be properly disposed. Non-hazardous waste not allowed in the CDDL shall be transported to a contained landfill. A licensed hauler shall transport hazardous waste to a properly permitted hazardous waste disposal facility.
      (2)   Recyclable materials may be extracted at this time. The remaining CDD shall then be transferred directly to the working face of the CDDL or first reduced in volume by mechanical means.
      (3)   Diversions of disposal ready loads of CDD directly to the CDDL is permitted with prior approval from the Solid Waste Coordinator.
   (G)   Roads accessing the property of the CDDL site must be kept cleared of mud, dirt and other debris associated with the construction, operation and closure of the CDDL.
   (H)   Two sets of daily logs of the CDDL use shall be generated by the operator. The first set of logs shall be maintained at the place of business of the operator, and within the county, and shall include the date, origin of the debris (to include the name, address and phone number of the responsible party), number of truckloads and the total cubic yards disposed. This set of logs will be available to the Solid Waste Coordinator with a minimum of 24 hours prior notice. The information concerning the origin of the debris shall be maintained as confidential, except as necessary to establish a violation pursuant to §§ 50.167 or 50.999, or in an appeal pursuant to § 50.168. The operator shall have the right to seek confidential treatment of the information concerning the origin of the debris in any proceeding conducted pursuant to §§ 50.167, 50.168 or 50.999. The second set of daily logs shall be submitted as part of the monthly status report and shall include the date, number of truckloads and the total cubic yards disposed at the CDDL.
   (I)   A monthly status report detailing the daily log summary, leachate monitoring results, leachate characterization results, leachate collection log, groundwater monitoring results (if applicable), any incidents, corrective measures and any other reporting requirements of this chapter must be submitted to the Solid Waste Coordinator by the twentieth day of the following month.
   (J)   CDDL must have a sign at the driveway entrance in accordance with state and county regulations.
   (K)   A landfill operator, certified by the Cabinet, shall be on duty or available any time the CDDL is open for use. The use of an interim operator is permissible as long as the Solid Waste Coordinator is notified.
   (L)   The operator shall obtain and maintain, in good standing order, all other local and state permits and requirements.
   (M)   (1)   An unlit sign shall be installed at the CDDL driveway entrance with the public street.
      (2)   The sign shall contain the following information:
         (a)   Statement that this is a facility for the disposal of construction demolition debris and is not open for unsupervised dumping:
            1.   Name and telephone number of the county’s Solid Waste Coordinator and police dispatch’s non-emergency telephone number; and
            2.   Name and business telephone number of CDDL operator.
         (b)   The size of the sign shall be adequate to make it readily legible from the public right-of-way. The sign shall be maintained in a readable condition during the CDDL operation and remain in place until the CDDL has been properly closed in accordance with this subchapter.
(Ord. KOC 97-830-53, passed 9-2-1997; Ord. KOC 99-830-199, passed 6-1-1999)