A. Restricted Items: No sales of firearms, pyrotechnics, ammunition, explosives, alcoholic beverages, pornography, medicines, drinks or food shall be made by daily sellers of the swap meet licensee's premises; except the sale of food and drink prepared on the premises where the seller thereof has applied for and obtained the necessary county health department permits and snack bar or restaurant business license; or where such sale of food and drink only involves packaged or canned goods obtained from another licensed and regulated business.
(1979 Code § 5.57.070; Ord. 87-6, 1-22-1987; amd. 1999 Code)
B. Suspicious Items; Reporting Required: It is the duty of every swap meet licensee to report to the police department any article he or she has reason to believe was stolen or lost, and found by the person attempting to sell it.
(1979 Code § 5.57.080; Ord. 87-6, 1-22-1987)
In addition to the other penalties provided by law, any swap meet licensee violating the provision of this article may have his or her license revoked or suspended in accordance with the provisions of chapter 1, article C of this title.
(1979 Code § 5.57.090; Ord. 87-6, 1-22-1987; amd. 1999 Code)
A seller shall be deemed to be in violation of the provisions of this chapter if:
A. Failure To List Property Sold: He or she fails to list all property proposed to be sold or exchanged; or
B. Failure To Identify: He or she fails to list the correct serial number or identifying marks of said property; or
C. False Information: He or she gives false information as to his or her identity or the property's identity even though such information is not specifically required by this article.
(1979 Code § 5.57.100; Ord. 87-6, 1-22-1987; amd. 1999 Code; Ord. 2005-29, 5-24-2005)