A copy of the current plat and the description of the boundaries of the city shall be kept by the city recorder. The city recorder shall notify the city engineer upon the recordation of any plan or map effectuating an annexation. A reproducible copy will be kept in the office of the city engineer and shall be available for public view and inspection during usual business hours of the city.
(Ord. 2016-52, 9-20-2016)
The seal of the city shall be as follows: one and five-eighths inches (15/8") in diameter, the impression of which represents a beehive on a stand in the center, with a rose on either side of the beehive, with bees surrounding the hive, and an inscription around the outer edge thereof, "Ogden City, Utah, Corporate Seal". The corporate seal is more specifically depicted as follows:

The city council and mayor may use a representation of the city seal for official business. The words "Corporate Seal" are replaced by "Incorporated 6th February 1851". The seal representation is more specifically depicted as follows:

(Ord. 2016-52, 9-20-2016)
The repeal of the charter shall not affect any act done, any duty imposed, any right accrued, any penalty incurred, any suit, prosecution or proceeding pending or the tenure of office of any person holding office at the time of repeal, except as to tenure of office in any office eliminated by repeal of the charter. All ordinances of the city in effect at the time of repeal of the charter shall continue in force and effect until such time as they are amended or repealed by subsequent councils.
(Ord. 2016-52, 9-20-2016)
A. City Flag: The Ogden Flag design consists of three horizontal stripes with a circle in the center. The top and bottom stripes are aqua blue, the same color found in the 2016 Ogden City Brand Style Guide (hex code 00acd4), with a white middle stripe. The circle is broken up into two pieces, top and bottom, with the top half of the circle shaped to appear as the sky behind three mountain peaks, which are part of the white stripe passing through the circle. The center peak is taller than the two on each side, which are the same height. The bottom half of the circle has a small peak in the middle that breaks up the white stripe a third of the way into the circle. The color of the circle is navy blue matching the 2016 Ogden City Brand Style Guide (hex code: 003469).
As defined by the artist, the focal point of this design centers on an iconic white mountain range that symbolizes the snowy Wasatch Mountains loved by Ogden residents. This three-peak mountain range is set in a dark blue circle that creates a high-contrast image to draw the eye into the design. A dark blue triangle is centered below the tallest peak. This represents the individual or the family that is here in Ogden. The dark blue circle creates the letter "O" for "Ogden." Symbolically an "O" resembles community, connection, or a collection of people. The mountain range breaking outside the "O" signifies the welcoming and inclusive nature of the people that live in Ogden and the culture of tourism. The colors match the color scheme of the brand identity for Ogden. Blue in flag design can represent freedom and determination, with the white symbolizing a sense of peace and harmony.

B. City Flagpoles:
1. Only the United States flag, Utah State flag, Ogden City flag, and Ogden City Police or Fire Department honor flags shall be flown on city-owned flagpoles.
2. Acceptable flag display options include:
a. the United States flag alone;
b. the United States and Utah State flags;
c. the United States, Utah State, and Ogden City flags; or
d. the United States, Utah State, and Ogden City Police or Fire Department honor flags.
3. When displaying more than one flag on a single pole, the order from top to bottom shall be: the United States flag, the Utah State flag, and the Ogden City flag or the Ogden City Police or Fire Department honor flag. When flags are flown from adjacent flagpoles, the order from highest to lowest point of honor shall be: the United States flag, the Utah State flag, and the Ogden City flag or Ogden City Police or Fire Department honor flag.
4. Flags shall be displayed in accordance with federal and state statutes and regulations, including United States Code Title 4, Chapter 1.
5. Generally, the Mayor will follow the lead of the state and federal governments when ordering flags to be flown at half-staff. However, the Mayor may also order any Ogden City flag to fly at half-staff at the death of a current or former elected official, current city staff member killed in the line of duty, or historically significant member of the community. (Ord. 2023-24, 5-16-2023; amd. Ord. 2024-7, 4-2-2024)
Ogden City was incorporated February 6, 1851, by ordinance of the general assembly of the state of Deseret, which laws of the provisional government of the state of Deseret were declared to be legal and in full force and virtue by the legislative assembly of the territory of Utah, on October 4, 1851 (laws of Utah, 1852, p.222).
(Ord. 2016-52, 9-20-2016)
A. Official City Logo: The official city logo shall include the stylized word "Ogden". This font is meant to reflect a signature: a personal stamp that identifies the unique spirit and energy of those who call Ogden home. The city's signature is the primary graphic and "Utah" is added to indicate to consumers everywhere, its location.
The Ogden tagline "Still Untamed" is a hand drawn font style that promotes the independence and innovation of this brand. The tagline is not a permanent component of the logo and use of this is subjective based on general context and intended audience. The tagline may also be replaced by the name of a particular city department, division, or facility that the logo is being used to identify.
The standard version of the "Ogden" signature is navy, with the reverse color version being white. The text for "Utah" is the same color as the signature in each version. When in use, the standard version of the tagline is aqua colored, and in the reverse version it is sunrise yellow. The
logo may be used in alternative colors in accordance with the style guide, adopted per joint resolution 2016-12.
The logo is more specifically depicted as follows:

B. Street Name Signs: Except as provided in subsection C of this section, all street name signs erected or replaced within the city, whether for public or private streets, shall contain a designation identifying the governmental jurisdiction, which designation shall be a symbol designation using the official city logo described and depicted in subsection A of this section. Such designations need not be in color and shall be displayed in a manner conforming to the requirements of the "Manual On Uniform Traffic Control Devices".
C. Historic Districts; Business Depot Ogden:
1. Street name signs erected in historic districts, designated pursuant to title 17 of this code, shall contain the symbolic designation of the Ogden City landmarks commission, positioned in the location otherwise allowed for the identification of the governmental jurisdiction under the "Manual On Uniform Traffic Control Devices".
2. Street name signs erected in business depot Ogden, the commercial and industrial park established on the former Defense Depot Ogden, Utah, shall contain the symbolic designation adopted for the park, positioned in the location otherwise allowed for the identification of the governmental jurisdiction under the "Manual On Uniform Traffic Control Devices".
D. City Vehicles: If motor vehicles owned or leased by the city are identified as city vehicles, the only pictorial or symbolic logos that may be depicted on such vehicles are:
1. The official city logo described in and depicted in subsection A of this section;
2. The Olympic logo for venue cities;
3. The logo promoting recycling, a depiction of which is attached as exhibit A to the ordinance codified herein and incorporated herein by reference. A copy of such exhibit shall remain on file in the city recorder's office;
4. The logo of a donor included as part of the city's expression of gratitude for the donation of the vehicle by the donor, which logo shall only be placed on the rear side panel of the vehicle and shall not cover an area in excess of one hundred twenty (120) square inches;
5. The logos for use on police department vehicles, depictions of which are represented in exhibit B attached to the ordinance codified herein and incorporated herein by reference. A copy of such exhibit shall remain on file in the city recorder's office; and
6. The logos for use on fire department vehicles, which shall be consistent with industry standards.
E. Building Signs: When identification, information, or directional signs are posted outdoors around or on city buildings, the only pictorial or symbolic logo that may be depicted on such signs is the official city logo described and depicted in subsection A of this section, which logo may or may not be in color. For purposes of this subsection, "city buildings" shall refer to the municipal building, the public safety building, the community services building, the animal services building, and the public works building.
F. Applicability: It is not the intention of this section to require the replacement of signs or depictions of other logos already existing on or before September 20, 2016.
(Ord. 2016-52, 9-20-2016)