The following dimensional and design requirements shall apply in each PI zone to building and parking setbacks:
Minimum lot area | 1 acre developed as 1 lot (except properties zoned or combined with properties zoned PI prior to April 15, 2003, may be developed with a minimum 1/2 acre of lot area). |
Minimum lot width | 100 feet. |
Front yard setbacks | Building: 15 feet. Parking located to the side of building: 20 feet. Parking located in front of building: 30 feet. Where development of such parking may be difficult because of topographical features or in order to provide more buffering of adjacent residential uses, the planning commission may reduce a portion of the front yard setback, to a minimum of 20 feet. |
Side yard setbacks | Lots less than 10 acres: Building: 20 feet. Surface parking: 8 feet. Public utility substation: 20 feet for equipment or aboveground poles. The planning commission may reduce the setback to a minimum of 8 feet if it can be determined that there would be no impact on adjoining residences. Lots 10 acres or greater: Building: 20 feet plus an additional 2 feet on each side yard for each additional foot in height the building or structure is over 35 feet in height. Surface parking: 8 feet. |
Rear yard regulations | Lots less than 10 acres: Main building: 25 feet. Parking and accessory structures up to 1 story: 8 feet. Accessory structures taller than 1 story: 25 feet. Lots 10 acres or greater: Main building: 25 feet plus an additional 2 feet for each additional foot in height the building is over 35 feet in height. Accessory building 1 story or less: 8 feet. Accessory building greater than 1 story: 25 feet. |
Building height | Lots less than 10 acres: Maximum 35 feet or 3 stories for main building or structure. Lots 10 acres or greater: None. |
Lot coverage | The aggregate area of all enclosed buildings shall not exceed 50 percent of the entire lot. |
Landscaped area
| 30 percent of the lot shall be landscaped.
(Ord. 2003-15, 4-15-2003; amd. Ord. 2008-32, 6-24-2008; Ord. 2020-62, 12-15-2020)
Notwithstanding the required landscaping for those setbacks and area requirements which are specified in the table above, there may be additional landscaping required based on other provisions of this title. Additional requirements include, but are not limited to, installation of landscaping in public right of way (subsection 15-4-5E3a of this title), preserving existing trees (subsections 15-4-5E7a and E7b of this title), setbacks when next to residential zones (subsection 15-4-5F of this title), screening of service and storage areas (subsection 15-4-5G of this title) and parking lot landscaping (subsections 15-12-9B and C of this title).
(Ord. 2003-15, 4-15-2003)
A. General Regulations: In addition to any other requirements of this code, development in the PI zone shall also be subject to the following standards:
1. Building Materials: Any building erected on the property shall have an exterior wall finish of brick, stone, stucco, or other stucco appearing material. If the roof is pitched, then shakes, architectural shingles or roofing tiles shall be used but under no circumstance shall metal be used. Existing buildings with a brick exterior located between Harrison Boulevard and Adams Avenue and 20th Street to 30th Street are:
a. prohibited from painting or covering exterior brick except as provided in Subsection b.
b. painting or sealing of unpainted brick may be approved by the planning commission if an evaluation is submitted to the planning commission that has been reviewed by the director providing information that:
(1) painting or sealing of the brick is required to provide a protective surface that will limit the continued erosion of the brick;
(2) the paint or sealant used will preserve the brick; and
(3) the color of the paint or sealant will match the existing brick color.
2. Minimum Design Details: The buildings in the development shall be designed to provide architectural relief that creates variety, interest and unity in the theme of the development. This may be achieved with various combinations of the following methods: windows along the front of the building, awnings, varying roof planes, covered entryways, colonnades, quoins, etc. Conversions of single-family homes into any of the other permitted or unconditional uses shall not be allowed, except conversions for wedding chapels or daycare centers are allowed if the entire project takes on a residential style theme that ties the existing architecture to the other buildings in the development.
3. Colors: The colors used throughout the development shall add to the theme of the project and shall not bring undue attention to the development as compared to existing development in the area.
4. Shared Accessways and Parking: All development with multiple buildings shall have a shared access from the public street and shared on site parking. The shared parking shall be designed to create a unified circulation system.
5. Signage: Only one freestanding sign is allowed per lot and shall be a freestanding monument sign to identify the project. The freestanding monument sign shall not be taller than eight feet, shall be set back 10 feet from the property line abutting a public street and shall not exceed 50 square feet in size. If the monument sign is located near an accessway to the development it shall not be located within a 30-foot sight triangle distance which will be measured from the curb. The monument sign shall be constructed out of the predominant material of the development and tie in with the theme of the development.
6. Separate Parcels Combined Into One Lot: All separate parcels or lots in the development are to be combined into one lot. A development in a PI zone shall be maintained as one lot, except that building pads may be subdivided as units or lots, to be held in separate ownership, pursuant to a condominium project or a planned residential unit development subdivision.
7. Utility Line Connections and Installations: All utility line connections and installations must be underground and rise within the building. Transformers, meters and similar apparatus must be at ground level or below with approved screening for ground level installation. Screening at ground level shall consist of plant material or architectural materials used in the development.
8. Outside Storage Is Not Permitted: All storage must be in an enclosed building.
B. Prescription Pharmacies: Prescription pharmacies are allowed only in a portion of a hospital or medical office complex. This use cannot occupy more than fifteen percent (15%) of the total floor area of the building in which it is located and shall not have a separate exterior entrance.
C. Studio For Professional Work: Studios used for the creation or teaching of the fine arts are allowed to have performances and exhibitions as long as the work is limited to the display of the works produced in the studio.
D. Single-Family And Two-Family Detached Dwellings: Only existing single- family and two-family detached dwellings legally established prior to April 15, 2003, are allowed to continue as a permitted use. No new single-family dwelling and two- family dwelling shall be allowed to be constructed in the PI zone, except as otherwise specifically allowed in section 15-33-2 of this chapter.
E. Retail Sales As Accessory Services: Sales uses that provide accessory services for the other occupants in a building may only be allowed if the cumulative retail uses do not occupy more than twenty five percent (25%) of the total building floor area. The building is to have no exterior evidence of such retail uses except for the use of an identification sign.
F. Group Dwelling: Group dwelling development in the PI zone shall conform to the requirements of chapter 10 of this title. If uses other than a group dwelling are being included with a group dwelling in the same development, the portions of the development applicable to group dwellings and all other uses, respectively, shall be reviewed independently for compliance with development standards.
G. Nursing Homes, Assisted Living Facilities Or Retirement Homes: The amount of lot area needed for this type of facility is seven thousand (7,000) square feet, plus five hundred (500) square feet for each bedroom space in excess of four (4). This square footage shall be devoted exclusively to this use and its associated open space and no other PI use can use this space. Assisted living facilities are subject to the separation requirements imposed in subsection 15-13-26C of this title.
H. Drinking Establishment: A drinking establishment may be allowed as retail sales established as an accessory use.
I. Removal Of Structure: A structure is required to be removed from an existing PI zoned property to develop a permitted PI use with a minimum of one-half (1/2) acre lot size according to section 15-33-3 of this chapter.
(Ord. 2015-58, 12-1-2015; amd. Ord. 2020-24, 6-23-2020; Ord. 2024-8, 4-9-2024)