A. City Traffic Engineer Authority: The city traffic engineer is authorized to place and maintain the following traffic control devices relating to the use of the public streets of the city, whenever, upon a traffic and engineering investigation he or she finds that it is necessary to regulate, warn or guide traffic:
1. Traffic Lanes: Designating the streets and roadways which shall be laned for traffic, specifying the number of lanes for travel in each direction and the width of each traffic lane;
2. One-Way Streets: Designating and specifying the streets or portions thereof upon which vehicular travel shall move only in one specified direction, provided that an existing two-way street shall not be changed to a one-way street unless approved by administrative order of the mayor;
3. Division Of Streets Into Separate Roadways: Designating which streets or portions thereof shall be divided into separate roadways, and providing for the division of the same into separate roadways, regulating or prohibiting the crossing from one roadway to the other on such streets and specifying the place and manner in which the roadway shall be divided as aforesaid;
4. Through Highways And Stop Intersections: Designating the streets or portions thereof which shall be through highways and the intersections of streets which shall be stop intersections, and requiring a full stop by vehicles before entering thereon;
5. Yielding Of Right Of Way: Designating the intersections in the public streets of the city where safety and efficiency require the normal right of way rule to be modified in favor of one of the intersecting streets or highways and regulating and requiring the yielding of right of way at such intersections;
6. Left And Right Turns: Designating the intersections in the public streets of the city at which, during all or at specified times, either left or right turns, or both, by vehicular traffic is prohibited;
7. Traffic Control Signals: Designating street intersections at which vehicular and/or pedestrian traffic shall be controlled by traffic control signals;
8. Parking: Regulating, restricting and/or prohibiting the stopping, standing or parking of vehicles upon designated portions of the public streets, either entirely or at designated times, and/or restricting the length of time during which any vehicle may remain parked in designated places on the public streets, provided that:
a. The permitting of angle parking shall first be authorized by administrative order of the mayor pursuant to section 10-5-9 of this title,
b. Designating locations subject to time restrictions under section 10-5-4 of this title shall first be approved by administrative order of the mayor;
9. Crosswalks: Designating crosswalks for pedestrians in addition to those established by law or ordinance at street intersections;
10. Safety Zones: Establishing safety zones for the protection of pedestrians;
11. Passenger Loading Zones: Establishing passenger loading and unloading zones and regulating the use thereof;
12. Truck Loading Zones: Establishing truck loading and unloading zones and regulating the use thereof;
13. Bus Zones: Establishing public bus stops or zones and regulating the use thereof;
14. Taxi Zones: Establishing and designating taxicab stands and regulating the use thereof;
15. School Crossing Zones: Establishing school crossing zones and regulating the use thereof;
16. Parking Zones Reserved For Disabled Persons: Establishing parking areas reserved for persons with disabilities and regulating the use thereof;
17. Reduced Speed School Zones: Reduced speed school zones as defined in Utah Code Annotated section 41-6a-303; and
18. Miscellaneous: The establishment of any other traffic control device necessary to carry out the provisions of this title.
B. Previously Established Rules: Traffic control devices installed prior to November 14, 2006, are presumptively valid and shall continue in force and effect until such time as they may be altered as provided herein.
(1979 Code § 10.08.020; amd. Ord. 94-60, 11-15-1994; 1999 Code; Ord. 2006-71, 11-14-2006)
All traffic control devices shall be installed and maintained in conformance with the most recent edition of the "Manual On Uniform Traffic Control Devices For Streets And Highways" (MUTCD) and other standards issued or endorsed by the federal highway administrator and the manual and specifications adopted by the Utah transportation commission.
(1979 Code § 10.08.030; amd. Ord. 94-60, 11-15-1994; Ord. 2006-71, 11-14-2006)