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   A.   Maintenance: In all areas of the city where there exists unused, dedicated public right of way, the immediately adjacent private property owner shall maintain the real property comprising such unused, dedicated public right of way in a neat and orderly manner, equal to the manner in which the owner customarily maintains his adjoining real property, which customary manner shall not be less than the minimum standards otherwise permitted or required by law. Such unused, dedicated public right of way shall be kept free of weeds, junk or salvage material, debris, trash, litter, or other solid waste material, and will specifically be subject to enforcement of the provisions of title 12, chapters 4, 5 and 8 of this code.
   B.   Unused, Dedicated Public Right Of Way Defined: "Unused, dedicated public right of way" means that portion of a dedicated public right of way either between the property line of the adjacent property and the sidewalk, or if no sidewalk exists, between the property line of the adjacent property and the curb or edge of the roadway portion.
(1979 Code § 12.04.153; Ord. 97-92, 12-16-1997)