(a) A home occupation that complies with the following requirements shall be permitted by right in the R1-A, R1-B, R-1 and R-2 Districts. No application or zoning certificate shall be required to conduct a Home Occupation.
(1) The use shall be clearly incidental and subordinate to the primary residential use.
(2) The home occupation shall be owned, operated, and conducted by a person for whom the dwelling is the person’s principal residence.
A. No more than two (2) non-resident persons may be employed in the home occupation except as provided below.
B. More than two (2) but not more than four (4) non-resident persons may be employed in the home occupation with approval of the Planning Commission after consideration of written application from the business owner detailing factors including but not limited to parking demand and availability, days and hours of employment, location and amount of work space, nature of work, noise generation, and proximity to other dwellings.
C. Persons employed off-site by the home occupation and who do not regularly enter onto the property as part of their employment are not considered employees for purposes of these regulations.
(3) The home occupation shall be conducted wholly within the dwelling and not in any yard or accessory building except as otherwise provided for agricultural uses or as provided in subsection (a)(13) below.
(4) The floor area used for the home occupation (or in total for all home occupations if more than one in the dwelling unit) shall not exceed fifty percent (50%) of the floor area of the dwelling unit.
(5) Signs shall comply with the regulations applicable to the zoning district.
(6) Site or building features of a nonresidential nature shall not be permitted.
(7) Vehicles associated with a home occupation shall comply with the regulations for commercial vehicles parked in residential districts at Section 1349.02(l)(1).
(8) On-site sales of merchandise shall not be conducted as a primary activity or regularlyscheduled activity of the home occupation.
(9) The home occupation shall not generate traffic in greater volume than normal for a dwelling. Regular shipping or delivery shall only occur in single rear axle straight trucks or smaller vehicles normally serving residential areas.
(10) No more than two (2) clients or customers shall be permitted to visit the dwelling at one time.
(11) No equipment or process shall be permitted which creates noise, vibration, glare, fumes, odors or electrical interference detectable to the normal senses off the lot or, if in a multiple dwelling, outside of the dwelling unit.
(12) The home occupation shall not create any increased service demand upon City services normally provided to the dwelling, including but not limited to volume or type of waste collection.
(13) Activities associated with the home occupation may be conducted in the rear yard or in an existing accessory building if meeting the following minimum
A. The floor area of any accessory building(s) used for the home occupation shall not exceed five hundred (500) square feet. Enclosed parking required for the dwelling use shall be maintained in addition to any floor area used for the home occupation.
B. Outdoor storage of materials, products, waste, equipment, vehicles, trailers, or other items associated with the home occupation may be permitted only in an area of the rear yard not greater than four hundred (400) square feet and screened by solid fencing on all sides.
C. Activities associated with the home occupation shall only be conducted in the rear yard or in an accessory building between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.
(Ord. 22-08AC CMS. Passed 2-22-22.)