(a)   Lots/Circulation Systems. Buildings, structures, pavement, streets, etc. shall be located in compliance with the following site plan/development standards:
      (1)   Ownership. Any ownership arrangement, including, but not limited to, fee simple lots and condominiums, is permitted in a conservation development. Regardless of the ownership of the land, the arrangement of the dwelling units shall comply with the spacing requirements of this section.
      (2)   Lot Requirements.
         A.   Units are not required to be on lots. However, when lots for standard detached single-family dwellings or sublots for single-family cluster or attached dwelling units are included as part of a conservation development project, such lots or sublots shall be of sufficient size and shape to accommodate dwellings in compliance with the spacing requirements of this Chapter.
         B.   The applicant shall depict on the development plan the maximum parameters, or building envelopes, to indicate where buildings shall be located, and shall demonstrate that such building locations will be in compliance with the spacing requirements of this Chapter.
         C.   Conservation and Riparian Zones:
            1.   A riparian buffer of 50 feet on both sides shall be provided along the length of any perennial stream channel as designated by Lorain County Soil and Water Conservation District.
            2.   Walkways may be permitted to be located within riparian buffers when the Planning Commission determines that such will create minimum change to the riparian buffer.
      (3)   General Street Design Criteria.
         A.   Street alignments should follow natural contours and be designed to conserve natural features.
         B.   Locations of streets should be planned to avoid excessive stormwater runoff and the need for storm sewers.
         C.   The area of the project devoted to street and related pavement should be the minimum necessary to provide adequate and safe movement through the development.
      (4)   Pedestrian Circulation Systems.
         A.   A pedestrian circulation system shall be included in the design of a conservation development project and shall be designed to ensure that pedestrians can walk safely and easily throughout the development. The pedestrian system shall provide connections between properties and activities or special features within the restricted open space system and need not always be located along streets.
         B.   Trails for which public right of passage has been established should be incorporated in the pedestrian system.
         C.   Pedestrian circulation systems shall include connections to abutting properties as required by the Planning Commission.
   (b)   Other Design Criteria. In addition to the standards contained in Section 1344.05, all elements of a conservation development shall be designed in accordance with the following criteria to ensure that the site's natural, historic and cultural features are appropriately addressed.
      (1)   Conservation of Sloping Land. The road system and buildings should be located to minimize changes to the topography and the need for cutting and filling.
      (2)   Conservation of Woodlands, Vegetation and other Natural Areas. The design and layout of the development should conserve, maintain, and incorporate existing wooded areas, meadows, and hedgerows and treelines between fields or meadows, especially those containing significant wildlife habitats.
      (3)   Conservation of Wildlife Habitats. Efforts should be made to protect wildlife habitat areas of species listed as endangered, threatened, or of special concern by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and/or by the Ohio Department of Natural Resources.
      (4)   Conservation of Prime Farmland. Efforts should be made to protect farmland that satisfies the USDA definition of "prime" or "locally unique" farmland.
      (5)   Conservation of Existing Scenic Vistas and Visual Quality of the Environment. Buildings should be located to ensure that scenic views and vistas are unblocked or uninterrupted.
      (6)   Conservation of Cultural Resources. Sites of historic, archaeological, or cultural value and their environs should be protected insofar as needed to safeguard the character of the feature, including landmark buildings, stonewalls, spring houses, barn foundations, underground fruit cellars, earth mounds and burial grounds.
      (7)   Floodplains. There shall be no construction in the Floodplain except as allowed in Chapter 1191: Flood Damage Prevention of the Codified Ordinances.
      (8)   Wetlands. Wetlands that are required to be retained by the Army Corps of Engineers or the Ohio EPA shall be protected by the following:
         A.   A buffer area having a width no less than 50 feet, measured from the edge of the delineated wetland. The area within this buffer shall not be disturbed and shall be retained in its natural state; and
         B.   A minimum building and pavement setback of 70 feet, measured from the edge of the designated wetland, shall be provided.
(Ord. 05-82AC. Passed 7-5-06.)