(a) Front, Side, and Rear Yards. Buildings shall be built flush with the sidewalk and have their facades aligned with and, where possible, jointed to those of adjacent buildings. No setback from the front and side building lines of a parcel shall be permitted except to allow for a pedestrian use area or for variations in entry features as approved by the Planning Commission. A building not sharing a common wall with an adjacent building shall maintain the minimum separation specified in the building code.
New construction and reconstruction of buildings shall be so designed as to maintain a consistent and complete facade from lot to lot without gaps between buildings except where required for driveways, pedestrian ways, utility corridors, compliance with fire or building codes, or other reasons approved by the Planning Commission.
Side or rear yards adjacent to residential districts and not separated by a public right of way shall comply with the yard requirements of the adjacent residential district.
A rear yard is not required, except where a lot abuts upon a residential district, in which case there shall be a rear yard of not less than ten (10) feet in depth.
(Ord. 96-82AC. Passed 9-16-96.)
(b) Height. The height of new or altered buildings shall be similar to and compatible with the heights of existing buildings in the block in which they are located as approved by the Planning Commission, and provided that no building shall be less than twenty (20) feet nor two (2) stories in height except for additions to the rear of existing buildings as approved by the Commission.
(Ord. 01-01AC. Passed 2-5-01.)