(a) Submittal of Fees, Evidence of Insurance. Prior to receiving authorization to proceed with construction, the subdivider shall submit to the Director of Community Services the fees for inspection and testing and evidence of liability insurance as established by this ordinance and by the Construction Agreement.
(b) Authorization to Proceed. Upon determining that the subdivider has met all conditions required prior to construction, the City Manager shall issue written authorization to the subdivider to proceed with installation of improvements. Construction of improvements, clearing, grubbing, or grading shall not be commenced prior to receipt of written approval from the City Manager.
(c) Installation of Improvements. The subdivider shall install all improvements required by this ordinance and in accord with the terms of the approvals granted by the City and the terms of the Construction Agreement.
(d) Supervision of Installation. The installation of all required improvements shall be supervised by a professional engineer employed by the subdivider.
(e) Inspections During Construction. The City shall make inspections during the installation of improvements to ensure conformity with the approved Improvement Plans and the Construction Agreement. Such inspections shall be performed according to schedules and methodologies approved by the City, in conformance with the Public Works Standards, and as contained in the Construction Agreement.
(f) Modification of Improvement Plans. If at any time before or during the construction of the required improvements it is demonstrated to the satisfaction of the City Manager and the City Engineer that unforeseen conditions make it necessary or preferable to modify the location or design of such required improvements, the City Manager may authorize such modifications upon written request of the subdivider, provided such modifications are within the spirit and intent of the Planning Commission's approval and do not amount to the waiver or substantial alteration of the function of any improvement required by the Commission. The City Manager shall issue such authorization in writing and shall transmit a copy to the Planning Commission.
(g) Maintenance Prior to Acceptance. During all times prior to acceptance of the improvements by the City, the subdivider shall be responsible for routine maintenance of all improvements (including snow removal, sweeping, cleaning of storm sewers, and other maintenance activities) and shall repair all failures due to faulty construction as soon as they become apparent.
(Ord. 96-82 AC. Passed 9-16-96.)