921.01 Cemetery lots.
921.02 Resale of lots.
921.03 Grave openings.
921.04 Funerals in evenings, on weekends and holidays.
921.05 Cemetery hours.
921.06 Retaining vault.
921.07 Concrete foundations.
921.08 Removal of bodies after burial.
921.09 Care, maintenance and upkeep of Cemetery.
921.10 Burials and burial permits.
921.11 Charges.
921.12 Burial of indigents.
Municipal cemeteries - see Ohio R.C. Ch. 759
Burials may be prohibited - see Ohio R.C. 759.05
Burial permits - see Ohio R.C. 3705.24 et seq.
Burial of indigent persons - see Ohio R.C. 5113.15
Desecration - see GEN. OFF. 541.07