All parking facilities required in every district except Single-Family Residence use shall meet the following requirements and standards of design, construction and maintenance as herein contained or as published, from time to time, by the Quality Control Department:
   A.   Plan Required: A plan of parking facilities shall accompany each application for a building permit. The final parking plans shall show existing and proposed grades, storm sewer drainage systems, pavement type and thicknesses, landscape and screening provisions, lighting and striping details. The completion of the improvements for parking according to such plan shall be a requisite for the issuance of the occupancy certificate. A conditional certificate of occupancy may be granted for a legitimate reason providing that a performance bond for the completion of the improvements is provided to the Village or that a letter signed by an officer of a financial institution is provided the Village which guarantees the funds to complete the parking facilities and landscaping within a specified time.
   B.   Open and Enclosed Parking Spaces: Off-street parking spaces may be open to the sky or enclosed in a building.
   C.   Surfacing: All open-to-the-sky, off-street parking areas shall be improved with asphalt surface, consisting of nine inches (9") of compacted stone and screenings and two inches (2") of asphalt, or six inches (6") of bituminous aggregate mixture (BAM) plus one and one-half inches (11/2") of asphalt, or such standards as may be promulgated, from time to time, by the Village.
   D.   Drainage: All off-street parking areas in excess of four thousand (4,000) square feet shall have a storm sewer system approved by the Department of Quality Control. In any case, drainage plans shall be submitted to the Village for approval.
   E.   Screening and Landscaping: A tentative site plan indicating the areas to be developed for landscaping and screening shall be submitted before permit shall be issued. All open automobile parking areas containing more than four (4) parking spaces shall be effectively screened on all sides by a wall, fence or densely planted compact hedge not less than five feet (5') nor more than eight feet (8') in height. Where a public alley exists between the parking area and the residence district or residence, and is used for ingress or egress to the parking area, screening shall be used only where, in the opinion of the Director of Office of Quality Control, it is safe to do so.
   F.   Lighting: All parking lot lighting shall conform to Village standards and shall be directed away from residential properties in such a way as not to interfere with residential area and use.
   G.   Repair and Service: No motor vehicle repair work or service of any kind shall be permitted in association with any open accessory parking facilities.
   H.   Location:
      1.   Generally: All parking spaces required shall be located on the same lot as the use served unless otherwise provided herein.
      2.   In Yards:
         a.   Off-street parking spaces, in residential districts only, open to the sky may be located in any required rear yard, in only one of the required side yards or in any required front yard or portion of a front yard; provided, however, that where parking spaces are located in the required front yard or portion of a front yard, and the driveway upon which said parking spaces are located does not lead to a garage, a portion of the building which once was a garage but has been converted to living space, a side yard parking space or a rear yard parking space, a front yard parking permit shall be required. In order to obtain said front yard parking permit, the following conditions must be met:
            (1)   A driveway construction or replacement permit must be obtained pursuant to Sections 9-1B-1 through 9-1B-4 of the 1985 Village Code in the event a driveway is being constructed or replaced.
            (2)   The driveway and parking space(s) located in the required front yard or portion of a front yard must be constructed of asphalt, concrete, or cobblestone (permanent paving brick), if constructed or replaced after June 7, 1986, the effective date of this Section.
            (3)   The maximum width of any parking space(s) located in the required front yard or portion of a front yard shall be the lesser of thirty six percent (36%) of the width of the lot(s) upon which the driveway is located or twenty feet (20').
            (4)   Where the driveway which leads to a parking space(s) in the required front yard or a portion of the front yard does not lead to a garage, a portion of the building which once was a garage but has been converted to living space, or, other parking space(s) located in the side yard or rear yard of the property, said driveway and parking space(s) located in the required front yard or portion of a front yard shall be located along and adjacent to one of the side yard property lines which if extended would intersect the street in front of the property.
            (5)   A sketch of the property, driveway and front yard parking space locations, along with dimensions thereof, must be submitted to the department of quality control.
Said permit shall be obtained through the department of quality control, shall evidence compliance with the foregoing five (5) conditions for front yard parking in residential districts where the driveway upon which the parking spaces are located does not lead to a garage, a portion of the building which once was a garage but has been converted to living space, a side yard parking space or a rear yard parking space, and shall have no fee associated with it. Motor vehicles parking in any required front yard or portion of a front yard in a residential district shall not extend over property lines and onto property owned or leased by any person, firm or corporation other than the owner or lessee of the property upon which the front yard parking is taking place. All vehicles parked in the required front yard or portion of a front yard must contain a valid current state license plate, and valid current village sticker if registered in Oak Lawn.
         b.   In all office and commercial districts, off street parking spaces open to the sky shall be located behind the front yard setback requirement from any street lot line.
         c.   In manufacturing districts only, off street parking spaces open to the sky may be located in any rear yard and in any side yard and in any front yard but not to exceed twenty five percent (25%) of such required front yard and not in any transitional yard as required in subsection 4-8-5C of this title.
   I.   Maintenance: All parking areas shall be maintained in good condition according to provisions of the applicable village ordinances.
   J.   Number Of Spaces:
      1.   The total number of accessory parking spaces provided for a single-family, two-family or multiple-family dwelling shall not exceed that required by this title for such use or for an equivalent new use by more than fifty percent (50%) or four (4) spaces, whichever number is greater.
      2.   When determination of the number of off street parking spaces required by this title results in a requirement of a fractional space, the fraction shall be counted as one space. Driveways and/or access aisles shall not be considered in computing required parking area, except as otherwise specifically provided.
   K.   Area:
      1.   A required off street parking space shall be at least nine feet (9') in width and at least eighteen feet (18') in length, exclusive of access drives or aisles, ramps or columns. Such space shall have a vertical clearance of at least seven feet (7') from any ceiling drops or mechanical equipment intrusion to the finished surface of the pavement.
      2.   Where a square foot requirement for parking is given, there shall be a minimum of two (2) usable parking spaces per every one thousand (1,000) square feet of required parking area.
   L.   Access:
      1.   Each required off street parking space shall open directly upon an aisle or driveway of such width and design as to provide safe and efficient means of vehicular access to such parking space. All off street parking facilities shall be designed with appropriate means of vehicular access to a street or alley in such a manner as to minimize interference with traffic movement. No driveway across the public property at the right of way line shall exceed a width of twenty five feet (25') except that a double driveway or access to a gas station may be thirty five feet (35') to conform with state of Illinois division of highway specifications.
      2.   Driveway widths shall be a minimum of twelve feet (12') for one-way traffic and twenty four feet (24') for two-way traffic, except in multi-family residential districts where the driveway width for two-way traffic may be reduced to eighteen feet (18'), provided no parking spaces are adjacent to that portion of the driveway so reduced in width. Access driveways shall have a circular traffic flow, except that an access driveway leading to ninety degree (90°) angle parking may be dead ended. Regardless of the width of the driveway, the driveway approach apron at the curb line of the street shall not be reduced to a width of less than thirty feet (30').
   M.   Aisle Widths: All car stalls shall have direct access to an aisle. The minimum aisle width for parking stall approaches shall be as follows:
90° angle parking
24 feet
60° angle parking
18 feet
45° angle parking
13 feet
30° angle parking
12 feet
0° angle parking
12 feet
   N.   Improvement Of Alleys: Where an unimproved or a seal coat surfaced alley is to be used for ingress or egress to a property, the alley shall be paved and drained to conform to the village requirements for a fully improved alley.
   O.   Parking Bumpers Or Curbs: Parking bumpers or curbs shall be installed wherever the car stalls abut a public right of way. The parking bumpers or curbs shall be installed so that when the vehicle is in the stall, the wheels will be against the bumper or curb with no part of the vehicle overhanging onto the public right of way. Parking bumpers shall also be installed to protect abutting private property as above.
   P.   Signs: Wherever required on the parking lot in order to establish or maintain proper traffic patterns, flows or control, adequate approved signing shall be provided by the developer in accordance with the State of Illinois Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways.