4-8-5: YARDS:
   A.   Minimum Front Yard:
      1.   Front yards shall be provided in accordance with the regulations hereinafter indicated. Front yards shall be unobstructed from ground level to sky, except as allowed in Section 4-2-8 of this Title. All accessory buildings which are attached to principal buildings shall comply with the yard requirements of the principal building.
      2.   In the M-1 Restricted Manufacturing District there shall be provided a front yard of not less than twenty feet (20') in depth along the front lot line; however, agricultural buildings and structures shall provide a front yard of not less than one hundred feet (100') in depth along the front lot line.
      3.   Telephone booths and coin telephones (outdoor) shall be permitted in the required front yard in the M-1 District. However, if such telephone is installed near an intersection of two (2) streets or rights of way, the minimum setback from one of such intersecting right of way lines shall be ten feet (10').
   B.   Minimum Corner Side Yard:
      1.   Corner side yards shall be provided in accordance with the regulations hereinafter indicated. Corner side yards shall be unobstructed from ground level to sky, except as allowed in Section 4-2-8 of this Title. All accessory buildings which are attached to principal buildings shall comply with the yard requirements of the principal buildings.
      2.   In the M-1 Restricted Manufacturing District, in every instance where the side property line is adjacent to a public street, there shall be provided a corner side yard of not less than twenty feet (20') in depth; except, however, agricultural buildings and structures shall provide a corner side yard of not less than fifty feet (50') in depth along all lot lines that coincide with a lot line in an adjacent business or residence district.
      3.   Telephone booths and coin telephones (outdoor) shall be permitted in the required corner side yard. However, if such telephone is installed near an intersection of two (2) streets or rights of way, the minimum setback from one of such intersecting right of way lines shall be ten feet (10'),and in conformance with Section 9-2-2 of this Code.
   C.   Minimum Transitional Yards: When an M-1 Restricted Manufacturing District adjoins either a residence district or a business district, transitional yards shall be provided in accordance with the regulations hereinafter indicated. Transitional yards shall be unobstructed from ground level to sky, except as allowed in Section 4-2-8 of this Title. All accessory buildings which are attached to principal buildings shall comply with the yard requirements of the principal building.
      1.   In the M-1 District, the minimum transitional yard requirements for all structures, other than agricultural buildings and structures shall be not less than those specified below:
         a.   Where a side lot line coincides with a side or rear lot line in an adjacent business or residence district, a yard shall be provided along such side lot line. Such yard shall be not less than twenty feet (20') in width.
         b.   Where a rear lot line coincides with a side lot line in an adjacent business or residence district, a yard shall be provided along such side lot line. Such yard shall be not less than twenty feet (20') in depth.
         c.   Where a rear lot line coincides with a rear lot line in an adjacent business or residence district, a yard shall be provided along such rear lot line. Such yard shall be not less than twenty feet (20') in depth.
      2.   In the M-1 District, agricultural buildings and structures shall provide a transitional yard of not less than fifty feet (50') in depth along all lot lines that coincide with lot lines in an adjacent business or residence district.