The following safety and work requirements shall apply whenever a razing permit or a large room addition permit (as defined in § 151.002(B)) is required as set forth in this title, or whenever there is new construction where 80% of the lots within a 90- foot radius of the limits of the subject property are improved with dwelling units:
   (A)   Fencing. The applicant shall install a six foot chain link fence around the perimeter of either the excavation, the structure under construction, or the entire construction area in a location and manner approved by the development services team. The fencing shall be installed before commencement of any work on the subject property pursuant to any permit issued by the city.
   (B)   Litter control and cleanup. Litter and debris at the subject property shall be controlled within an enclosed container at all times. The applicant shall designate a person as having responsibility to assure compliance with this provision. The permit shall specify the location of the container as approved by the development services team.
   (C)   Construction traffic and parking management. All construction parking shall be in compliance with this code in addition to the requirements of this section. The applicant shall acknowledge receipt of these regulations by signing and dating a copy to be kept on file. Prior to and as a condition of the issuance of a building permit, the builder or owner shall provide the city a written summary of a proposed parking plan that will be reviewed and approved by the city. The parking plan shall provide adequate flow of traffic, minimize disruption to existing homeowners to the extent reasonably possible and shall take into account any other construction projects within a two-block area. Once approved, the parking plan shall be included in the notice to adjacent property owners, and a copy shall be posted on the construction site so that the information can be made available to contractors and individuals associated with the permit and the construction activity. The builder and/or owner shall be responsible for compliance with the approved parking plan and shall be subject to the penalties provided in § 151.999 for violations of the parking plan.
   (D)   Construction sanitation facilities. A minimum of one portable toilet shall be provided at the subject property. The permit shall specify the location of any portable toilet as approved by the development services team. The portable toilet shall be installed before commencement of any work on the subject property pursuant to any permit issued by the city and shall remain on site for the duration of the project through final inspection. Toilet facilities must be serviced regularly.
   (E)   Construction hours. It shall be unlawful to allow or permit any building or construction operations (including construction-related noises, such as the delivery of equipment or material or the operation of tools, machinery, or apparatus) on private property from the hours of 7:00 p.m. to 7:00a.m. Monday thru Friday, and 9:00 p.m. to 9:00 a.m. Saturday and Sunday.
   (F)   Construction site signage. The permit applicant shall post a sign in a visible location on the subject property before commencement of any work on the subject property pursuant to any permit issued by the city. The sign must be purchased from the city and shall:
      (1)   Be a minimum size of three feet by four feet.
      (2)   Include a title (for example, “Construction Site Regulations”); address of the subject property, date of demolition, the applicable permit numbers; general construction site regulations, including construction hours, litter control and cleanup regulations, construction parking regulations, a statement indicating penalties (as listed in division (G) of this section); petitioner and city contact information.
      (3)   Include lettering to a minimum of four inches high in the title, and a minimum of two inches high for all other lettering.
(Ord. 2008-02-0158O, passed 3-11-2008) Penalty, see § 151.999