13-14-8: AMENDMENTS:
   A.   Authority: This Title may be amended from time to time by ordinance in accordance with applicable Illinois statutes. No vote shall be taken upon the adoption of a proposed amendment by the Village Board of Trustees until after a public hearing before the Zoning Board of Appeals and a report of its findings and recommendations has been submitted to the Board of Trustees along with the recommendation of the Plan Commission.
   B.   Initiation Of Amendment: Amendments may be proposed by the Village Board of Trustees, Plan Commission or Zoning Board of Appeals, and by any person having a freehold interest, a possessory interest entitled to exclusive possession, a contractual interest which may become a freehold interest or any exclusive possessory interest which is specifically enforceable on the land which is described in the proposal for an amendment.
   C.   Processing:
      1.   A proposal for an amendment shall be filed with the Village Clerk and thereafter entered into the records of the first meeting thereafter of the Board of Trustees.
      2.   A copy of such proposal shall be forwarded by the Village Clerk to the Zoning Board of Appeals with a request to hold a public hearing and submit to the Board of Trustees a report of its findings and recommendations. Such public hearing shall be held upon notice as required by Illinois Compiled Statutes.
      3.   The Village Clerk shall also transmit a copy of such proposal to the Plan Commission. The Plan Commission shall submit an opinion report relative to such proposed amendment to the Zoning Board of Appeals and Board of Trustees.
   D.   Decisions: The Board of Trustees, upon report of the Plan Commission, if such report is made, and the report of the Zoning Board of Appeals, and without further public hearing, may vote upon the adoption of any proposed amendment in accordance with applicable Illinois Compiled Statutes, or may refer it back to the Boards for further consideration.
   E.   Reapplications: Any person having been denied an amendment to this Title respecting a specific parcel of property may not reapply for a like amendment on said real property until the period of one year has elapsed since the denial of the application for amendment by the President and Board of Trustees. (Ord. G-60, 3-22-1966; Ord. G-137, 9-14-1971)