Cemeteries (subject to compliance with the regulations in chapter 16 of this title): Any existing cemetery and structure shall be deemed to have a special use permit as required by this section, notwithstanding whether these existing cemeteries and structures comply, as of January 22, 2013, with the provisions of chapter 16 of this title. Any expansion, change, or new construction relating to an existing cemetery and structure shall comply with chapter 16 of this title, but any such activity shall not require a new or amended special use permit, or other zoning relief, provided that the activities comply with chapter 16 of this title. Notwithstanding the foregoing, no special use permit granted pursuant to this section, whether for an existing cemetery and structure or for a new cemetery or structure, shall permit a community burial structure to be built in a residence district.
Churches, chapels, temples and synagogues: On lots not less than three hundred feet (300') in width and not less than two (2) acres in area and one additional acre for each two hundred forty (240) seats in the sanctuary over two hundred forty (240) seats. Where churches and parochial schools are on the same land, not less than eight (8) acres in area.
Cultural and recreational facilities: Outdoor and indoor cultural and recreational facilities including, but not limited to, swimming pools, tennis courts, meeting facilities and other similar facilities accessory to and owned in common by the owners of properties within a residential development.
Multi-family age-restricted dwellings, provided that the following conditions, in addition to those set forth in Zoning Ordinance Section 13-14-9, are met:
A.   The petitioner must provide the Village with an analysis of the proposed development's anticipated impact on emergency services, including, without limitation, the anticipated cost of providing those services. In accordance with Section 1-14-1(B), all costs incurred by the Village reviewing the petitioner's analysis, including the costs of professional consultants, shall be borne by the petitioner;
B.   The petitioner must provide the Village with a plan addressing how emergency service calls will be handled, including, without limitation, how the petitioner will assist the Village in handling the provision and/or cost of emergency services that are specifically and uniquely attributable to the proposed development, so as to protect the public health, safety, and welfare; and
C.   The petitioner must provide the Village with a market study addressing the demand for the proposed development. The market study must take into account the local and county demand for the proposed development.
Public utility, transportation, and government facilities: Public utility, transportation, and governmental service facilities, including municipal offices and civic centers, public libraries, police and fire stations, public works facilities, conference of municipal governments and ancillary uses (including organizations which provide consultation solely to units of local government), and similar uses.
Recreational and cultural uses.
Residential townhomes and condominiums.
Senior housing including nursing homes, independent living, assisted living and congregate care facilities. (Ord. G-903, 11-10-2009; Ord. G-989, 1-22-2013; Ord. S-1559, 2-12-2019)