A.   For purposes of this section, a "portable storage unit" is defined as an enclosed container that is delivered to a private property and is normally used for the short term storage of items and materials associated with a move into or from the principal use of the property.
   B.   The following regulations shall apply to portable storage units:
      1.   No more than two (2) portable storage units shall be permitted on a property.
      2.   Stacking of portable storage units is prohibited.
      3.   Any property where a portable storage unit is located must be occupied by a principal use or dwelling.
      4.   No portable storage unit may remain on a property for more than fifteen (15) consecutive days. An additional fifteen (15) day period may be approved by the department of community development for cause. Special circumstances allowing for longer periods of time may be determined by the director of community development.
      5.   A portable storage unit on residential property shall not exceed sixteen feet (16') in length. A portable storage unit on nonresidential property shall not exceed forty feet (40') in length.
      6.   Portable storage units shall be placed on the driveway or other paved surface on the property.
      7.   The portable storage unit shall not be located closer than ten feet (10') from the principal structure on the property.
      8.   The portable storage unit shall not be used to store hazardous materials or flammable liquids.
      9.   Portable storage units shall not be placed on public property or permitted to obstruct traffic visibility.
      10.   A permit and fee (an amount, if any, to be determined by the village board from time to time) shall be required prior to the placement of a portable storage unit.
      11.   Portable storage units shall be maintained in good repair, free from rust, peeling paint, graffiti and other forms of deterioration.
      12.   Signage on portable storage units is limited to the name and address of the storage unit rental company.
      13.   Portable storage units shall be locked when not being loaded or unloaded. (Ord. G-861, 6-10-2008)