A.   Except as otherwise passed by the board approval, on the recommendation of the director of community development, building numbers within the village shall correspond with the grid lines established on the annexed plat of the village, which said plat is hereby incorporated by reference. Such numbers shall progress uniformly to meet the number designation on the next succeeding grid line.
   B.   All houses or buildings located on the north and west sides of respective streets shall bear even numbers and all houses or buildings located on the east and south sides of respective streets shall bear odd numbers.
   C.   It shall be the duty of the office of the director of community development, upon request, to issue and designate numbers for all buildings within the village in accordance with the system hereby adopted.
   D.   The numbering system within the confines of the Ginger Creek Subdivision shall correspond to the system designated on the attached plat of that subdivision, which is hereby incorporated and made a part of this section. (Ord. G-30, 12-12-1961; Ord. G-1219, 11-10-2022)