A.   This title recognizes the integrated nature of the watershed system and the need to study certain flood control alternatives and other stormwater management functions on a watershed wide basis.
   B.   The following six (6) major watershed divisions, shown on exhibit 1 attached to the ordinance codified herein, are identified for detailed watershed studies:
      1.   Salt Creek watershed; and
      2.   East Branch DuPage River watershed; and
      3.   West Branch DuPage River watershed; and
      4.   Sawmill Creek watershed; and
      5.   Des Plaines River Tributaries watershed; and
      6.   Fox River Tributaries watershed.
   C.   Watershed plans or interim watershed plans shall be prepared and periodically updated for these six (6) major watersheds, to identify stormwater management projects and establish criteria for development. Interim watershed plans may also be developed for subwatersheds of the six (6) major watersheds for purposes of addressing flood mitigation or water quality. With respect to the county ordinance, developments identified in watershed plans, interim watershed plans, or other studies approved by the committee and adopted by the county board, shall be considered certifiable provided that and to the extent that the plan or study addressed certification issues.
   D.   Adopted watershed plans or interim watershed plans which contain more specific criteria than the criteria established for countywide application in the county ordinance shall govern over countywide criteria. Such watershed plans, upon their completion, approval, and proper adoption, are hereby incorporated into the county ordinance without further act of the DuPage County board.
   E.   Watershed specific criteria established in such watershed plans or interim watershed plans shall be set forth as a schedule to the ordinance codified herein.
   F.   The countywide requirements of the county ordinance shall apply in all watersheds unless superseded by more specific watershed certification criteria. (Ord. G-976, 7-24-2012)