9-1-3: FINDINGS:
The village hereby finds that:
   A.   Inappropriate use of the floodplain and development have increased flood risk, flood damage, and environmental degradation; and
   B.   It is necessary to consider stormwater management on a watershed basis; and
   C.   DuPage County drains poorly because of flat topography and soils of low permeability; and
   D.   The costs of increasing channel capacity are prohibitive; and
   E.   Many land development practices upset the natural hydrologic balance of DuPage County streams; and
   F.   Most flood damage occurs to structures developed adjacent to streams in the floodplain or floodway; and
   G.   Wetlands represent a significant portion of the natural watershed storage in DuPage County, and wetlands play an essential role in flood storage, conveyance, sediment control, and water quality enhancement; and
   H.   Many stormwater management facilities are not adequately maintained; and
   I.   The authority for control of stormwater facilities is widely distributed to many entities in DuPage County; and
   J.   There are many strong local stormwater management programs; and
   K.   Inconsistent enforcement of stormwater regulations contributes to the extent and severity of flood damage. (Ord. G-976, 7-24-2012)