A.   Work Commenced Within Ninety Days: Work for which a permit has been issued shall commence within ninety (90) days after the issuance of the permit therefor or within such extended period of time as determined by the appropriate village official upon good cause shown. If the work is not so commenced, the permit shall automatically be terminated, the fee forfeited, and the performance security returned. Applicants for such terminated permits may reapply and such an application will be treated as a new application.
   B.   Expiration; Extension Of Time: Permits issued in accordance with the provisions of this chapter shall expire at the end of the period of time as set forth in the permit. If the permittee shall be unable to complete the work within the time period, he/she shall, prior to the expiration of the permit, present in writing to the village a request for an extension of time, setting forth therein the reasons for the requested extension. If in the opinion of the village engineer such an extension is necessary and not contrary to the public interest, he/she may grant the permittee additional time for completion of the work. (Ord. G-637, 7-13-1999)