A.   Any person, group, civic organization or other entity may request special police or fire services by a written application to the police or fire chief. The chief of the department requested, shall review the application and determine whether or not the requested service can be performed without additional cost to the village and without adversely affecting the normal operation of the department.
   B.   If the chief determines with the concurrence of the village manager that the requested services will disrupt the normal operation of the department or will result in additional expense to the village, the applicant will be informed that a charge will be made by the village for the special services.
   C.   If the applicant agrees to payment of the charge, the chief shall assign one or more officers to said special duty not to exceed twenty (20) hours per week, per officer.
   D.   The charge to the applicant, payable to the village, shall include:
      1.   A rate per hour per officer for each hour served on the special duty based upon one point five (1.5) times the mean salary set for grade 26 of the village of Oak Brook salary schedule;
      2.   The costs of any additional payroll taxes incurred by the village to provide the special event services; and
      3.   An administrative fee equal to six percent (6%) of all of the charges set forth in subsections D1 and D2 of this section.
Such charges shall be for a minimum period of two (2) hours and shall be paid by the applicant within thirty (30) days of the date of the invoice therefor.
   E.   The person or persons serving at special events shall be paid the amount listed in subsection D1 of this section by the village for the same, less the usual deductions for payroll purposes. At no time will village employees accept wages for services directly from the applicant. (Ord. G-1017, 12-10-2013)